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Drag Star 125cc START UP ISSUE


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Good day to y'all.

I have a problem. Recently my drag star has fallen ill and won't start up. Battery went flat, got it recharged, tried again... It seems to be turning over, however even with choke opened it seems to be suffocating and cuts off. Managed to get it started at some point and accelerated a bit to keep it revving a bit higher and alive but as soon as released the gas it stalled again. Any ideas what's going on? Bike hasn't moved in last two months, before all was fine. Is it just me needing new battery or problem is a lot deeper?

Thanks in advance


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If all was fine before it was laid up, then it's going to be related to the fuel and the carb. Whilst 2 months is not a long time, its not unusual, the fuel if left tends to evaporate in the carb leaving behind a sticky brown substance, called petrol gum or other terms, It can form anywhere where any fuel is. The likely area being the jets inside the carb. The starter or idle jet, when that gets gummed up, you get symptoms like you describe, difficulty starting and difficulty maintaining revs. I'd start there, take it apart and clean it out. We'll help you through it if its new to you.

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Yup, sounds like fuel issues like Neo said.
Protect your battery (don't run it dry) and keep trying. It may burn its self out.

Alternatively, does your choke feel normal? Cable could have snapped or got stuck...
If you can keep it running long enough to warm up properly, and it's happy at that point, it could be the choke.

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Choke feels ok, can't see the reason why it would've snapped while been stood for 2 months either if that makes sense.

She needs new tyres as well as the ones she has now have cracked up pretty badly, another thing I'm not sure why.

Again, me being complete noob...

As for now, I will leave it for garage to sort out as I need it running... It's my last 2 weeks on notice period, then getting redundant, so I kind of need it up and running 🙂 

Thank you guys for advice. It's always pleasure to visit these forums. 

All the love💪❤️


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Good luck...

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