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NE0 is still alive!

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Hi Guys, yes its me!

I know I haven't been around for a while, well years actually!!!! but you'll be pleased to know I'm still alive and kicking.....and so is the DT.

I've just posted an update to the DT175MX 12v Conversion following a prompt from Alex and i thought it best to do a little post at the same time.

The DT has been reliable and relativley trouble free and by that very nature there's been nothing to report on save for a big end failure a few years ago. However, a quick rebore and new piston saw the bike back up and running within a couple of weeks and back on the road getting me to and fro from work on a near daily basis. I've put just over 2000 miles per annum on the clock year on year and everythings been good. The 12v conversion has equally been doing its job without any problems and to be fair I've forgotton about it, it just works.

Wheras the DT has certainly being clocking up the miles, my 400/4 hasn't! Over the same length of time Its probably only done about 200 miles, only coming out on fine days and when I can be bothered to move everything to get it out the shed! On the plus side the 400/4 is now tax and MOT free so I should make use of it more, especially now I've retired!

Yup, last year I decided after 40 years of work it was time to hang up my uniform and retire, i know it seems I've now got all the time in the world but I now find there's so much to do, which I've neglected over the years............I dont know where I'm going to find the time to do it all, doesn't appear to be enough hours in a day to do everything!

On top of that my wifes decided its time to move, and I'm having to do the house up to sell it, the house looks a bit tired so I'm having to decorate it all to get it presentable, well you wouldn't sell your car without making sure it all works and is all washed and polished to show it off at its best, would you?  I feel the same goes for selling your house,  got to smarten it up to get the best price. So it's all hands to the pump to achieve it, its not as if I havent got the time to do it!......oh wait ..........I haven't!!

(You'll notice I didnt say 'sell your motorbike" in the above text, I mean ........why would anyone want to to that?!........you just can't sell them after all those years together!!! )

So there you go folks, a quick update. I'll try and make more than a guest appearence in the future!

all the best NE0.

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Hi Neo, welcome back, good luck on the move (eventually)

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Yeh good to hear from you,..:wavey:/  this place is gettin busy again, after a lull,                         

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Thanks chaps, nice to see the core group still going strong too, I see Cynic is also around .

One quick post and it seems like I've not been away! ......actually yes it does!....I accept its been a couple of years!....trouble is, I belong to so many forums I had to curtail my activity as I wasn't getting anything done! So it's not just you folks that haven't seen me either.! 

Edited by NE0
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  • Moderator
7 hours ago, NE0 said:

, I see Cynic as also around .


Who me?B)

Neo... Neo... rings a bell. Hmmmm

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ahhh there he is.

Ding Dong...................................(rings a bell)

  • Haha 1
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