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I have a 1993 XJ400S imported (from Japan I believe) the 4BP engine. I have no service manual for it and was wanting to check the clearances, set the carbs properly etc. I am pretty new to tinkering but know my way around pretty well. Does anyone know where I might find a service manual or one that would be compatible? I have searched quite a few places with nothing found. 

I have found a XJ600S manual (4BR,  4BR2, 4EB1 & 4DS1) from 1992 - I know this is a bigger engine model and this might sound like a stupid question but will the valve clearances be similar? 

Any help would be much appreciated.



(no doubt the first post of many!!)

HI Dan, pretty sure all the tolerances will be different, no one is that lucky..! If you can't find the exact model manual then just Google it and see if anything out there matches your needs, sometimes you can find separate pages rather than the whole thing on the net. Someone somewhere will have posted about your bike and they will have had the same problem.

Found this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-MOTORBIKE-PARTS-LIST-MANUAL-XJ400S-4BP1-JAPANESE-E837012-1-114BP-010J1/152872491691?epid=629461846&hash=item2397e91aab:g:yLoAAOSwTuJYxW6Q on ebay but at £27 a bit steep and it's a parts manual not a service manual.

Also found this one BUT it's in Italian so your gunna have to translate it using Google translate, but better than nothing https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-YAMAHA-1986-SERVICE-MANUAL-XJ400-500-550/351476248151?hash=item51d59dee57:g:A5MAAOSwN2VZUSBx again it's £35 so not a cheap option.

So right after you read this your gunna hopefully do 2 things, one is say "Hello" in the new members section (folks like to know your not a one hit info only wonder) and second look at the adverts I put up, but if I can find those in 3 minutes you might find one even better in time.



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Its a pretty rudimentary rule of thumb but as far as it goes you would expect .015 for the inlet and .025 for the exhaust.

An ohc engine is what it is and they all share the same tech. Just measure them cold and see what they are, with shims normally you only need 2. If at all. Unless its been neglected in the oil department there should be little to mess with.

I had a 600 Suzuki, put 35000 miles on it with good oil and changed the shims around once. That was .01-15 and 0.02-25 as well.


  • Author

Hi Cynic & Slice,


Thank you for the replies I will have a look and see what I can sort. Already having problems so will likely start a new thread :D.






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