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Hi all,

im restoring my 99 Fazer, everything is going to plan, i have one missing link, decent silicone hoses. I cannot find anybody that makes a kit for the mk1 fazy, i got in touch with Samco Sport. A nice chap let me know that if could get the interest of 25 people they would consider making a kit.

so anybody interested?

  • Moderator

worth putting it out on yam forum facebook too


i'd get prices too, whos is going to commiit to something unknown?

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No need to commit to anything, simply show an interest.

triying the fazer oc just having problems get in.

thoose hoses are for a 03 onwards, i can get thoose no problem, what i proposing is for the mk1 97 to 03 models.

  • Moderator

What about these guys, granted there not hose kits but with the various elements they sell you can replace all the hose elements on the fazers pipework. Quite a few have metal parts to them on the fazer if my grey matter is working.


Could you swap the metal parts across (assuming condition) and remake the hoses to suit?

If you can get onto FOC-U the Fazer owners web forum, you'll get all the answers you need. I joined in 30 secs and I'm a technological Neanderthal.

Hey, if you trying to get on foccers forum on Tapatalk you won't be able to now they have stop support with it but just log in from your browser and you'll be fine,

PS I would be very much interested in a set of silicon hose for my fzs600 99

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the response guys, finalally managed to join FOC today, turned out it didn't like my email address.

left a post posing the question and have had interest already!, grand news we might just get it done.

if anyone is interested here is the link:http://foc-u.co.uk/index.php/topic,21803.0.html


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