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Hi folks, well this is just me VENTING you understand plus you can learn for my mistake? Ok so been meaning to remove and repaint the centre stand, easy right? So first thing remove the bolts, only one of the bolts is the wrong way in, it should face out not inwards, this way you have to remove the entire exhaust to get one bolt out FFS! No prob just cut the head off and punch it through, out with the grinder and happily whip the head off and you guessed it, wrong frigging end, really must pay more attention when laying on your back in the dark under the bike. Cut the other end off and still wont come out so I have to remove the sodding central suspension linkage and drop the suspension out BEFORE the bloody bolt will pass through, success Yippee it falls out like grass through a goose. I now have the bike propped up with a jack under the middle of the bike cos I was only going to remove a bolt! Need to move the jack to get the linkage out so I can grease it while it's off, a job I was going to do later in the dark of winter, so lower the bike not thinking about what I have just done but thinking about how I was going to remove a BOLT! I'm on the side stand side of the bike so is the jack slowly lower bike and it falls away from me like a slow motion film LOUD CRASH lot's of BANG'S a WALLPOP noise and I now have a broken rear wheel hugger and a bent brake lever plus a fair few chunks missing from the edge of the fairing. Pause here to add your own sound track which can if you wish have every swear word you have ever heard plus make up a few new ones!!!! I now have 700 pounds of bike on it's side and a damaged back, I walk with a stick by the way. Wife wanders in at this moment to ask "Is everything OK?"  I rarely if ever swear in front of my wife, I'm of a generation that treats the female side of the population with deference and some large amount of courtesy due to our mistaken belief that they need our protection from the world around us. "No everything is fine Dear nothing going on here that would interest you" this while trying to lift the bike into something like an upright position while my back is telling me that your going to pay for this later mate! Finally get it upright, but of course it wont stay upright without the suspension in it will it? Scrabble around for something to bung under it to keep it upright while I try to figure out how to stop it falling over again. Rubber mallet it nearby so shove that under the footrest and slowly lower it onto that and bingo it is upright and holding it's own, finally figure out that the new step ladder is just right with 2 ratchet straps hanging from it will stop it falling and that I should have done this BEFORE I took the sodding suspension off. So the lesson I have learned here is before you tackle a SIMPLE job make sure you have everything to hand to prevent your bike falling over when your being a tit and not concentrating on the thing you started out to do. This little excursion has cost me 3 days of time and probably £200 in repairs for a 50 pence bolt but I now have a shiny painted centre stand. Oh and the suspension has been greased.

Think most of us have had days like this at some time. something when you know your better than this and still can't believe how stupid you've just been.

Mate I feel your pain. Dropped mine moving it in the shed once, id have got away with it but for the tub of degreaser it fell onto, smashed my indicator and cracked the rad cowl lol

Sent from my E6553 using Tapatalk

Sorry but just had to larf - brilliant :lol:

Don't take this the wrong way but it felt like I just looked into a mirror.

The stupid things I have gotten into in my garage with the saving broom stick, piece of string, bit of 2x2 just out of reach ;)


  • Moderator

there's days when you need to just shut the garage door ands walk away.

No matter what you do, it not happening.

As Monty would day, Always look onthe bright side of life

  • Author

Thank you all, I still feel like a total twat but if I had it on film it would make a good comedy sketch. I now have the front fork seals to do, sooo looking forward to that! :shrug:

1 hour ago, slice said:

Thank you all, I still feel like a total twat but if I had it on film it would make a good comedy sketch. I now have the front fork seals to do, sooo looking forward to that! :shrug:

Film it please :P

5 hours ago, slice said:

I still feel like a total twat  :shrug:

Well, we haven't said anything to the contrary, have we ........... :rolleyes:

  • Moderator

Oh dear been there, sorry mate but.... :lol:

Oh the forks, just remember when working on the bike, if you have taken the forks off for work don't think its a good idea to whip out the back while there being done. Don't ask how I know. <_<

  • 4 weeks later...

i feel your pain:rolleyes:. 

on the up side at least i know im not the only one that has shit days like that,,

Yeh slicy ,   having old style roof trusses are  a god send , ,  ratchet  up, and slip out wheel and forks, . but then yours is a  tank, 350kg, gulp.

Without even looking at the profile, I knew this was an FJR!!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author

Thanks Kev, yeah desperation seems to be the mother of invention.

when I buy the FJ I also buy this ... just to be sure :)))

Shouldn't need one of those for the FJ, Lall... It's just the FJR they derped on during design, whereby you can't service the centrestand or suspension linkages without taking the back end off!!

  • 2 weeks later...

I think the most retarded thing I ever managed to do to my bike was, whilst trying to remove a sized engine mount bolt, give up and put the nut back on the bolt (the nut came off but the bolt was stuck in), forget I put the nut on, put another nut on, crank it down and strip the nut on the bolt that was seized, which already had a nut on it anyway. Meaning I now can't even get the first good nut off the now half stripped bolt. 

But the two nuts and the sized bolts are still in the bike, I can't remove them so looks like they're staying until the bottom end goes and I'm forced to drill it. Properly stupid of me, but ohh well, I learnt my lesson. 

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