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Finally Happened

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On my home from work yesterday and I got took out. As I was exiting a roundabout some idiot has nudged into the back of my bike and knocked me down. I've then slid up the road (dual carriageway) into the kerb and then into the central reservation. The POS has hit and run. Meanwhile Im trapped under my bike in shock and dazed and every one just drives past bare in mind this is rush hour. Anyway I got the bike off me and got to my feet and slumped over the central reservation. Eventually a guy stopped and asked if I was ok etc.I asked him to pick my bike up as my hand and knee were totalled. 

So my knee is out of it. The muscle is exposed and the palm of my hand is really sore. I come off lucky. I was able to get together, dust myself off and ride home.The bike is just scratched and my fork protectors are knackered but apart from that ok.

Because I had boots and a proper jacket on it saved me a lot of injuries. The only things I regret is (yes I know don't rub it in) I wasn't wearing gloves it was really hot and humid and I wasn't wearing kevlar jeans. Lesson learned.

Ride safe guys and always wear your gear.

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Hell's teeth Grouch if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all mate. Do you even know what sort of car it was? have you called the police and reported it? Did you get the name of the guy who helped you out? If you haven't called the police they can't help you, someone might be a good guy and report the accident to the police but you'll never know if you don't call them, DO IT TODAY ! Just explain what happened and you never know they might be able to help, it's what they are there for after all. Get well soon mate but take this as a lesson on what to wear even when it's hot and uncomfortable.

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Sorry to hear that mate, what a bellend! Talk about being a waste of a good man's grub.

Lesson learnt on the gear, you could've come off worse!

Sent from my E6553 using Tapatalk

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Wow! Sorry to hear this Grouch! So glad you're ok! Hope you can find (and nail) the cager! :madflame: 

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Roundabouts... fucking roundabouts. And the fucking cunts who drive among us. And the lesser spotted fucking cunts who don't stop to help a man lying under his bike at the side of the road. Really sorry about this Grouch, I hope there's some cctv footage of this...

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:madflame: bastards!!

Get well soon Grouch. Hopefully your bike isn't too damaged and the police will get their finger out. Hit and run isn't something they should take lightly. Of you have no luck with them contact your Police & Crime Commissioner or local MP. Lucky you weren't killed or worse.

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Thanks guys. Luckily I put some fork protectors on so they have saved a lot. Other than that just cosmetic damage. 

The things we go through for our love of bikes.

knee after off 1.jpg

knee after off 2.jpg

knee after off 4.jpg

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Sorry to hear this Grouch, it's a sad world we live in when folks ignore someone on the ground. However I am glad you're ok.

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Fuckin' Bastard!!! I hope he dies screaming ! And every numpty feckin' Gobshite that drove past while you were on the deck  On the plus side , I wouldn't worry about the cosmetic damage ,  from the looks of it your knees weren't going to turn any womans legs to jelly anyway ! lol. Seriously though , glad you can tell the tale Grouch , get well soon . And go to the copshop and report it rather than wait for them to get round to it . I hope they catch the scumbag bastard !

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Just saw the pictures Grouch, you have to get that looked at mate, as NSD said it need treating before it becomes infected, DON'T just leave it and play the hard man get it treated and then if they do catch the fucker you have the proof to make the bastard pay! Another good idea to put it out there on social media someone might just have seen it happen or even seen you on the floor (and driven by WANKER) but their conscience might prick them in to coming forward.

Make your social media as graphic as you can, lot's of blood and close ups might get it circulated a bit more, you know how gory some folks are.

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Bugger Grouch.

Every bikers' nightmare.

Hope you/they catch the barstuard ......and make him pay through the nose.

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7 hours ago, slice said:

Just saw the pictures Grouch, you have to get that looked at mate, as NSD said it need treating before it becomes infected, DON'T just leave it and play the hard man get it treated and then if they do catch the fucker you have the proof to make the bastard pay! Another good idea to put it out there on social media someone might just have seen it happen or even seen you on the floor (and driven by WANKER) but their conscience might prick them in to coming forward.

Make your social media as graphic as you can, lot's of blood and close ups might get it circulated a bit more, you know how gory some folks are.

Haha I wasn't playing the hard man. I just couldn't bare to sit in the A&E in Bradford for 8 hours.

I went today. Had it x-rayed and its not broken and my ligaments are fine. It's been cleaned up properly and I will make a full recovery. It's just going to be sore for a while. I'm going to get some kevlar jeans and wear them now.

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Glad to hear you're not too badly hurt.  Not surprised nobody stopped.  I was taken off in June, again in rush hour, and not a single person (apart from the tit who knocked me off) stopped to help.

Hope you get better quickly and I hope the police find the fuckpig and nail his testicles to a wall.

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