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Interesting. According to the article, they're assuming the insurance industry folks have made accurate conclusions, but "...there isn’t a detailed breakdown of the statistics to check how the conclusions have been reached." I saw 20 professions listed (with worst 10 and best 10), but how many more professions were included? What was the number of men compared to women in each profession (not that I'm saying men are better drivers :eusa_shifty:)? What are their ages? The list goes on. Statistics can be misleading... especially when they don't give you all the information. :eusa_think:

To me it seams that the person who wrote this artical dosn't like any of the listed prefessions and is having a dig at all of them.

My top three worst drivers are:

  1. people with hats...............baseball cap = young inexperianced chav who think they are Hamleton or Flat caps = OAP who can just about see over the steering wheel
  2. Folk with hands free ear device..............cought up in this mornings meeting and still drinking their coffee wife has made in their favorite mug
  3. Teenagers with more than one in the car.

I like to give all them a wide birth in my personal opinion. "some" are ok and capable drivers but i like to treat eveyone on the road the same and try to stay away as best i can

  • Moderator

I spend more time on the roads than most folk and I can say that every single person on the roads me included does something stupid every so often.

That I can forgive its the 'I'm more important than you are' idiots that annoy me, women with kids in the car driving dangerously.

Saw an accident this very morning, merc and a van, if one or the other had actually slowed up and let the other through it wouldn't have happened. But they were both trying to get in front of the other and ran out of road.

  • Moderator

best accident I saw was a woman putting lipstick on and using her rear view mirror to see properly. Oh yes, she was driving too.


Soon as I clocked her i moved to another lane just as she she ploughed into the car in front

13 hours ago, drewpy said:

best accident I saw was a woman putting lipstick on and using her rear view mirror to see properly. Oh yes, she was driving too.


Soon as I clocked her i moved to another lane just as she she ploughed into the car in front

Amazing - There is a weird sense of achievement when you see these things coming. Approaching a roundabout I saw a Merc and a HGV. - Generally at lights I would get up front but the way the Merc had been driving I thought I would hang back.  Lights change - both vehicles attempt to go round in one lane. - Bit of squeeze eh and a few £K's of damage

19 hours ago, Sacha said:

Interesting. According to the article, they're assuming the insurance industry folks have made accurate conclusions, but "...there isn’t a detailed breakdown of the statistics to check how the conclusions have been reached." I saw 20 professions listed (with worst 10 and best 10), but how many more professions were included? What was the number of men compared to women in each profession (not that I'm saying men are better drivers :eusa_shifty:)? What are their ages? The list goes on. Statistics can be misleading... especially when they don't give you all the information. :eusa_think:

Insurance companies use actuarial tables - which can be hard to understand/predict - you will notice weird changes if you are doing insurance quotes online and change something which you assume would increase the cost (for example increasing the value of vehicle - must make price go up right? - not always - adding a second driver who does not have full license must make it go up right? again not always!)

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