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Hi all

I have been given a sweet motorcycle a few days back that i am trying to get going. I am a possum trapper and this would make thing alot better!! 

It was found by my neighbour in the ditch after a big landslide blocked the old raod for several weeks a couple years ago. 

I have done some basic things to try to get it going as in clean the carb/atempted to rewire it ect but i still have no luck.

I am trying to find more information about the bike but it is an old one with a 9 digit VIN that i can not find 

16A-000181 on frame and on engine 

I am new to this forum, new to Yamaha bikes!! and i was hoping some of you good folks could help me decode it and get it back running!! 

I will put pics up and document my progress if we can work this out ! 

Thanks alll

Photo on 6-06-16 at 1.16 AM.jpg

Photo on 6-06-16 at 1.15 AM.jpg

Hi, Welcome to the YOC. This post has a link to a document which identifies part number prefixs which also tells you what model from the prefix of 9 digit vin number.
16A looks like XT-125J -


Yamaha XT125 82  2.jpgG'day Mate,

That looks suspiciously like a Yamaha XT-250 ..... or what's left of it. 4 stroke 1 cylinder 250 CC

(Edit : must have missed Malleus post - I stand corrected ;) ..... ah well close enough  .... and pic replaced by correct one)

Although the exhaust on European models is on the LHS but this could be a previous owner bastardisation.



Good luck IDWAP


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