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My SR has developed a noticeable rattle in the engine, but I'm a bit of a bike retard so I don't know what it actually is, does this sound like a crankshaft bearing? Only thing I know is its a long job to fix so another question is if I have a problem with the bottom end how long is it safe to keep riding?


Small end? It's there alright but difficult to pick out from the rest of the engine noise, try a long handled screwdriver up against the top and bottom of the engine and put your ear to it and see if you can narrow it down a bit, like a stethoscope your doctor uses. Should tell you at least where to start looking anyway.

Had another listen might be a bit to deep a noise for a small end, sorry need to see it and listen up close to be sure.

Yip it aint the Big end anyway,  its more of a rumble ,  dosnt sound bad,   cam chain maybe,  check the oil level,  and I wudna worry ,as these are hardy little engines

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checked the valve clearances and the cam chain tensioner?

I'd start be checking little things like valve clearances and cam chain tension. You can put a screwdriver tip the the engine and use it to listen, almost like a stethoscope, that will allow you to figure out where the noise is coming from. Difficult to tell from the video, sound quality wasn't even near what you can hear in person. 

One post wonder!

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Thanks guys I'll give it a listen. Also another problem I have is occasional lumpy throttle and sputtering at stable RPMS. I'm pretty sure I caused this a while back by running the reserve tank dry as I didn't realise that it was actually on reserve - I know, shoot me, ridiculous mistake - but I believe it pulled some dirt into the fuel system and into the carb, problem is I don't have the tools or the knowhow as it stands to be able to disassemble the carb and the jets to try to localise or fix the problem :-/ has anyone else had this same issue and know how long it takes just so I could get an idea of costs?

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Simple, you do have a manual?

If you haven't get one, there nothing more worth saying otherwise if you have no spanner knowledge.

I'd put money on it being the cam chain tensioner needs adjusting or the chain replaced. Occasional tick over lumps.... cold engine? Probably would help to strip the carb down and give it a clean etc. YouTube is brilliant for simple tasks like that, if you feel comfortable after watching someone else do it that is!

Lumpy throttle occurred with mine when the air filter was blocked. I cleaned the carb at the same time though so not sure which was the culprit. Including boiling the carb clean (can't afford a sonic cleaner) took me a couple of hours. But, as cynic said if you don't know what each end of a spanner is for, will take much longer and could lead to expensive bills. Search YouTube!

this appears to be a pretty good one - slider carb same as the SR. It is easy to do, just take pics at every disassembly stage so you know everything is going back right!

Just one more thing - there is a workshop area for workshop type queries.......


and a New Members section for New Members. 

Youll get a lot more help if you introduce yourself first!

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