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Hi all, following on from my last post about my electrics, I've now found out that I need to re-wire the stator plate, CDI, regulator/rectifier and ignition coil together. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance


Then youll require the electrical schematic for whatever bike it is that you have. Google it

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I googled it for DTR125 and copied it all into 2 A3 sheets of paper (took a few days haha) but I just don't understand it or where to start.

ive googled for hours so hoped I could get some advice from the experts :D


Have you got a complete wiring loom for the bike, or are you starting from scratch?

I see from one of your previous posts that you have the Haynes for the bike. There is usually a full electrical schematic at the back

Edited by neversaydie
additional info

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I can read them easily. Thats 4 years of technical college for you.

If you have no idea then you will do better buying a loom. Even an old dirty one to dissasemble. Then you can build up just what you need.

Explaining wiring looms on a forum will be nigh impossible to a standard where you can build one, if you really are struggling with electics pulling some looms apart will help a lot.

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Ok I'll start from the top I bought the bike last year in pieces off a freind. I had to buy radiator and bracket, frame, suspension linkage and had to get Yamaha to put bearings in £130 :blink: and pegs gear shifter and other bling you bits I spent all Christmas putting it together and looks great so the loom was in bits so looked at a post on here by a guy called 'vez' and said you only need the basic things so decided to try and build one my self not the greatest ideas I've spent hours looking at the diagram and managed to cut the relevant pieces off the loom I think all I need to know is how to join the circuit as such I'm frustrated now weather going to get better pretty soon and want to get out as soon as she's done thanks 


Right , av just done my DT 400 & 250,    THE 250 WAS POINTS,   its now CDI,   the crutial circuit to make it run,  is the power from soarse coil, [  red/white- brown - black ]  these plug into the corisponding 3 prong plug, on CDI .[ COLOURS MAY differ, slightly], now out the other side of CDI.  THERE IS  Orange- to coil, black/white,- ignition switch, black- earth,. that should get you running, the yellow & white are lights,

[ off other coil] lightimg,

  • Author

Thanks that does sound quite easy actually how do I connect electric start into the equation sorry to be a pain 

Yeh , basically the same as my 1976  SET-UP.  ,  starter ?  it needs a relay- soliniod- :headscratch::headscratch::headscratch:

Too hard to describe,,  take pics of your bits " ,,:rolleyes:  and post on here,    bike bits that is,, :D

  • Moderator

It really gets my goat when people don't answer the questions that other forum members who are trying to help have asked, kinda puts people off from any further help, I refer to neversaydie and he asked "Have you got a complete wiring loom for the bike, or are you starting from scratch? "

but didn't get an answer!,

Clearly you are desperate to get sorted but you should look after people who show an interest better than that


I see neversaydie hasn't posted anything since...coincidence do you think?

  • Author

Sorry I must of missed the post I wouldn't deliberately not answer it wasn't intentional I do have a full loom well I did lol I kind of hacked the bits off that I knew wet defiantly relivant but then someone mentioned a relay and maybe the side stand switch sothough i was doing well but now not so sure 

apologies again neversaydie ;)

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