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Rant Rant
Moan Moan!

Probably should post this in workshop, but I need a moan too.

On the way to work today, thinking "hmm, that engine sounds a little off...", stopped at a junction... and the engine stalled. Tried to start it back up; it'd catch then instantly die again.
Discovered that if I gave it some initial revs it'd keep running. If I slowly rolled off the throttle, it'd keep running. If I blipped it, or quickly rolled off, it'd instantly stall.

Now, I think it was fine in getting off, because the engine temp was only ~50C and the EFI was still giving it a bit more welly. Once it warmed up, it was back to normal, and the basically the idle speed is too low.
I could increase that up a bit, but that feels like slapping a plaster over the issue. Which I don't know what it is.

Options include clogged jets; crud on the fuel filter; or bad clearance on the spark plugs. Those are ones I can think of, but could be wrong.

Oil level is on the low side, but still fine. However, coolant is stupid low [oops]
Add to this my chain being on the last legs because I neglected to keep it lubed and the O-rings have fucked up on about 6 links, amounts to "I can't afford that at this time of the year!"


I mean, it was fine on Sunday!

IS it stil on warranty  capt "    could be T,P.sensor,     or moisture  in the conection ,  . it needs plugged in to  see what fault code is.

  • Author

nope, out of warranty, unfortunately.

Bugger me " how long you had it ,? , Aint a year yet , :eusa_doh:

  • Author

It was only a 6 month warranty with the place. And chances are, anything wrong is something I've not done properly. I've had the bikeabout 9 months now
I don't think it's a major fault of any kind. And more just a "normal wear and tear"

  • Moderator

also could get water in the fuel. I have used Millars dry fuel which suspends water in the fuel to be burned off in the engine

Id be tempted to set the idle speed to what it says in the owners manual. Whats that, around 1,000 to 1,200? Then see if the problem goes

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It's always sat around 1k revs, for as long as I've had it

Could just be the cold weather, set it 1100 that's not sticking a plaster on it. oh and clean the plugs or even pop in a new set. 

  • Author

I have done - since I've discovered that while the bike has been 1000 idle since I got it, it's meant to be 1250...

But, 40C-60C, it still does the "start->die" thing

However, got myself a few more things, so I can pop off the tank and have a look at the plugs.

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And more possible fun - went to go about replacing the coolant and discovered that while the reservoir is practically empty, the radiator itself could not be any fuller.

I don't know if this is an actual issue - some places say potential blockage, others say this is fine, just needs a top up.
[Of course, discovered that a litre bottle of coolant isn't actually enough, as that's how much it takes to fill the radiator and all pipes, with another 0.25l for the reservoir ¬_¬]

I also now wonder if the petrol/burning smell that I've been getting is actually burning coolant [because I realised it's not petrol I was smelling]

So, tried to get the tank off yesterday, but could I get the bleed and overflow pipes off? Could I buggery. Which put a stopper on doing anything underneath it. Hell, I couldn't even unclip the plugs for the sensor and pump.
I suck at bike maintenance.

I feel it's time to call in the professionals. ):

  • Moderator

Litre of coolant not enough?, you didn't buy the ready mixed rip off did you?, that litre of antifreeze should make up 3, maybe 4 litres of actual coolant depending on the strength you need.

I never ride in nut crushingly cold so could have a weak -5 strength. As the TDR only holds a dribble of coolant anyway I keep it at factory strength.

  • Author

Radiator + pipes is 2 litres. And yeah, I bought premix, because I'd screw it up otherwise. And because I ride all year round, I don't want to do that.
Not that it matters right now - not used it.

  • Moderator
6 hours ago, captf said:

Radiator + pipes is 2 litres. And yeah, I bought premix, because I'd screw it up otherwise. And because I ride all year round, I don't want to do that.
Not that it matters right now - not used it.


You already did.

  • Author

Screw it up more, then. I've not actually done anything to it yet. Beyond the redex, and I'm not sure if that even did anything new.

  • Author

How odd...

It appears to be running fine again. Only thing I've done is drain half of the petrol that was in the tank.
Gonna test run to work tomorrow, and then I'll get it in for a service soon.

Anti freeze "  you southern softies won"t need it ,.   its hardly been below 15 degrees down there ,  :P

  • Author

Tell me about it, it's been a positively balmy winter so far.
People have been complaining, at times, that it's cold and wet.
Pfft. It ain't Glasgow wet!

  • Moderator

Have to agree there. 

Hardly had a proper frost. Weather was colder at squires.

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