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I was at work today and I got a phone call from my mum saying the police were at my address and that they had pulled over a van containing my bike.

The pricks had come into the car park (Shared by Leicestershire police) and put the bike in their van. They managed to make it 3 miles with the bike before being pulled over for looking shifty as f**k.

I have posted my place of work and the fact I had a new bike on this forum, and I do wonder if they have been scouting on here and decided to come and collect it.

Needless to say, I will be chaining it to a lamppost from now on (When I eventually get it back from the police)

One of the guys has been caught, and the other 2 ran off.

Funny thing is, I am an IT technician and I have access to all of the CCTV footage, which has already been handed to the police. Hope they get what they deserve, and if I ever see anyone touching my bike again, the tools I carry with me will develop a new purpose...

Any of you guys had any similar experiences?

What do you guys think of a Oxford GPS tracker?

somebody try to take my bike from the driveway 1 year ago... they fail to broke the bike  immobilizer and 280 kg of bike I guess don`t give them to much confidence to take it in a van. I don`t leave the bike on the driveway, the bike was just 3-4 times on the driveway in 3 years, but was enough. I guess the alarm has start the warning beeps and scare them. at this point I decide to chance the shity datatool alarm with the last generation of scorpio alarm. you have range half mile and if the place where you park is in this range, you get noticed by the pager something is wrong with your bike. this is not a cheap alarm but you can find some cheap alarms, around 60 pounds, with almost same features. with this alarm, the bike still start easy after one week of inactivity, so, is not fuckin` your battery. I have no idea about cheap versions unfortunately. I know most of you don`t like alarms, but for me this is perfect. you can set is to not make noises and you just get noticed on the pager. in my opinion an alarm is better than 10 chains and a garage... well, if you are not to faraway from the bike :). ofcourse, if they want take it, they will take it, no mater what you have on the bike. just make it less tempting.

As Lassy is saying if they want it they will get it, GPS tracker just tells you where the tracker is not the bike, they strip it down in about 2 hours and the parts are gone before you get home from work. If you can find one of those things that sends you a text message when your bike is being fucked with that might be the answer, the YBR seems to be THE bike to steal unfortunately.

I have posted my place of work and the fact I had a new bike on this forum, and I do wonder if they have been scouting on here and decided to come and collect it.

It is conceivable... but then that's why most people don't post much personal information online and why (despite the mocking of certain members) I am so adamant that we don't post information on how to pick locks, remove immobilisers and the like.

A scrote may well be able to find all the bike-thieving instruction they need online, but that doesn't mean we should make it any easier for them!

That's bad luck, but also good they were stopped.

Unfortunately smaller bikes are easier to steal because they don't weigh as much so easier to quickly stick in a van, I would say it was just opportunist that had spotted your new bike, whenever I leave mine I always try to chain it to something, steering lock, disc lock goes on as well, and it also has an alarm and immobiliser.

Make is as difficult as possible for someone to take it, and chances are they will look for an easier target.


  • Author

Cheers for the advice guys. My colleague has lent me his oxford lock, and when I retrieve the bike (fingers crossed today) Then I will be chaining it to anything I can when I leave it anywhere.

Just remember, when you chain it to a lamp post that dog's piss up lamp posts, not nice to find your shiny lock feels warm on a cold night  :lol:

    I have posted my place of work and the fact I had a new bike on this forum, and I do wonder if they have been scouting on here and decided to come and collect it.

I doubt it's from that, just coincidence.

It's either an opportunist that happened to pass in a van, or they've seen the new bike going around and followed for a bit, to scope it out.
125s are hot commodities, due to the demand for them in the UK. Easy as hell for them to be shifted as a whole or for parts.

100% get a good quality chain. If I'm going anywhere that I'll be leaving the bike, I'll just take it in a backpack

Definitely glad it was recovered though.

Glad it was recovered. I was worried about this happening as the bike is so light. At first I was really cautious with disc lock, huge chain. (neither of which are convenient to carry around!) Then after a year I kind of stopped caring and have not used either, I figured these were not popular to steal. Maybe they just don't like the look of mine...

What do you guys think of a Oxford GPS tracker?

Sounds like a good idea, but looking at the size of it probably wont be difficult to find!

friend of mine had his bike stolen a couple of years ago but now uses one of those plastic coated s/s woven wire cables and a padlock with a very small locking piece, i think it looks good and is probably quite a deterrent but if they want your bike they will take it

  • Moderator

I have those sold secure gold U locks, I can tuck it down my jacket or put it in the rucksack.


supposed to be anti car jack as well (what they use on U locks)

BTW they will still get to your bike, but with sold secure it takes longer for them to do it so puts them off.

Thieving scum ,! I'm glad they got reefed . I've had a few bikes nicked over the years , you don't usually get them back (although had a couple of "eventful" recoveries from scrotes back gardens etc )  You do need to lock the bike to something solid . Abus used to do a massive plastic coated steel rope with a loop at one end and a big steel shackle with a hole to fit the big Abus Granit lock through at the other . I had one but I feckin' lost it ! DUH ! 

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