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XTZ 750 Supermoto Saga (Maybe) !

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Here's the story .  Mate likes bikes , has a mint FZR250 , but he's 6'4'' and 15 st.    He arrives home  (dunno how it made it ) on a badly cared for XTZ750ST  which , through many mechanical interventions by me ,and much to my surprise , he hacked around on for the last few years .  Anyway , the poor old  XTZ recently shit a plank on the motorway . He got it vanned home and it was pronounced dead by yours truly the next day .   Nice one ! I thought , no more fixing that horrible fecking thing ! He'll buy himself a more modern/reliable bike and I can relax . I mean everything on the old bike was shagged . But not so fast !  Matey has other ideas ! He likes his old bike and doesn't want a different one . I tell him the only way to sort it is a replacement engine and that it would be easier and probably cheaper to buy a new bike .  

 " I have an engine in the van ", says our mechanically challenged hero .   "Bollocks!", says I .

"The wheels are f**ked beyond repair ", I told him .   " I have some in the van " , he said .  " A front one off an FZR 400/600 , not sure , and a back one off a Varadero ".  

 I kid you not !!

 So , assuming this supposedly "alright" engine works , I seem to have been nominated as mateys SuperMoto build guru , and have to put the wheels on the bike . ( It's gonna be f'n hideous , but he won't have it any other way ) . Please tell me one of you out there has attempted something as ridiculous as this and how to achieve it .  PLEASE!!

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Big hammer, whack it till it gives in or something falls off :lol: you gotta love some folks for their dedication and sheer fucking stupidity !!!:biglaugha: Give him what he wants and stand back making cooing noises like you really think it's great then run the fuck away. ugly_motorcycle_017_11272013.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well done you, so from now on your his "go to guy" is that right?

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"The Thing" went from Wexford to Donegal and back during the week .  I asked matey if he'd changed the oil filter or fixed the brakes like I told him before he left . Is there an oil filter ? he replied .  No reply on the brakes front . Truly , ignorance is bliss !!!???

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Oh well what's the worst that could happen????? https://youtu.be/5LEGhltmPLU

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P.s.  That was a Varadero 125 rear wheel .

Actually I'm now told the wheel is from a TDR 125 .

P.p.s   Sorry folks , (if anyone is interested )  , It's actually , positively a Diversion 600 rear wheel .  Our hero took my advice on board and decided to change the oil filter . Good man!   However he managed to shear one of the bolts holding the oil filter retaining plate .  Cue panicky text at 10pm .   ( Always try to get an early start so you'll be fresh and alert )  I rocked around to his next morn to have a look . It wasnt a total disaster , once the sump plate was removed ,the end of the bolt was protruding about 3mm from the thread and screwed out easily by hand .  So , a new gasket should see her right . I did however take the opportunity to remove the (barely functional ) rear brake , so he'll(I'll)  have to sort that and the  front brakes before the bike ventures on the road again (sigh of relief) .   I'll keep you posted , I'm sure this isn't the end of this one .

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I'm interested Kev, makes me smile every time. You just gotta be in awe of his technical skills and faith in "what's the worst that could happen?"Image result for emoticons laughing

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The lad wants to put the cast wheel on the bike which will entail sourcing two suitable discs and making plates for the brakes and a new tyre  , and maybe having to shim the discs/brakes in/out. I reckon he's better off lacing a new rim with new spokes onto his old hub . .the rim he has is oxidizng as I type .  If he gets a new rim he can use the brand new tyre he already has . Will he listen to reason ? Your guess is as good as mine . My guess is no .

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Oh dear, I think you have created a monster Kev.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re above -- BIG HAMMER! :lol:

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My two cents, for what it,s worth. Actively encourage him to buy the Mille. Tell him it,s an  absolutely rock-solid, unburstable machine. When he discovers the truth, it,ll put him off bikes for life.....problem solved!

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