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These guys have been following me about and making me feel uneasy. I'm sure they want to drag me in the bushes and have their way with me. To feel a bit safer I have bought a rape alarm. 


Only joking. I saw somewhere ages ago (probably on here) that rigging a rape alarm to your bike makes a good little security device. I managed to get one from somewhere but lost it. I found it yesterday at the back of some drawers so I'm going to rig it up to my bike. It will wake me up if it goes off. They're a great cost effective form of security. You can even probably get one for free.

I wonder if you can still hear that alarm (140db) if the rapeboys that fallow you will push it in your a**. I find one in garage 1 year ago, I had no idea what it is lol, I was thinking is some baggage alarm. anyway, very poor quality was working just 4-5 times when I activate it. speaking about cheap security devices, few years ago, after they steal my push bike that I come from romania, I build in the front yard an alarm using a door wireless bell and an fridge lighter switcher, the rear wheel of the bike, sitting on the switcher. is good to have it at home if you leave the bike outside over the night and you are home.

but now, because I grow up, (well, not me, the bike is a yamaha, not a dhs romanian bike) I brought an scorpio sr- i900 allarm. and i`m f happy with it.

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This one is really loud. I will easily hear it. I keep my bike in the garden because I don't have a garage so it is just a bit of extra security.

as they say at asda ! every little counts.

That was Tescos... Every Little Helps.... :-)

That was Tescos... Every Little Helps.... :-)

Wasnt that what the monkey said when he pissed in the sea?...


I know when he shat off a cliff it was "a little goes a long way"

Just curious how you're planning to rig one up, is it to the bike or somewhere in your garden (door)? From what I can remember, you need to pull a pin for it to activate. I take it you'll attach it to the garden entrance like some sort of trip wire? Trying to think if there would be any legal workaround for the appropriate use of steel jaw-traps, wouldn't even need an alarm to hear anything then :P.


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Yes John they work like a grenade, the pin needs to be pulled to activate it. I keep my bike in my garden it has 4 heavy duty chains, 2 disc locks and 2 d locks. It is pretty secure and it's right under my bedroom window. My neighbours keep a listen/look out as well. I was thinking of fixing it to the bike and the wall or something so when the bike gets moved it will set it off. 

I did hear a story about a guy who had a metal post sunk into the ground and a chain attached to his bike with 4 inch shackles to keep it safe, he also had it under his bedroom window with the alarm on and at least 2 other locks attached, when he woke up the buggers had nicked his bike by digging the post out of the ground. :angry:

I did hear a story about a guy who had a metal post sunk into the ground and a chain attached to his bike with 4 inch shackles to keep it safe, he also had it under his bedroom window with the alarm on and at least 2 other locks attached, when he woke up the buggers had nicked his bike by digging the post out of the ground. :angry:

To be fair i'd give them an A for effort!! must have been Ninja twats to pull that one off, possibly even educated too!

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It doesn't matter how much security you have, if the scum want it they will get it.

Didn't you use to keep the bike inside Grouch? That would count as a locked building contributing to a much lower premium.

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Yeah John I used to but moved into a new house with the mrs. 

grouch you can pick up a proper bike alarm for £20 on ebay only 3 wires to connect and remote control if you can't manage that you can get a disk lock with alarm built in, keep the rape alarm in your pocket with your luck you might just need it

Edited by Tommy xs

if you can't afford £20  im sure we could all contribute £2 each towards one for you.

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That's nice of you all. If every member contributed £2 I get a top of the range alarm.

I totally forgot about alarms. I got a decent one for about £35 for the XT but do I really want to start playing with the electrics on my bike? Dont think i do.

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