Heisen1895 Posted March 21, 2015 Posted March 21, 2015 Hi all, Got a chance to buy a 2006 FZ1 N:- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281631805127?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Now the bike has a ton of nice extras, and looks beautiful, mileage is ok and the guy is putting 12 months MOT on it and a new rear tyre. Problem is, upon reflection, he has obviously been racing with it (the mods make it fairly obvious), also he says the first stamp is in the service book and the rest of the services he has done himself (which i guess is possible, i know some guys that do it so why not) 2 previous owners, and he has owned the bike himself for about 3 years. Now, do i take the gamble and get a nice modded bike, in (cosmetically) pristine condition and run the risk of it blowing up on me? Or do i give it a miss and possibly pass up on a really good deal? Now obviously i may be reading too much into it and he may very well have taken exceptional care of it and i could be fine, but i thought id ask you guys and get a little feedback Thanks in advance EDIT:- Update Well, as it pans out, they guy confirmed that he does do track days.......on his older R1. He said he would have been too gutted if he dropped the Fazer. He also confirmed that he had some valve thingummy fitted to rectify the 06 fuel issues, cant remember the name of it now. So, all seems to look good. Going to collect it now xD
pilninggas Posted March 21, 2015 Posted March 21, 2015 the thingy is either the 'ivan fuel cut eliminator' or the fuel line mod or both. I have an FZ1S and it is a storming bit of kit, that'll give any bike a battle
blackhat250 Posted March 21, 2015 Posted March 21, 2015 Yeh " if it sounds good and rides true, it wont just go bang,,, I rode an FZ 1N , over Ireland , great handling,,, Now wheres your intro <<<<<<
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