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Hey folks.

My band is Zico Chain, im the drummer. We have released 4 records and toured Europe and UK for about 10 years, in 2013 we opened for Iron Maiden at the o2 arena, enough about that.

A few years back we printed and sold a few thousand hoodies with a design on the back similar to a biker patch, influenced heavily by the Sons of Anarchy show. (see pictures). Aswel as the hoodies, it was printed on my kick drum head, and even had drum cases designed with it printed on.

I have heard over the years that it was riskey and would upset bikers. Ive met a biker gang in Nerembourg Germany who were initially a bit miffed until we explained we were only a band it it was merch.

Ive heard of a biker group in Essex filling thier club house with sons of Anarchy hoodies robbed from local fans of the show wearing the merch, and also talks that Zico fans in the same area have been told to take thier hoodies off.

Ive not experienced that myself, might just be hearsay.

What are your thoughts? Was done conpletely innocently, as sons of anarchy was taking off, and we sold a butt load of hoodies!!

Now ive discoverd you lot are more friendly than I expected, thought id ask your thoughs.

Thanks chaps1b461341636fe4b4ac5b78cf3119d36d.jpgdb4302a3ad5dd53a982b489a68c96501.jpgae95cb1b2f814a32bdd2aaf41f4866c4.jpg276d65daf9ddf13f4ce16b93c5498206.jpg

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can't see it as being infringing on any club patches, they are normally on leather or denim anyway

I like it, you should start a Tshirt thread! :idea:

give me one ! please . :spin2:

I have no problem with it.

As above, not a problem really and anyone who wears a biker "patch" is a tit anyway.

The problem will mainly be if your logo comprises one or more of the following:

- A 3-part patch, featuring central logo, top rocker and bottom rocker.

- Any patch that names a place, as it could be seen as a territorial claim.

- Any patch that says '1%' or '1%er'.

- Any patch that says MC or M/C.

You may also find problems with any kind of large patch worn on the back.

It's usually fine if the design is printed, but an actual sewn-on patch can be problematic.

If you're going to feature rockers, banners, scrolls or any kind of 'strip' with wording on it, it's best to incorporate that into the design rather than making them separate components.

Try and make sure your logo does NOT resemble a winged Death's Head, a skull with pistons, a bandit, or anything like another Club's logo.

Basically anything that looks like Club Colours.

Nicking peoples' Sons Of Anarchy stuff is more about those who wear it out in public, thinking it makes them bikers.

I have worn an SOA cut to a fancy dress party, which went down great, but it was taken off and stowed on the way to and from the party!!

Slightly off topic but slightly not.

I remember a band (that Dibber dose mention) that had t-shirts made up with a three part patch on that ended in a nasty way to all the fans.

I see no problem in them but you do really need to be careful with them as some MC and MCC's will take them as disrespect and will either remove them kindly or not so kindly and if your selling them to fans of your band then its not really going to be a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that your shirt got a fans swede kicked in.

I love the look of the hoodie (never wear it as i hate hoodies in general) just take it easy, if you are really concerned about it then you can contact your local dominant MC chapter and ask their advise your get a black and white answer but your know if they approve then all is hunky dory and as your a rock band you may even get some more fans.

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So my hoodie ticks 2/4 boxes here then. Its not sewn on tho.

So the jist is - if its a band hoodie then fair enough. Because its a band and not trying to be a biker. Lines would be blurred then if, for example, I wore it on my bike, and worse still if I wore it on a rideout.

Best to keep it as a piece of band merch I recon.... I feel its a bit asking for some conflict, or at least some questions, if im riding around with it.

Cheers for the responses

don't see why a biker group would be too bothered since it's about a band...probably a band the biker group might like anyhow ?

Because it takes years to earn your Club patch and they regard these things with the utmost reverence. Wearing Club-like patches when you're not a member of a Club, especially around biker hangouts, is considered a great disrespect and claiming to be something you're not.

It's akin to flaunting a religious symbol, I guess, except that you're more likely to get your head kicked in. However, most Clubs will explain this quite clearly and give you the chance to remove it voluntarily before they kick your head in. ;)

I believe this is more of a US thing anyway, as UK Clubs tend to just laugh, shake their heads and mercilessly take the piss!

As above, not a problem really and anyone who wears a biker "patch" is a tit anyway.

Not every Club is a 1% outlaw MC and not every 1% outlaw MC is 'like that'. A number of my friends are in such Clubs and they're as much stand-up folks as the company kept here. One of them runs a very successful and well-known dating website, would you believe!! :D


"if you havent earned it DONT wear it"

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