January 14, 201510 yr Moderator here's some info; its got two wheels, a motor and goes brrrrrrawwwwww!
January 14, 201510 yr Author Iv snapped my powervalve just just findin it hard to find one or if any other modals will fit it
January 15, 201510 yr Nice Jonny, really nice mate, someone tries to help and you call them a "****" ok they were also pointing out that you had not actually said what was wrong but still mate a bit like throwing your toys out of the pram cos they didn't answer your question immediately seems a touch over the top. No one deserves to be spoken to like that, how would you feel if you tried to help and they turned round and said that?
January 15, 201510 yr Author How they helping wen I ask a question n all I get was piss take replys like they hav 2 wheels
January 15, 201510 yr They were having a laugh, not with you I admit but it was not meant to be nasty just leg pulling. Unfortunately it's just a part of how it goes not just on here but all over the web, no one wants you to be upset and nor do we want you to be without your ride, just take a breath and try again mate someone will be more than willing to help out if they can and even offer advice on what might fit your bike from something else. No one is asking you to do anything you don't want they were just asking what the problem was, look back at the begining of your post and try and see what made them write what they did, if you can see their point you can accept it for what it is rather than having a go at you. Just saying mind, if you still think we're a bunch of tossers so be it but no one was doing anything other than taking the piss and some times they get it wrong. To be honest we can sometimes be tossers but we try to help when we can. Don't leave mad mate, we want folks to join in not rip them new arse holes.
January 15, 201510 yr Author Rite well my bottim end is a 4hw modal but the barrel is a 4fu wich I think is a tdr is there any other barrels the same or any other powervalves the same
January 15, 201510 yr ok. is the top end fitting ok on the bottom end of the engine? as in it runs? powervalve aside is it running?... im no tzr expert but i know yamaha have a habbit of making a lot of parts interchangable esp on there 2 strokes.. what year is the bike also?
January 16, 201510 yr Moderator Crank intake or barrel intake. Other than that they are the same pretty much. I would be surprised if any dt/tzr barrel of comparable age (intake excepted) wouldn't fit.
January 16, 201510 yr Author My tzr is a 1993 4hw but the barrel is a 4fu and yess it does run.i pulled the engine out to rebiuld or refresh and found that I need a new clutch basket.the basket is not a problem as im watchin a few on ebay but the power valve shaft in the barrel has snapped and they are discontinued.really findin it hard to find one
January 16, 201510 yr Moderator wonder if you can get one made? have you tried getting the part number and goggleing it, do pictures as well as text search
January 16, 201510 yr Moderator The power valve shaft has SNAPPED! How? More importantly its 2 halves held together by a bolt, least the ones I remember are. They may have changed. Pictures would be good. Have you tried the valve from the other barrel. You might be surprised.
January 16, 201510 yr Author Your rite they do bolt together but where the bolt goes thats the bit that has snapped
January 16, 201510 yr is it not poss to get it to an engeering shop and hav it welded? failing that hunt out a barrel that matches the bottom end, if a powervalve for the barrel you have cant be found.
January 17, 201510 yr Author The bolt side ov the powervalve.i think a may just hav to get a new barrel.oh well thanks for everyones help
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