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Just sayin hey, riding a SR125 for the last couple of weeks, doin my full bike training at Colchester Kowasaki in the spring.

Feels so natural being on a bike, i love it!!!

Cheeeers guys!!

Welcome welcome! :)

Excellent. Welcome to the Forum.

Hi o.j " you riding all year round too ? good on you ,, :jossun:

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Can I ask a really dumb question?! What are the laws in UK about parking motorbikes? Obviously I can park it where id normally park my car but are there any extra places where its ok to leave a motorbike?


Sorry, can't help with the parking, but welcome aboard! :wavey:

Welcome to the YOC :wavey: As to your question about parking as long as you don't block exit or entry points or park on yellow lines your going to be fine, you usually find a spot near the end a row of cars or in multi story car parks that have a M/C painted on the ground that's where you dump your bike, and usually your up the front so most times you get the short walk to the shop's.

  • Author

Ah thanks slice! Same pay n display rules? Pavements out of bounds too? What about the bicycle bays with the bars to lock to, can we use those?

Thanks again

Not sure about pay & display, someone will have an idea just hang around and an answer will arrive. As for pavements well as long as you don't block access or get in the way it's not really a problem, tho if your thinking all day parking then you best have a few quid in your pocket to pay the recovery charge cos they will take it away. This gives some info that might be of interest http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parkingforbikes.com%2Fparkinginfo%2Fmainparkingoptions&ei=TiFvVM7XM4f2OozvgagD&usg=AFQjCNHxi_Vps7GczTbiUwqjBQsghib6DA&bvm=bv.80185997,d.ZWU

Sorry don't know where you are in the UK so can't say for certain that this applies to you. If you add the info to your ident status then folks can offer more relevant info for you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and welcome! I'm just up the road from near walden.

Best thing to do, regarding parking: find a traffic warden and ask them.

Give a few situation on how you'd want to park up your bike, and see what they say.

For instance, in Manchester, there are a number of designated motorcycle parking areas. We can also use the railings that are set for bicycles too.

Annoyingly, I've seen bicycles 'steal' the motorcycle parking bays, and do it in a way that steals the spot for 3+ bikes.

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