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Ok so ive gone through alot of hell getting this to run right

First of all it died on me while i was out and about, As soon as i got to the high rpm it just spluttered and popped to a stop.

It turns out it was running lean ? Hadnt caused any engine damage but I did a full rebuild on the motor (Had 19000 miles on clock). I had the barrel over sized and new piston, 2 new main bearings 2 seals. The reason i did this because i suspected the crank seal was gone so i just went all out and did the lot. The left hand crank seal was showing no signs of a exterior leak but it was badly perished

wohoo the bike ran again but it wouldnt idle unless the idle screw was fully in ? but either way it ran fine riding along

But it started to die at lights unless you gently revved it, It was always the same when you blipped the throttle to hard it would bwaaaaaarpppp and die or if you were lucky rev up

Right so its still lean. Bear in mind i have checked all of the inlet hoses

Main jet is a 240

I cant remember what the idle jet is but i was standard

Right so i found out that the air snorkel at the top of the airbox had been taken off. So i got one and put it on and it was amazing how much different it made it. I could grab the throttle from idle to 100% throttle and it would rev :)

So i took it for a test ride and it rode very nice up until i got to about 8000rpm and it felt and sounded like i hit a limiter

So now its too rich ??

What i wanted to ask was my exhaust gasket (on order) is leaking very badly would this cause a rich condition ?

Ive ordered a brand new air filter although ive have cleaned it i just wanted to eliminate that

But does anyone else have any suggestions ?

All the best


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oh and also my temp gauge never goes above this while riding


It will go up more when idling or in traffic but will always return to there, It that a normal temp ?

All the best

  • Moderator

yeah on 2 strokes it is critical to have a good seal at the exhaust port, sort that and see how she goes then

My DTR always ran real cool too

hey how come your RE has a temp gauge I thought they dropped that on the RE's?

  • Author

Yeah it should be here tomorrow, So ill wack it on and go for a blast

And thank god for that i thought my thermostat was knackered lol

I prefer the old style clocks, The new ones dont come with a temp gauge or rev counter. So i used the old yokes and old style clocks. The sh*t thing is though i dont have a steering lock now :(

  • Moderator

Yeah it should be here tomorrow, So ill wack it on and go for a blast

And thank god for that i thought my thermostat was knackered lol

I prefer the old style clocks, The new ones dont come with a temp gauge or rev counter. So i used the old yokes and old style clocks. The sh*t thing is though i dont have a steering lock now :(

steering locks arent up to much, that type of bike has always been prone to theft so have some good loks on it, also try to not leave it in possible dodgy areas, beware of people in vans following you home and so on etc blahh blahh

  • Author

No to be honest it didnt look as if it would of taken much to break it. It only goes into the alloy cast on the yoke.

Yeah ive had many of bikes stolen from me in the past

In one night the took my old 1999 dtr125, My 2003 yz125, my dads XT350 and a downhill bicycle. This was years ago mind but within the last month ive had my motorcycle trailer stolen which is very very annoying as they did such a clean job on the break in on the garage, Even closed the door after them

All the best

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