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After rebuilding my stock standard Elsie I was a little disappointed it just won`t power wheelie thru the powerband no matter how much I ring its neck. Not comfortable with it as I prefer doing power wheelies (find them easier to control), but thought I would try slip the clutch in first to see what happens. WHOAAA..must say it surprized me how quick she reared up. Need sum more practice...

Are you kidding they wheelie so easy take it up to 4-5k roll of the throttle quick and nail it back on ,,it will be standing at 12o clock if you dont control it and they will pull 5 gear wheelies no problem.

You must be sitting on the tank shift your weight back on the seat and it will rollon wheelie,any dip or bump in the road will have the front wheel comming up.You are the first person I have ever heard say they had trouble getting a rd to wheelie

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Suppose I`m used to VTR1000 and GSR600 power..they come up just by redlining in 1st. No shifting weight or pulling on handlebars.

Haven`t tried rolling off and opening throttle yet.

mine won't wheelie ,

mind you im a hundred stone and i sit on the tank.

Don't feel bad - my SR125 won't wheelie either since putting an extra tooth on the sprocket!!

200stone and your belly on the tank understandable LOL KEV Thats like trying to suff a 30 lb sauage in a 10 lb skin, and a sr 125 over geared Elvis again,,but a rd 350 with anyone under 200lbs and sitting right on the bike to do a wheelie,NFP they will come up easy.

Mine were unicycles most of the time.That why I had to get rid of them,just to tempting to do wheelies. They are great bikes all around go like stink in a line and once you learn the power curve they will do anything on demand! Just got to learn the sweet spots of the power curve.

Try the on off method Mac and it wil come together ,,,you will be dancing the bike at will on the back wheel 4-7k is bliss enough torque and revs to spare.Keep your foot over the back break.

Gave up doing wheelies when I was younger as it got expensive snapping chains in the middle of nowhere.

Gave up doing wheelies when I was younger as it got expensive snapping chains in the middle of nowhere.

fair point, :thumb:

I dont think chains breaking is a big a problem these days unless you run the cheap ones,burnouts are harder on them. They are disposable items and shouldn't be run to the limit anyway.

I still love doing wheelies the wr is so easy with the power and gearing just snap the throttle and it's up on demand.The 1200 power wheelies but to get it up real high the on off on method works best.

Nothing like putting the front wheel down at a ton and watching it smoke as it catches up to speed.

Edit Mac come to think of it I alway ran a 13t front sprocket that will get it to power wheelie

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I was thinking to change sprocket sizes will probably be a good idea..not too interested in high top end.

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