Posted September 6, 201410 yr If you haven't already seen this then it's time you did, very sad and all but if your doing nearly a ton in a 40MPH zone and someone turns in front of you then your gone.
September 6, 201410 yr Tragic. The fact that you can just see his shoulder in the final picture made for even more uncomfortable watching. Though as you say at 97 mph no where to go and no second chances.
September 6, 201410 yr The video said Think Bike. It should have said Bikers Think. Hopefully this video will make bikers think. I have got nothing against speed but I do choose where and when I ride fast.
September 9, 201410 yr Saw it the other day, I started watching it but, couldn't watch it till the end fuck that. He looked like he was going to fast from the start.
September 11, 201410 yr I know he was speeding and make no excuses for that. It was on long straight road driver facing the oncoming bike so even a that speed they should have had the time and distance to see him. Just another smidsy but much easier to blame the riders excess speed.
September 12, 201410 yr Moderator I know he was speeding and make no excuses for that. It was on long straight road driver facing the oncoming bike so even a that speed they should have had the time and distance to see him. Just another smidsy but much easier to blame the riders excess speed. Much easier to blame the rider. It was his fault! As the rider he should have been prepared for that car. From his reaction he no more regarded the car, than the car did him. I slow down at junctions etc and would not even consider those speeds. Having driven trucks for years i have seen enough wreckage of varying vehicles to have lost my need for speed. I fully understand why plods are so angry at drivers. I downsized from a 600 to a 250 to have all my fun at lower speeds. I sympathise with his family etc but he rolled the highest stakes dice and lost in the worst way.
September 12, 201410 yr If it was solely the riders fault, why did the driver of the car get convicted and his license suspended for 18 months? Sure, the kid was going stupidly, suicidally quick, but he still had right of way. A couple of thoughts: no 22 year old should be allowed anywhere near a bike that powerful. Unless they're a professional racer. At 22, no one has a sufficiently developed sense of their own mortality. Same reason why they shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel of a lambo or ferrari, irrespective of how rich daddy is. On the other end of the Stupid spectrum we have the driver of the car. Now suppose the bike had been going at or a bit above the speed limit for that road - 60 to 70mph. How survivable is being T-boned at those speeds? Certainly more than at 97mph, but not much more. So we had the confluence of the kind of stupidity that gets oneself killed, with the kind of stupidity that gets others killed. The car driver cannot be absolved from this, and in reality wasn't, as the verdict shows.
September 12, 201410 yr Toutsuite, the limit for that road, according to Slice's original post was 40, not 60-70. If the biker had been doing 40 instead of more than double that he may have had time to react to the car pulling across in front of him. And if not then a crash at 40 is absolutely survivable. I'm not 'absolving' the driver of his part in this tragedy but his lack of awareness is far outweighed by the foolish speed the biker was traveling.
September 12, 201410 yr It's my understanding that that particular section of road has a 60mph speed limit. Also the rider was 38, not 22. Had been riding since he was a teenager. Just clarifying some facts, that's all - please don't shoot the messenger! We all have our own views on this particular video, and I've seen them all on other forums, ranging from the aggressive, to sympathetic, the arrogant and also the high and mighty. I guess that's what makes us all individuals at the end of the day... Ultimately, with anything like this I just hope it doesn't result in a greater divide between car drivers and bikers. I already feel there is too much hate out there between these road users, and it's not how it should be.
September 13, 201410 yr Hey Bipps, yes it seems I got the age wrong, must have misread somewhere that he was 22. As far as the divide between drivers and bikers, I'm not too optimistic, given the kinds of comments I've seen from drivers on other sites, confidently stating that because David was speeding he had it coming to him and was entirely his fault; effectively saying, "if you speed, I'm entitled to kill you". Plus all the crap about all bikers being dicks, and other such generalisations by internet mouthoffs. O'brien, you're right that a collision at 40 is survivable (most of the time), but the speed limit on a good stretch of A road is usually 60.
September 13, 201410 yr Sure thing Toutsuite. One thing I'll begin by saying is that this is the nicest forum I'm on, and reading the responses to this particular thread it's nice to see that you guys think along the same line as me. Here's what I wrote on another forum, I hope it summarises my own opinion (which isn't too different from you guys). I felt the need to write this because of some of the responses I was seeing to the video... Shocking quote frankly. I don't really like to participate in discussions like this, due to too many differing opinions, and the virtual medium in which it's conducted. However... I'll begin with saying that I believe it's right the driver suffers some degree of conviction. At the end of the day, it helps sets a precedence and sends a message to others that everyone is responsible on the road. Aside from that, I've watched three different edits of this video now. This one, one that shows more of him riding prior to the accident, and one that sadly shows him ending up on the ground. All that rattles through my mind is: A. why was he going THAT fast down a road like that, and; B. would he have died if he was doing the speed limit. I know there are many other variables, which are ultimately too hard to fully establish, quantify and understand when just relying on single footage, but I can't help but think that the rider was the cause of his own death. Harsh I know, but he has as much responsibility on the road as the car driver. Granted the car driver caused the accident, but perhaps the biker could have either avoided it, or come away with injury (to whatever degree). Finally, I'll just end by saying that I feel terrible for the rider and his family, but also the car driver. I personally applaud the bikers' family decision to share this recording. For me it helps to keep me grounded. I, as most of you, will understand how easy it is to get carried away on a bike, so even if this video hammers home a message to just a handful of road users out there, me included, then I'm happy.
September 13, 201410 yr |Well i was shown this by the wife when it was first air'd and i have to agree that this collision is a double headed sword and was both the riders and the car drivers fault both had a lack of awareness of the road and obviously the speed was a major factor. I personally do get a bit throttle happy (as will most folk) but as nieve as it sounds i do think there is a time and place for it, at junctions in give them a wide birth and stay at the speed limit (give or take a few MPH if my mind laps) I truly feel sympathy for all the family and the people involved in this event including the service personnel that where called ouot to it as its not really the type of thing you to wake up in the morning to go a do. as for the aggresive resoponses you get on the other sites Bips they must just be the manority of bikers that think the lord jebus waves out of their chocolate starfish and gives them a pat on the back, bit like the ones that want to play Son's of Anarchy like the ones i met the other night (total fucking pricks may i add)
September 13, 201410 yr we all are guilty ,remember squires lets get their the quickest attitude . that little devil sits on all our shoulders . hands up those who's bikes are capable of a ton havn't tried it.
September 13, 201410 yr I don't have an issue with the speed Kev, although perhaps a quieter location would have been better for this guy, but hey-ho, what's done is done... My biggest issue with seeing this video posted up on other forums (not here) is the attitude of some people. Convinced that it was solely the car drivers fault (my view is both played a part). There are people who can't understand that his excessive speed played a part in the severity of the accident.
September 13, 201410 yr if he keep the limit speed, he was for sure alive now and this accident never happening. no need to try avoid, no need more precaution, he just never meet this car... some people use to call this "fate"... in this particular case... anyway, if the situation was happening at 60 m/h he had more time to think and react and he will chose to lean on the right and pass between this car and the other car was coming, probably when he reach this point, the speed will be some like 40m/h and if you are a decent rider you will pass safe between those 2 cars. in this kind of situation in most cases the driver don`t see you so he will not break.
September 13, 201410 yr I'm not denying that, I have said that the car driver caused the accident, he even admitted that he didn't see the bike, or the car behind that, and has as a result been charged. What I'm trying to make clear is that the accident resulted in death *most likely* because of the bikers speed. Had he have been going slower, he *might* have had a chance to react, or failing that still been in an accident but *may* be alive today. I think we're all agreed on that.
September 13, 201410 yr , he even admitted that he didn't see the bike, or the car behind that, That is worrying, I think theres a lot of eyesight issues nowadays, I think a test every 3 years should be compulsory Bye the way " I"v watched it 5 times , how can they tell its 90+mph , I canna read speedo..
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