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Hi all

i have been restoring a Honda Mt5 moped for my son. on rebuilding the bike i made some pre mix fuel as i have had the oil pump off.i think i put to much oil in this. the bike started and ran ok for a few minuets then died. the oil pump had primed and was pumping into the manifold so far to much oil was going in to the mixture, i removed the plug which was fouled and have since drained the carb and fuel tank and refiled the tank with fresh fuel,the bike will not start. my question is could the oil in the fuel block jets in the carb as there does not seem to be fuel getting to the chamber as the plug seems dry.

any advice would be fantastic



  • Moderator

could be Nigel, I suggest you fire a bit of petrol into the spark plug hole she may start up this way...dont forget to pull the choke on and not much throttle

I bough one of those for my stepson ...ohh must be 26 years ago now lol...crap gutless thing!

  • Author

hi paul

yes skin and rice pudding come to mind. i will try that and if it still wont start i will strip the carb and clean it,

thanks for the help


  • Author

hi all

just a follow up to my question, i said i had a spark but it could be weak as i only tested it using one of those inline light tester, my new question is does the engine case need to be earthed to the frame ? i have painted both the engine and the frame so it came to mind that i might not have a good earth am i correct in my thinking?

thanks in advance


  • Moderator

to test that theory, just get a length of wire and bare both ends, trap one end behing an engine case screw and the other behind a screw on the frame ?

  • Moderator

MT5. No go? You guys arent doing it right. When i wer t lad i knew a couple good for 50mph.

Still slower than my yam though. Tuned to near unridable she was good for 60mph on a good day.

  • Moderator

Yeah thats the stuff..

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