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BRITS REVOKE USA INDEPENDENCE (A Message from John Cleese To the citizens of the United States of America):

In light of your failure to elect a competent President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (excepting Kansas, which she does not fancy).

Your new prime minister, Tony Blair, will appoint a governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:

· You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary.

· Then look up aluminium, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'favour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters, and the suffix -ize will be replaced by the suffix -ise.

· Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (Look up vocabulary).

· Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as "like" and "you know" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as US English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take account of the reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of -ize.

· You will relearn your original national anthem, God Save the Queen.

· July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday.

· You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not adult enough to be independent. Adults should only handle guns. If you're not adult enough to sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist then you're not grown up enough to handle a gun. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. A permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.

· All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.

· All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour.

· The Former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline)-roughly $6/US gallon. Get used to it.

· You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.

· The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager. American brands will be referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without risk of further confusion.

· Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie MacDowell attempt English dialogue in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed with a cheese grater.

· You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies).

· Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game that is not played outside of America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware that there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable.

· You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad.

An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated to 1776).

Thank you for your co-operation.

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ha ha ha!! that's the best!

hahaha it will happen one day!

thats the day i inherit a zero miles mv agusta f4!!!

  • Moderator

hahaha it will happen one day!

The very same day that HELL freezes over! :rolleyes::D

  • 4 months later...

I thought playing with women was the proper man's game?

And Sheene developed the back protector. B)

  • 1 year later...


First of all, our independence wasn't issued by your cow of a fat ass king, we told him to get the hell out. When your king didn't learn his lesson, we reminded him in 1812 what happens when you mess with the best. Then not once, but twice America answered the call when England said "help! The Germans are kicking our asses!" By the way, its ASSES, not "arses." Speaking of useless figureheads, your queen needs to get off her fat ass and get a JOB. People who don't work but get a check from the government are called welfare recipients. They're society's leeches.

Maybe England should stop butchering the English language. The following British words aren't in ANY dictionary: Goblety-gook, Jollygood, Cherrio, arse and quite a few others. If you don't like the American English words for basically all significant technologies of the past two centuries, tough. You should have invented it FIRST. This goes especially for those spineless French. The day they actually win a war their opinion might count for something.

They are called "potato chips." We invented them, so we get to name them. Yeah, the drain water we call beer sucks. Low alcohol content, no flavor, does Anheuser Busch know what a stout is? Nothing beats a Guinness, but that's Irish, not English. No comment on American made cars either. We make more than any other country, but they're still pieces of crap, as are American motorcycles. (Does a two-wheeled boat anchor on a trailer actually count as a motorcycle?)

England and most of the northern U.S. seems to think I.Q.s diminish rapidly in the South. However, you might want to ponder over this for a moment: While you all bundle up and try to stay warm, watching the snow fall and wonder when the next time you can crank up you bikes might be, I was riding my bike today in a T-shirt and denims. I'll be riding my bike to Daytona beach in a few hours and enjoy the great weather we're having. What's a riding season? If you live in a region where you can freeze to death, your not that much smarter. Semper Fi.

  • Moderator


First of all, our independence wasn't issued by your cow of a fat ass king, we told him to get the hell out. When your king didn't learn his lesson, we reminded him in 1812 what happens when you mess with the best. Then not once, but twice America answered the call when England said "help! The Germans are kicking our asses!" By the way, its ASSES, not "arses." Speaking of useless figureheads, your queen needs to get off her fat ass and get a JOB. People who don't work but get a check from the government are called welfare recipients. They're society's leeches..

Really? Is that why from 1812 to 1815 during this war 1,600 British and 2,260 American soldiers had died, and we invaded Chesapeake Bay and suceeded in burning down the White House, the Capitol and other public buildings - i think we kicked your ARSE

Maybe England should stop butchering the English language. The following British words aren't in ANY dictionary: Goblety-gook, Jollygood, Cherrio, arse and quite a few others.

Actually they are:

Goblety-gook - which is actually spelt GOBBLEDYGOOK

gobbledegook, gobbledygook


language, especially used in official letters, forms and statements, which seems difficult or meaningless because you do not understand it:

This computer manual is complete gobbledegook.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Jollygood which FYI is in fact TWO WORDS.

jolly good OLD-FASHIONED

used to express approval of something that someone has said or done, or to show that you have heard or understood what someone has said:

"I've left all the papers you need on your desk." "Oh, jolly good."

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Cherrio - which i assume you are referring to CHEERIO


exclamation UK OLD-FASHIONED


Cheerio! Have a good trip!

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


cheer·i·o - Chiefly British

–interjection 1. good-bye; good-bye and good luck.

2. (used as a toast to one's drinking companions.)

–noun 3. a good-bye or farewell.

4. a toast of “cheerio!”

[based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006

arse UK

noun [C] (US ass) OFFENSIVE

the part of your body that you sit on:

She's got a huge arse.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Maybe you should get yourself a dictionary and do some proper reasearch old chap :lol:

They are called "potato chips." We invented them, so we get to name them.

Actually they were invented my an American Indian Chief named George Crum in 1853. But the Irish actually developed flavoured crisps in 1953. So unless you are an American Indian or Irish then no, you didnt invent them.

Yeah, the drain water we call beer sucks. Low alcohol content, no flavor, does Anheuser Busch know what a stout is? Nothing beats a Guinness, but that's Irish, not English. No comment on American made cars either. We make more than any other country, but they're still pieces of crap, as are American motorcycles. (Does a two-wheeled boat anchor on a trailer actually count as a motorcycle?)

I have to agree with you on this one :D

England and most of the northern U.S. seems to think I.Q.s diminish rapidly in the South. However, you might want to ponder over this for a moment: While you all bundle up and try to stay warm, watching the snow fall and wonder when the next time you can crank up you bikes might be, I was riding my bike today in a T-shirt and denims. I'll be riding my bike to Daytona beach in a few hours and enjoy the great weather we're having. What's a riding season? If you live in a region where you can freeze to death, your not that much smarter. Semper Fi.

Many of us ride in all weathers - and wearing proper gear too - T shirt and demins on a bike(how SMART is that!!) wont save you from the tarmac darlin.

As for living in a region where we can freeze to death - just goes to show how much tougher we are ;)

Well done Goff, saves me from giving that American twit a few pages of grounding lessons.

Well done Goff, saves me from giving that American twit a few pages of grounding lessons.

NOW Gentlemen stop bickering and take a look at how hypocriticle u are :D

YOU YANKS ; Are in fact crossbred Scots /Eng/ irish/ spanish/ italian [what happened to the style] FRENCH ?? :lol:

And u did SAVE OUR ASS twice 1918 [ thanks . or we"d b talking kraut.] by now

AND YOU ENG, Have a scot head of state :unsure: [ a fifer at that] and u have us to thank for

1 /

TELEVISION 2/ RADAR [Won the battle of britain with] 3/ pneumatic tyre [ u use every day]



John Cleese, you are a cruel man !!.. Here's to the Brits, First Cousins only separated by a common language !!. Clink !!! :P

  • Moderator

NOW Gentlemen stop bickering and take a look at how hypocriticle u are :D

I am a laydee and i like to do laydees things old bean :D

Really? Is that why from 1812 to 1815 during this war 1,600 British and 2,260 American soldiers had died, and we invaded Chesapeake Bay and suceeded in burning down the White House, the Capitol and other public buildings - i think we kicked your ARSE

Actually they are:

Goblety-gook - which is actually spelt GOBBLEDYGOOK

gobbledegook, gobbledygook


language, especially used in official letters, forms and statements, which seems difficult or meaningless because you do not understand it:

This computer manual is complete gobbledegook.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Jollygood which FYI is in fact TWO WORDS.

jolly good OLD-FASHIONED

used to express approval of something that someone has said or done, or to show that you have heard or understood what someone has said:

"I've left all the papers you need on your desk." "Oh, jolly good."

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Cherrio - which i assume you are referring to CHEERIO


exclamation UK OLD-FASHIONED


Cheerio! Have a good trip!

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


cheer·i·o - Chiefly British

–interjection 1. good-bye; good-bye and good luck.

2. (used as a toast to one's drinking companions.)

–noun 3. a good-bye or farewell.

4. a toast of “cheerio!”

[based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006

arse UK

noun [C] (US ass) OFFENSIVE

the part of your body that you sit on:

She's got a huge arse.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Maybe you should get yourself a dictionary and do some proper reasearch old chap :lol:

Actually they were invented my an American Indian Chief named George Crum in 1853. But the Irish actually developed flavoured crisps in 1953. So unless you are an American Indian or Irish then no, you didnt invent them.

Many of us ride in all weathers - and wearing proper gear too - T shirt and demins on a bike(how SMART is that!!) wont save you from the tarmac darlin.

As for living in a region where we can freeze to death - just goes to show how much tougher we are ;)


First, a few battles don't mean squat if you don't win the war. You grab stats from a small period, but the fact is indisputable-you got your asses handed to you. AGAIN.

Words only used in England:

I have a Webster's dictionary and a Legal dictionary (for work) thank you and I do use them. However these words are referenced strictly as British jargon (one online source refers to all of these words as British slang)

Potato chips:

The key word here is AMERICAN. To be clear about this my grandmother was full-blooded Cherokee Indian and my mother's maiden name is O'Rourke. Irish enough for you? ;)

Riding gear:

Asphalt poisoning builds character, and I'd like to see how well you handle a typical Florida day, without leathers. It was in the upper 80's (Fahrenheit) the other day and will get in the 100 to 105 range this summer. I have friends from London here and they can hardly breath on a typical day. Living in a place where you can freeze to death isn't tough. Its stupid. Living in a sauna the size of England shows how much tougher we are. B)

You don't want to start listing inventions especially if all you got are two.

1. The Sextant

2. Fixed wing aircraft. Radar wouldn't have much use if there weren't planes in the sky.

3. The first practical helicopter

4. The motorcycle (1867)

5. The incandescent light

6. The telephone (Bell may have been Scottish, but he invented it in America)

7. Human generated and usable electricity

8. The refrigerator

9. The Internet

10. Air conditioning

11. Anesthesia

12. The camera

13. personal computers

14. cellphones

Etc. I think you get the point.

  • Moderator


First, a few battles don't mean squat if you don't win the war. You grab stats from a small period, but the fact is indisputable-you got your asses handed to you. AGAIN.

Read any history book that documents this - the facts are staring you in the face honey - and the fact that NEITHER SIDE REALLY WON.

Words only used in England:

I have a Webster's dictionary and a Legal dictionary (for work) thank you and I do use them. However these words are referenced strictly as British jargon (one online source refers to all of these words as British slang)

Your point being what? They are still in the Dictionary. youshould try the OXFORD ENGLISH Dictionary, which is better known globally.

Potato chips:

The key word here is AMERICAN. To be clear about this my grandmother was full-blooded Cherokee Indian and my mother's maiden name is O'Rourke. Irish enough for you? ;) .

I thought this might crop up - all you ever here is folk such as yourself bangin on about how they have "Irish roots" or are "of native american" descent - make your minds up!!

Riding gear:

Asphalt poisoning builds character, and I'd like to see how well you handle a typical Florida day, without leathers. It was in the upper 80's (Fahrenheit) the other day and will get in the 100 to 105 range this summer. I have friends from London here and they can hardly breath on a typical day. Living in a place where you can freeze to death isn't tough. Its stupid. Living in a sauna the size of England shows how much tougher we are. B)

Who said anything about wearing leathers? Kevlar jeans are just as good my dear, and a not half as hot.

You don't want to start listing inventions especially if all you got are two.

1. The Sextant

2. Fixed wing aircraft. Radar wouldn't have much use if there weren't planes in the sky.

3. The first practical helicopter

4. The motorcycle (1867)

5. The incandescent light

6. The telephone (Bell may have been Scottish, but he invented it in America)

7. Human generated and usable electricity

8. The refrigerator

9. The Internet

10. Air conditioning

11. Anesthesia

12. The camera

13. personal computers

14. cellphones

Etc. I think you get the point.

Nope - you got me there, i have NO idea why you feel you have to make a kist - but i do suspect its a "look how much better than you we are" list *yawn*

Fact is matey, i dont really give a stuff who won what war, who invented what or whether you are indeed a fifth native american, a quarter irish, a smidgen scottish and the rest of you a mix of latino-african, ride your bike only in boxer shorts emblazoned with the american eagle on the 3rd sunday of every month and have a deep love affair with crisps/potato chips

if you ride a bike that'll do for me.

I am a laydee and i like to do laydees things old bean :D

OH PEABODY / U Forgot to add to ur list

14. GONORRHOEA [ on same page as gobbledegook OXFORD DICT. ]

BUT never mind we gave u PENIcillin [FLEMMING] to save ur ASSES :D

OH and if ur welsh we cloned dolly [ TO FUL-FILL UR ULTIMATE FANTACY" BED TWO OF THEM AT ONCE ]


OH PEABODY / U Forgot to add to ur list

14. GONORRHOEA [ on same page as gobbledegook OXFORD DICT. ]

BUT never mind we gave u PENIcillin [FLEMMING] to save ur ASSES :D

OH and if ur welsh we cloned dolly [ TO FUL-FILL UR ULTIMATE FANTACY" BED TWO OF THEM AT ONCE ]


Blackhat, not to put too fine a point on it, but we didn't INVENT Gonorrhea, and if you got it you should have kept your pants on. But we did invent the Polio vaccine.

If you remember Dolly died prematurely because the cells she was cloned from were already halfway through their lifespan, so how much of a success was it?

I apologize in advance to Scotland (I play the bagpipes and ride my motorcycle in my kilt when situation calls for it) but I thought Scots wore kilts because sheep can hear a zipper a mile away?

Goff, stop reading those altered British history books and look at actual facts. I've read those nonsense books, the ones that claim the U.S.S. Constitution (old ironsides) "barely escaped capture" when in fact she sank two Brit ships of the line and captured a third single-handedly and the war of 1812 (Brits invaded America) and are they here now? If they didn't lose why did they run back to England?

But your last comment is right, If you ride that's all that matters. To be honest, I don't know the details of your licensing system, but from what I've heard its 1. expensive and 2. much more difficult than a U.S. license ( I practiced driving for one day and passed my driving lesson the first time at a cost of $20) The number of lousy U.S. drivers speaks for itself, but there are 300 million of us on millions of miles of roads here. If I ever get the chance Scotland is the first place I plan to visit if I ever get a chance.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add my twopenneth (and you probably won't find that in any dictionary either).

1: You were not asked to save our ARSES in what you often refer to as WW11, as I remember our Oriental friends tried to dominate your nation via a unnanouced visit to Pearl Harbour, they failed that time but had a good second attempt via your 'automotive industry' in the 1970's.

2: If we want to leave certain words out of the English dictionary then we can, we invented the language and gave it to the world so when we change it it is called evolution, we others change it it is called bastardisation. Look at the great literary works from the past, most were written in English, yes that's English which if I am correct is a minority langauge in the United States. The predominant language is Spanish.

3: The United States is a very young country, (the town I live in was a thriving port in the mid 1700's) and young countries like young children should be allowed to let off steam.

So holler, howl, rant, ramble, bellyache (wonderful langauge English) away to your hearts content.

Kind regards


1. The Japanese did "kick the hornet's nest," first, but it is well documented that Churchill was constantly demanding the U.S. get fully involved in the European theater first. Sounds like a call for help to me.

2. I stand by my belief that if you want to name something, invent it first. Regardless of where the language came from. I bet Shakespheare would be rolling in his grave if he heard your version of English now. :lol: The language here is still English, and to all the beaners who think otherwise, just read the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, any street sign and ALL American schools. To the Latinos who don't speak English, get the F**K out until you do.

3. The oldest building in the U.S. is in St. Augustine, Florida, part of a Spanish settlement, and is from the mid 1500's. (it's being held up with ropes). Compared to how old the cities of Europe are, we don't have anything architecturally significant, (Indian mounds are said to be 10,000 years old) but the new stuff (massive bridges, dams, buildings, etc.) are impressive in their own right. At least in a structural way. But I'm sure Boston and New York would take offense, since they were thriving ports in the 1700's too.

In regards to the fumbling, retarded inbreeder in the White House, your village in Texas called, they said they miss their idiot, so come home soon! 1/20/2009 Bush gets the boot.


First of all, our independence wasn't issued by your cow of a fat ass king, we told him to get the hell out. When your king didn't learn his lesson, we reminded him in 1812 what happens when you mess with the best. Then not once, but twice America answered the call when England said "help! The Germans are kicking our asses!" By the way, its ASSES, not "arses." Speaking of useless figureheads, your queen needs to get off her fat ass and get a JOB. People who don't work but get a check from the government are called welfare recipients. They're society's leeches.

Maybe England should stop butchering the English language. The following British words aren't in ANY dictionary: Goblety-gook, Jollygood, Cherrio, arse and quite a few others. If you don't like the American English words for basically all significant technologies of the past two centuries, tough. You should have invented it FIRST. This goes especially for those spineless French. The day they actually win a war their opinion might count for something.

They are called "potato chips." We invented them, so we get to name them. Yeah, the drain water we call beer sucks. Low alcohol content, no flavor, does Anheuser Busch know what a stout is? Nothing beats a Guinness, but that's Irish, not English. No comment on American made cars either. We make more than any other country, but they're still pieces of crap, as are American motorcycles. (Does a two-wheeled boat anchor on a trailer actually count as a motorcycle?)

England and most of the northern U.S. seems to think I.Q.s diminish rapidly in the South. However, you might want to ponder over this for a moment: While you all bundle up and try to stay warm, watching the snow fall and wonder when the next time you can crank up you bikes might be, I was riding my bike today in a T-shirt and denims. I'll be riding my bike to Daytona beach in a few hours and enjoy the great weather we're having. What's a riding season? If you live in a region where you can freeze to death, your not that much smarter. Semper Fi.

Not quite true about WWII: we won Battle of Britain, and we kicked the Enemy out of Africa, and without your military help. You seem to think you won the war for us, as if you did the UK a massive favour because it couldn't look after itself?!

Putting aside the massive human sacrifice of WWII (both Brits and Americans), who do you think came off better? America or Britain?

I've heard figures quoted that say America was nearly twice as rich after the war, than it was before the war. Before WWI the UK was more powerful than the US, and most of that power was used up fighting the wars.

Fact is Britain had the guts to declare war on an evil and powerful power that was swallowing up a whole continent, and for many years, the Island of Britain was the only thing that stood between Nazism and Europe (Do you think for one second Hitlar would have stopped there?). We too could have stayed out of the war, as we didnt have to declare war you know.

if the Japanese didn't attack pearl harbour, US may have let the situation get ahead of themselves, the Russians may have lost to Germany, and Germany would have gained enough resources to easily crush the US.

Maybe the Nazis would have got the atomic bomb before the US, as they were working with heavy water. We did plenty to disrupt their scientific research so they didn't get that technology. They were even working on long range missiles, so they could have launched them right at America if they were allowed to get that advanced (you only had until 1945 to defeat them!!).

So you should be grateful that Britain stood up to the Nazis, rather than trying to turn things to make it look like you did us a massive favour. Your country played a part in the war, and anything else is fantasy. Its one thing for you to say we couldn't have crushed the Nazis without American resources, but its another to say you won the war!

Not quite true about WWII: we won Battle of Britain, and we kicked the Enemy out of Africa, and without your military help. You seem to think you won the war for us, as if you did the UK a massive favour because it couldn't look after itself?!

Putting aside the massive human sacrifice of WWII (both Brits and Americans), who do you think came off better? America or Britain?

I've heard figures quoted that say America was nearly twice as rich after the war, than it was before the war. Before WWI the UK was more powerful than the US, and most of that power was used up fighting the wars.

Fact is Britain had the guts to declare war on an evil and powerful power that was swallowing up a whole continent, and for many years, the Island of Britain was the only thing that stood between Nazism and Europe. We too could have stayed out of the war, as we didnt have to declare war you know.

if the Japanese didn't attack pearl harbour, US may have let the situation get ahead of themselves, the Russians may have lost to Germany, and Germany would have gained enough resources to easily crush the US.

Maybe the Nazis would have got the atomic bomb before the US, as they were working with heavy water. We did plenty to disrupt their scientific research so they didn't get that technology. They were even working on long range missiles, so they could have launched them right at America if they were allowed to get that advanced (you only had until 1945 to defeat them!!).

So you should be grateful that Britain stood up to the Nazis, rather than trying to turn things to make it look like you did us a massive favour. Your country played a part in the war, and anything else is fantasy. Its one thing for you to say we couldn't have crushed the Nazis without American resources, but its another to say you won the war!

First of all, Britain was getting pummeled by German V-2s before America got involved with a war that didn't concern us. You wouldn't have won anything with the Germans at your front door (Normandy), which WE took care of. Africa? What are you smoking? It was the Tuskegee Airmen and 11th bomber wing of the U.S. Army and the fighting 1st that took Africa AND Italy. We had the largest Army and Navy before WWI and Germany didn't want to mess with the U.S. Adolf even apologized for "accidentally" sinking U.S. ships. It is well documented that Churchill repeatedly contacted our president asking for us to get involved in something that you obviously couldn't handle.

Russia has never lost a war because of their weather. Just look at history. Napoleon ring a bell? Russians just back up and let the cold do the dirty work for them. They hardly fought at all. As far as the U.S. being crushed by such a tiny country as Germany, that's hilarious. No one has ever come close to beating the U.S. EVER. Check your history books. Even better, read history books not written by self-glorifying Brits, but people who actually refer to facts.

Britain was going to get involved whether they liked it or not. Germany didn't ask for permission when they bombed London. Hell, America has had the largest Army (China currently excluded) since before WWI. If it wasn't for American bomber wings taking out actual strategic targets in broad daylight the war would have been far different for you. Brit bombers were such cowards they bombed blindly at night, hitting orphanages, hospitals, neighborhoods, whatever happened to be there. America has had a few arrant bombs throughout all of our wars, but those are few and far between. We have always taken the higher ground and put ourselves at great risk to make certain that we hit viable, military targets. Britain can't say the same. This is why Americans are proud of their Scot/Irish heritage, but I've never met anyone who ever admitted to being of English background.

Strange how a motorcycle forum has turned into a history blog. I'm going riding.

  • Moderator


Are you lot STILL bangin on about this :lol:

Does it really matter - we're all free to do almost what we like aint we?


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