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If you cant put air in your own tires or have no idea how this could possibly hurt you do not try this at home,if you get hurt doing this contact the person who made the video!!!!!

Everyone has had this happen to them your wd 40 or what ever can has fluid left in it but wont spray any more out here is a easy fix.


Edited by dt502001

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good idea, if you have access to a compressor

  • Author

Thanks for fixing the link what one do you use drew I never seem to get it right?

Aye dt" click share below the video on Utube, the big box will light up blue, just copy this box,, or EMBED ,, work too . :yeah:

good idea, if you have access to a compressor

Doesn't everyone?

They're only, like, £150 or so... :lol:

I actually do have someone whose compressor I can borrow, so I may give that a try.

  • Moderator

There are enough ways to get hurt in this world. Those cans dont have a lot of pressure in them. Exploding wd40 can?

I will leave this in the 'Dont try this at home' box.

I just cut a hole in the side and pour into a hand spray...... or spend a couple of quid on a new can!

Those cans dont have a lot of pressure in them. Exploding wd40 can?

I'd be using his low-powered compressor - The one that took eight minutes to inflate one bicycle tyre!! :lol:

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the school have bulk supplies so I clean out a spray gun and cadge a pint

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Cynic you dont need to put a 100 psi in the can just a shot of air,and new cans have about 90psi.but if you dont feel comfortable dont do it or look up how to refill a small propane tank at home.

It works on old can of paint that have been sitting around too,better to use up that then send it to a land fill.

I dont get why everything is so expencive your side but here you can pick up a small 2 gallon compressor for 50 bucks so given the exchange that what 25 -30 pounds? wont run a Impact gun none stop but will do anything needed for bike repairs or painting.I couldn't live without a compressor, and considering they last for decaded what ever the cost ove time its a cheap investment to make life easier.

  • Moderator

Comes from being cynical I think. Use the can properly it wont run out of air.

Also, its a public forum, in the main people are ok. Some were dropped on their heads and could blame us for injuries from getting this wrong stating we reccomended it.


Call it ass covering if you like but were all members. We would all catch some hassle.

in that case ! go on , try it kids.. :biglaugha:

I dont get why everything is so expencive your side

Because people are retards and will pay whatever the market charges?

When I first started riding, it was about 70p a litre and people were bitching, swearing blind they would sell their vehicle if ever it went over £1.... here we are with prices at £1.35 to £1.50 and the dumbfuck sheeple are still buying while bleating...

Maybe paying insane prices for stuff makes them feel rich?

Because people are retards and will pay whatever the market charges?

When I first started riding, it was about 70p a litre and people were bitching, swearing blind they would sell their vehicle if ever it went over £1.... here we are with prices at £1.35 to £1.50 and the dumbfuck sheeple are still buying while bleating...

Maybe paying insane prices for stuff makes them feel rich?

yep I remember when petrol was 70p per gallon now its around £1.35 per ltr :crazy:

  • Moderator

yep I remember when petrol was 70p per gallon now its around £1.35 per ltr :crazy:

I remember my dad cussing and swearing (he doesn't hold back) back in the 70's as he just filled the tank on the mini traveller.

It cost him £5

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HAHA my dad used to give me 25 (Like a P) cents for allowence for gas back in the mid 70's and said "if you burn it all in a week you dont get to ride till pay day"

Just saying no harm in getting the last bit of anything and if your a dumb ass and explode the can well your a dumb ass.

EDIT: you also shouldnt puyt air in your own tires either they too could explode!!!

  • Author

Also i didnt make that video I just pulled it from u tube so if some dip shit who can't figuer out how to do it,and hurts themself blowing up a can,,,, can sue the guy who posted it

I added a disclaimer on the first post now so you guys can calm down about getting sued!

  • Moderator

Also i didnt make that video I just pulled it from u tube so if some dip shit who can't figuer out how to do it,and hurts themself blowing up a can,,,, can sue the guy who posted it

I added a disclaimer on the first post now so you guys can calm down about getting sued!


Sometime we have to put the 'mod' hat on first, before you say it. Yes people are that stupid.

I worked with a lad that broke his own nose. Stubborn 32mm nut, its at head height so he braces himself and puts all his power behind it........On the OPEN end of a combination spanner, when it slipped he basicly hit himself as hard as he could in the face with a 32 combination spanner. Smashed his nose, blacked both eyes and fractured his cheek.

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I am not religis but it's god way of population control,and fixing his mistakes, or as Ron White would say 'You can't fix stupid". some people can fix things and other should keep thier hands in thier pockets.

Some people can ride motorcycles other's should stick to walking,as they have trouble running without hurting themself's,whereever it is that people find themself on the BIG list of life, with thier abilitys is of no concern of mine,if someone ask's for advice and and gets it,,,then it's up to that person to evulate thier own abilities to wether they can or can't performe the task at hand not mine!

We have a generation of kids growing up who for the most part cant fix anything unless you can use a computer to do it with,give 100 14yr old's a hammer and a nail 95 of them wont get the nail in straight or all the way in, and the other 5 will hit thier finger at least once and complete the task,repete the same thing and 3 out of the 5 will have figured it out how to not hit thier fingers,and thoes are the people I am willing to teach.

I think anyone who has tried to learn has at 1 point in time hurt themself,it what you do with the information you got from hurting yourself that matters

:), before you say it. Yes people are that stupid.

Aye " theyre was a guy up here, tried to make a barbecue out of a 45 gallon drum, That had -had THINNERS in it, Cut in to it with the angle grinder, And blew him and the roof off the garage, :angel3:

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