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hi everyone! was wondering if anyone can help me here with my 1987 Yamaha fz600.

I was riding a few days ago and my bike started to backfire and then started to loss speed and I tried downshifting to see if it would do anything but I just kept losing speed then the bike shut off. before that I had shut my bike off once and it started right up then I did it again after riding for 20 miles and shut it off again the tried to start it and it wouldn't start. battery died and had to jumpstart it. I started to ride it back home and that's when it started to backfire and loss power and had shut off. I towed the bike home to the battery out and acid levels where low. I had my gas tank off but hooked up my jump starter cables to the all the cables that where connected to my battery to see if the bike would attempt to start and it did but didn't start up all the way since no gas was going into carburetor. seems to me like the motor isn't seized up but it just started to backfire and lose power. any ideas or help?

Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO in the "new members" section before you ask a question cos it's polite to say Hi before you dive in to a "how do I fix my bike" question, your more than welcome to the forum but we get a lot of one hit wonders on here who just want info and then without a "thank you" dissapear never to be heard from again, so if you could find the time to just say a bit about yourself that would be great thanks. Hope someone has an idea on your problem and can help you out. :jossun:

  • Moderator

+1 on the intro.

Backfire, missfiring, low acid. Battery and or reg rec unit.

  • Author

sorry guys still new to this forum stuff!!! thanks though and I would love to do a introduction!! and I don't think I would leave! need a lot of help as I can already see!

Check your voltage from the reg to the battery, see if the output is 13 or 14 Volts or if it is over that, multimeter on the battery terminals and read the output if it's off then your reg is stuffed an easy fix. :jossun:

  • Author

now im still new to this on my year bike where is the charging system located? (alternator, stator, generator) located or does my motorcycle even have one?

  • Moderator

For now just tell us what the voltage is when the engine is running at around 4k rpm between the + an _ terminals on the battery.

  • Author

well I stumped myself today. the battery was just dead one. even though I trickle charged it it just wont hold a charge in general. bike wouldn't even turnover.

  • Moderator

You need a battery from something amd some jump leads (straight to your leads junk the dead battery). Then fire her up and check the voltage across the battery.

If the reg/rec has gone the dead battery is a classic sign, bet its dry inside too, at least low on acid.

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