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  • quick update. i put it all back together and im now back to a working bike!!! :-) vapor dash was money well spent, got water temp,speed,rpm's etc. not got any photo's of the re-build sadly, was in

  • Videos as promised: idle and rev drive by Nice little wheelie on acceleration on the drive by :-)

Yep you bet it is get one you will thank me later

  • Author

Ordered!! got loads of things coming this week. feels like christmas

Do yourself a favour and count the turns as close as you can on the pilot to bottoming out and then use that as a starting point for the new screw,also when off roading in the wet carry duct tape with you and cover up the holes in the air box,1 deep puddle and you will be ducked when watter gets in the air box

  • Moderator

Considering the money and time the engine demands is it worth sacrificing the tiny gain from the holes and seaing them properly. Only got to forget once......

i think he is recommending that you change the drilled airbox lid for an unmodified one. :eusa_think:

  • Author

Gotcha. I didn't drill it so filling in the holes wouldn't be an issue for me. Maybe when I'm chasing power ill mod those sorts of things :-)

  • Moderator

i think he is recommending that you change the drilled airbox lid for an unmodified one. :eusa_think:

Yep, exactly.

Yam even supplied a rubber shield to be placed between the tank and frame for wet riding to stop the water from comming in the box,and suggest that you remove the drain cap from the air box ,after deep water crossings.So clearly they know it's aproblem adding holes can't help.

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Any ideas on headlight switch control for the wr?

It's got off. Or full beam. Can I simply buy a switch control and wire it in?or should the headlight work on dipped beam when the engines running and full beam when turned on?



Depends on if you have a hig /low bulb or just a single beam bulb. If it has 3 pins the its dual beam.

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3 pins on the back of the headlight. I thought about wiring the dipped beam into the running power, then have full on the button. So off would be Dipped and On would be main beam

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Got some parts come through the post today





As you can see they are full of crud. Cleaned them out and put new bearings in..old ones had 3/4pm sideways movement. Think they have been in there a while. Going to order rears as I don't want to chance my mot on potential crap rear bearings even though they feel fine now.

Grips and cables going on once I have managed to do the head bearings :-)

3 pins on the back of the headlight. I thought about wiring the dipped beam into the running power, then have full on the button. So off would be Dipped and On would be main beam

You can do it that way but remember you have to start the thing and all the power to the coils you can get the better,lots of them chinese quads with a switch you could use for dirt cheap. But it is suposed to have all 3 positions how does low beam work now? You cant Mto it without a low beam.Personaly I would go with a way to shut off the lights,you know incase you need to escape from zombies at night :eusa_whistle:

Holy crap just looked at your bearings, they dont look as if they have been serviced in forever and a few days and the rears must need at least a good cleaning have you pull the wheel off to check them the last owner may have done them,but looking at the condition you got the bike in doubt he did much service to it at all.

I am amazied by the condition people your side let bikes get to,you do see the odd POS here but for the most part our bikes get a full service every year at least,and not too many get left outside either,they dont build houses here without a garage and most appartments have under ground parking,gotta have something to do when your burried in snow for months on end , as you can only have sex so much before you want to play with your bike LOL

another thing is that bikes here usually (other then the weekend warriors) get used through the winter when the roads are gritted and it rains like 3/4 of the year lol.

Yeah garages are a bit of a luxury here. i'm one of the lucky ones in that respect.

I ride my bike when I can no matter the weather but I clean the crap off after and protect it a few bucks a year on wd 40,wax and polishing compound is way cheaper than replacing or fixing.And so many people spen thousands on replating painting ect that if they just kept it clean they wouldn't have to,so to me a few hours a week cleaning and protecting is way cheaper in the long run.

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Well i've ordered replacement bearings for the rear. And ill maintain her much better than the previous owner. + I've also got my first garage, So She'll be nice and warm and dry over winter.

Fully agree DT, I will definitely be cleaning it right after off road use, But the majority of my riding will be dry road use.

items left to do:

Order valves and fit

Order and fit oil filter

fit water pump replacement bearing and seals

fit replacement clutch cable

fit replacement throttle cable

fit replacement head bearings

fit after market mixture screw

fit replacement rear wheel bearings

drill and re-pack exhaust.

baaaah feels like i've done nothing!!!!!!!!!

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