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I've found a couple wiring diagrams online, along with they one in my owners manual and i can't find anything on the white wire coming from the magneto/fly wheel.
does anybody know where this wire belongs??
Its a 1970 Rt1-360
coming from magneto flywheel i see 2 black wires, green, green/red, yellow and then white one..?
one black wire to coil, the other to the key switch,
green and yellow to the rectifier at key switch(unless one is already D/C and could go to the taillight??)(is there a diode or resistor between that??)
green/red is for the night time circuit so i dont think i have to use that wire. please correct me if im wrong.
Im just trying to wire in a 6 volt headlight and tail/brake light
any help would be be awesome, when i first got the bike it was just wired for non battery operation. there was only one black wire wired in, going up into the coils and that was it
and if anybody knows where this diode or resistor is supposed to go please chim in, I read its something important that the wiring diagrams dont show..
again thanks
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Moved, you need to post an introduction in the new members area.

Ok " [On DT models] White - runs from Mag to one side of silcone Rectifier, the red off other side of rect = battery, via a fuse,,,, :yeah:

On the [RT Models] . White go"s from ignition switch - to rectifier . and red off other side to battery,,

On the early DT and RT's there was an option of higher output on the lighting circuit ,

i cant say for sure but i think this is what the wire is for.


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