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I noticed this car coming along my right and well before the driver indicated I had a feeling that they'll try to change lane. Assessing my current position in relation to the car, I was no doubt in their blind spot. I started to slow down assuming the worst. I'm not sure whether the driver saw me and took a chance or just didn't check their blind spot but that was some potential sideswipe material right there.

What a fuckin asshat!

Assessing my current position in relation to the car, I was no doubt in their blind spot. I started to slow down assuming the worst.

That there is good riding, Well done, fella!

Can't really blame the car driver too much, as they were at least indicating *before* moving and if you were in the blind spot they may not have been able to see you, regardless of whether they checked or not. It happens...

Ah your a much nicer person than me, you waved at him I would have used his mirror as an enema, bend him over the bonnet and shove what he obviously has no use for where the sun don't shine !!!!

Looks like the car just didn't look at any point. On approach to a lane joining the carriageway there is no excuse for not seeing you. Indicating or not he was to the side of you and if he had been concentrating while swapping lanes he would have got well in front before swinging over. I had been driving about 2 months when I had a van start to undertake me as I was pulling back over after overtaking. Technically his fault but I failed to double check all mirrors etc. Glad nothing serious happened and hats off to you for keeping your cool. No sense in escalating anything for the sake of making a point.

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Can't really blame the car driver too much, as they were at least indicating *before* moving and if you were in the blind spot they may not have been able to see you, regardless of whether they checked or not. It happens...

This is true, it's a mistake anyone can make. However, I learned to ride first, so the lifesaver/shoulder check has sunk in well before I started learning to drive. With that, every time I change lanes or merge while driving, in addition to Mirrors-Signal-Manoeuvre, I always look across the passenger or driver side of the window. Sometimes even through the rear passenger window if the situation permits. This way, I have my blind spot covered and this process has become almost second nature to me.

No sense in escalating anything for the sake of making a point.

Yea, I try not to make a situation for the sake of it. If it's something that could have developed to a danger, I usually beep and follow that up with a disapproving hand wave and head shake :P. So at least they are aware that they did something wrong.

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