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Hope everyone's had a great Christmas :)

Ok basically when ever I ride I always suffer pins and needles and a painful numbness in my throttle hand.

I've tries to relax my hand when riding but it hasn't helped(had the same on my bike lessons aswell)I don't get this in my clutch hand at all,it's bearable but certainly isn't pleasant when riding

Any advice???

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Sounds like a trapped nerve. are you grabbing tight , or Calpol tunnell :eusa_shifty:


Do you get it holding your knife when eating, or at any other times? If so, could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

If not, try moving handlebar position, position of brake lever so that forearm/wrist/hand when on lever are all in the same plane

Its not just the hand to relax, shoulders and arms too

Gloves too tight?

Plenty of wrist loosening exercise available on the web


Cheers,I've had it with different gloves so I think I cdm discount that.

I'm new to riding(well the last 20 years anyway)so it's a possibility I'm riding quite tense.

I just would of assumed I'd have it in both hands!?

I think next time I'm out I'll make a concerted effort to really settle down but I'll most certainly find out a little more about that syndrome you mentioned .

It's annoying coz I get it after 15 mins or so and it's taking some of the enjoyment out of my riding.

Thanks :)


Sounds like a trapped nerve. are you grabbing tight , or  Calpol tunnell :eusa_shifty:

Try to be as relaxed as I can,only suffer this when riding but I'll be seeing a physio soon for another matter so may get him to check it out


You need to relax! Grip the bike with your legs instead of your hands, arms should be loose at all times not stiff, I agree with above, sounds as if you're holding on too tight!


You need to relax!  Grip the bike with your legs instead of your hands, arms should be loose at all times not stiff, I agree with above, sounds as if you're holding on too tight!

Chances are your probably right,the confidence goes up each time I ride so hopefully I'll 'learn' to chill out abit and relax .

Back out for a good ride Sunday so I'll most certainly be these putting these pointers to the test :)


Not likely to be carpal tunnel syndrome unless you get the same sensation in other activities.

Get out, ride a lot and ride for decent times in all sorts of conditions.

You'll be using muscles in a way you've not really done before, so the more you use them and the longer you use them for, the sooner you'll acclimatise.

How long have you been riding?

Also - Are you sure it's proper pins & needles, not just very cold hands? It *is* Winter, ya know...!! :lol:


Not likely to be carpal tunnel syndrome unless you get the same sensation in other activities.

Thanks for the reply,have only been riding a few weeks,last time j had a bike was over 20 years ago but can't remember having any issues before.

It's always only in the throttle hand and defiantly pins and needles til the point my hand goes numb which from a safety point of view is a little worrying .

I'll be out for a good few hours Sunday so it'll be trial and error with different techniques til I sort it out I think.

Very frustrating though

Get out, ride a lot and ride for decent times in all sorts of conditions.

You'll be using muscles in a way you've not really done before, so the more you use them and the longer you use them for, the sooner you'll acclimatise.

How long have you been riding?


Also - Are you sure it's proper pins & needles, not just very cold hands? It *is* Winter, ya know...!! :lol:


Try a pair of "GRIP PUPPIES" on your bars, my XJ made my hands tingle and after asking on here the advice was to get a pair of these, carpel tunnel syndrome will affect you all the time so if you only get it on the bike then you DON'T have it. These things are great they take the vibration right out of the bike and it makes riding a real pleasure, you just have to get used to a bigger grip size, try it you will be amazed by the difference.

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just checked these out on ebay..I think ill try all the 'non' cost options first then go to those as a last resort..

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Try a pair of "GRIP PUPPIES" on your bars, my XJ made my hands tingle and after asking on here the advice was to get a pair of these, carpel tunnel syndrome will affect you all the time so if you only get it on the bike then you DON'T have it. These things are great they take the vibration right out of the bike and it makes riding a real pleasure, you just have to get used to a bigger grip size, try it you will be amazed by the difference.

Not quite, its less likely. If you have the symptoms full time like I did your in the shit, mine was bad enough to be risking gangrene. You have a lot of senses in your hands/ fingers. 15 or so I think. I have less than half, limited sensation and slow reflexes in my fingers.

If it doesent go away a check by the doc will be a good idea, caught early it only needs a steroid injection.



Not quite, its less likely. If you have the symptoms full time like I did your in the shit, mine was bad enough to be risking gangrene. You have a lot of senses in your hands/ fingers. 15 or so I think. I have less than half, limited sensation and slow reflexes in my fingers.


If it doesent go away a check by the doc will be a good idea, caught early it only needs a steroid injection.

Full time as in all the time? Like when even not riding?

Doesn't sound good at all :( well mine only appears when riding and is fine any other time ...

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Good, stabbing pain in the ball of your thumb, numb pinkie finger and grip going weak after use, (using the brake and clutch perverts) are more pressing tell-tales.

I have maybe a year or two before I will need my right hand doing again. Like I said best sorted early. Try the grips too though.

Edit, yes full time as in I had pins and needles full time for the last 6 weeks before the op, couldn't feel anything. Got several cuts and burns, from coffee etc. cos I couldn't feel it.

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Good, stabbing pain in the ball of your thumb, numb pinkie finger and grip going weak after use, (using the brake and clutch perverts) are more pressing tell-tales.


I have maybe a year or two before I will need my right hand doing again. Like I said best sorted early. Try the grips too though.

Edit, yes full time as in I had pins and needles full time for the last 6 weeks before the op, couldn't feel anything. Got several cuts and burns, from coffee etc. cos I couldn't feel it.

Sorry to hear about your dilemma but phew!! I think my problem isn't that severe .

Some very interesting feedback from the replies I've had some I'm sure the answer is in amongst them somewhere.

It may be worth mentioning that I never get any issues when I'm on my mountain bike!!


at the risk on sounding insensitive have you tried listening to a bit of music!

sorry I couldn't resist, I do symperthize I get it myself from time to time but mine is down to an old work related injury hope you get it sorted

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Yeah. Its ok. Damage is done now. It leads to tennis elbow too. That is just as big pain to fix.

The important bit is make sure your bars and levers are set and adjusted properly. For motorcyclists the left generally shows first. esp if you commute on something with a heavy clutch.

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