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Okay so before you read this, take note that I don't care about loosing any value to the bike. I'm not fussed about killing it and I'm not fussed on the 'wasting' money part. I'm just seeing what I can get out of it, for it is a 125, + enduro. It currently does 70 to 75 on a good day, 65 to 70 on a normal day. I want to see if I can add 10 to 15 mph to it (maybe more, but probably not, I know!).

So for the upgrades (ones I currently know of):

Smaller sprocket on back, larger 1 on front (increase top end).
TTR125 150cc Big Bore Kit (can fit it to XT125, apparently!).
Put on a straight through (ditch the cat) and a better end can.
K&N Filter and block off the connection's between exhaust/air box.
Iridium Spark Plug.

I'm not doing these till I have all the different parts and mods. I'm going to get them all and do it all at the same time, along with a general service to the bike. Also if there's any other mod's (don't worry how crazy, I'll probably test it out!) that I can/could do, feel free to comment and let me know!

I'm going to take pics of the XT standard and all the parts before fitted and then update this post in the future! Then another picture along with the improvements I've noticed from the upgrades once it's all done.

I'm also thinking about either making it plain black OR changing the plastics to a goldy/yellow (though still to be confirmed!).

Thanks for reading,


Honestly your best off getting a faster bike, but if your not bothered about spending hundreds of pounds to get an extra 3-5 BHP at the most then go for it.

Ryan why do them all at once, you wont know which if any have worked. For all you know you could loose power with one mod and gain it back with another and you won't know were you went wrong.

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Ah yeah Grouch, I've read some of your threads on here about your XT problems! I can honestly say I've had mine 6 months now and not had a single problem, I haven't really had any problems. I hammer mine every where as well, it's been put to the test a few time's! I guess it's just luck. I'm getting a bigger bike shortly, I'm not sure between the FZR 600 or the R6, for some reason the FZR just seems to attract me! I just fancy giving it some more oooomft to thrash the XT about though, so I'm aiming for Acceleration a bit more than top end.


Yeah good point, I was going to just wack them all on then go for it! But I suppose if I do them one at a time and then test each one, I'll be able to weigh up the pro's and con's better. Hmmmm

Anyone got much experience with spraying crosser plastics? I've sprayed a few time's, just never crosser plastics. I've read a few post's and it's a bit sketchy on whether it's worth while or not. I suppose only way to find out is get decent primer and main coats for plastics and go for it!

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theres no difference between 'crosser' plastics or any other plastics, get some flexible primer and key the surfaces woth wet n dry first, be sure to remove all wax polish etc before starting. allow each coat to thoroughly dry and flat each coat before applying the next. wet n dry used wet is the way to go

Have you thought about putting a 250 engine or something? By the time you have spent hundreds maybe over a grand on mods might be better off.

  • Author

I didn't mean 'crosser' as in different lol, I just meant not fairing.But thanks for the tips, I think I'll just go for it and see what it turns out like. Fingers crossed, ehh!

And Grouch I've thought about it, but I might try the mod's first, see what happens. It'll be around £400 to £500 for all the mod's, then fitting them along with trial and error getting them perfect or deciding to ditch them. But the bigger engine is a possibility in time, I may just do that after I've tried the mods, for another project...


With it been a 4T engine even after you've modded it the difference will be minimal. The first thing I would do is buy one of those arrow exhaust systems. One simple thing you can do is change your fuel. I changed from using standard unleaded to using shell v-power and I noticed the improvement straight away. It definitely gave my XT a few more BHP. Just make sure you wait until your on dregs and then fill it up. For every ten litres it costs an extra quid to use v-power. If I were driving a big fuck range rover or jag it would be a different story haha.

Mate has one of these and what we found is really a lack of performance parts out there compared to other bikes, pricey too but if you have the money spare do it, the gains are small but are gains after all. good luck with it.

Id personally wait for the bigger bike mate and spend the cash on that, Do the sprokets by all means and gain the acceleration or top end (which ever you want) but the rest.............. :shakeno:

I still dont get why anyone would want a hoped up xt 125 no matter what you do to it, it still will be slow and the more you do to it the less reliable it will be and the less anyone will want to buy it after your done thrashing it,for the cash your talking about spending you could pick up a fz 600 and fix it up and blow away any 125. Or trade it for a 2t 125dt and be faster without doing anything.

But as you said you dont care about the cash so spend away and post it,, maybe it will stop all the dreamers nonsence about hoping up a xt125,ybr125 when they see how little you gained and how much it cost vs buying a bigger bike.

If you want it to accelerate faster just change out the sprockets, simple easy and the most to be gained from a xt 125.

Only reason i would ever consider this is - if under the new laws regarding age for certain size bikes and your stuck with a 125 for like 3 or 4 years, then MAYBE it would be worth consideration.....otherwise just do your test and buy a bigger bike.

Even a pretty damn slow 250 would destroy a done up XT in any kind of race.

Only thing these 125 4 strokes have going for them is their reliability...i wouldn't compromise that.

If you sell that bike now + all the money it would cost to do it up...you could get a pretty damn nice bike...or two cheap ones!

Just my 2 pence :eusa_whistle:

go for it Ryan its what we like to see, more money than sense, could I sell you the turbo off my vacuum cleaner £500 bargain!!

  • Author

Ah thanks for the input guys! And yeah it maybe a no gainer, and possible minimul gains. But why not? I'm bored with it, I'm keeping it because I like it! No clue why, just want to do it! I'm gonna post some pics on the weekend when some parts arrive! Then I'll keep you's up dated on if I fail or win with gains!

Oh btw any one know if it's easy to get a pit bike road legal? I know about horn, lights, speedo, etc, etc. I know I need a vin num, mot, tax, etc. Just the first road reg, will they be fussy with it been a pit bike? I'm not sure why I want a rd legal PitBike, just seen 1 and was like I WANT THAT! There cheap as he'll to sort out and keep as well! Though yeah first rd reg, would they be fussy you thing? (Just a question for another project for another day)

I see a few road road legal pit bikes round my end and I look at the rider and think what a fucking knob. They are dangerous and just down right retarded when on the road. But that's my opinion.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Yeah I agree for the way people use them! I just wanted to do it for in the lane and a project, I wouldn't use 1 like a normal bike! There not a normal bike!

And sorry for the late reply guys! I had an accident, RTC on the bike! I've broke my left leg in 2 places and wrote of the XT! Some 1 pulled out in front of me after I had just come out of work! I''m getting there though and should be riding again soon. Hopefully sooner than later! Couldn't of happened at a worse time though so close to Christmas! Haha.

So no mods at the minute, glad I didn't put them on just then!! Haha.


Hope you get well soon and back on the road, main thing is you are ok, bikes can be replaced people cant.

  • Author

Thanks Georgen, yeah that's very true! I got off lucky compared to some! Hopefully I'll be back on the road sooner! I'm going to take it easy though and repair properly.

Glad to hear you're on the mend and it hasn't put you off biking! :thumb:

Glad your ok, damn Ryan it's a good job you didn't plough any cash into the XT. You need to put a claim in and get some compo for your broken leg. My mate got run into on his bike and it broke his leg. His leg is fucked though now. No more footie etc but apart from heavy exercise or use his leg is fine. I take it the XT is a write off then?

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