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I recently saw a watch I really liked but it was £375, so I thought it was too expensive and did an online search and found the watch for £190 on an online American shop. I then set about persuading my girlfriend why I needed it. Anyway I ordered it but when it came I had to pay £60 odd fucking quid to the UPS guy for tax & customs. I didn't know about this. I still got a good deal though. I've just been looking at guitars and they are hundreds of pounds cheaper than what we pay in the UK.

Our Governmnt are really screwing us over, it is ridiculous how much we pay for things. We pay double sometimes for what an American would pay. It's a fucking joke. It is unbelievable.

Its just a Little thing called VAT, thing is this country has always been about its taxes and why change tradition? yes granted we have some good things out of it as for the NHS but even that is suffering at the moment.

The best thing i think the Yanks do is put there road tax in there petrol prices, so if you have no fuel in the car / bike you aint driving it nor using the road so you pay no road tax, simple. Where as we have to pay tax on a flipping Mars bar!!

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They get their petrol taxed haha, they only pay 50p a litre or something ffs

Mental isn't it I went to America one on holiday and come back with a extra suitcase as everything is dirt cheapi payed 50usd for a pair of trainers that cost 120ukp and they was not fake shame about ordering in post and having to pay customs they done that to me once so never ordered from America again

Yip " make no mistake , everything you buy here is loaded with tax, Its to pay for all the Free loaders, that never work,,and the motobillity [ free cars] the Health service [ consultants =£ 90k a year] . The house of lords .[ old retired peers sleeping thru important life changing decisions, "ours" not theirs] , yeh the yearly Wine cellar at westminster.£900,000 .

And your non excisting pension , if you get there.

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I'm seriously considering going into politics when I'm 40. If you can't beat them join them.

You"l make it grouch"o , why there was a Monster raving loony party before,,,, :grin:

Almost 25% of my wages gone before I get it in stoppages

Then VAT at 20% on all that we spend, thats just our payment to the EU

and then 50 billion for a train that only toff business men will be able to afford to travel on

My pension funds have been robbed by banks,admin and governement over the last 25 years and in order to "protect the public liability", they will only put back 20% of what they stole

Graduated pension stopped, just as ive finished paying into it for 45 years

I simply have no confidence left in the highwaymen occupying high office, filing positions of government with their pals/cronies/boyfriends/fellow fiddlers, or big business avoiding paying anything into the nations coffers by salting the money away overseas using systems designed by thier pals in governement, leaving those of us still in work to fill the hole

ASbsolutley fucking pissed off with them all, robbing, thieving bastards

Almost 25% of my wages gone before I get it in stoppages

Then VAT at 20% on all that we spend, thats just our payment to the EU

and then 50 billion for a train that only toff business men will be able to afford to travel on

My pension funds have been robbed by banks,admin and governement over the last 25 years and in order to "protect the public liability", they will only put back 20% of what they stole

Graduated pension stopped, just as ive finished paying into it for 45 years

I simply have no confidence left in the highwaymen occupying high office, filing positions of government with their pals/cronies/boyfriends/fellow fiddlers, or big business avoiding paying anything into the nations coffers by salting the money away overseas using systems designed by thier pals in governement, leaving those of us still in work to fill the hole

ASbsolutley fucking pissed off with them all, robbing, thieving bastards

33% if you include national insurance

is everything cheaper in entire europe :)

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