November 17, 201311 yr Author I'm going to borrow a friends tester during the week and test it atleast I no when it working a lot of things are new the missis can't moan cos in trying I get it working not just splashing money on it haha
November 18, 201311 yr On 11/17/2013 at 6:13 PM, blackhat250 said: Its a long shot" but how is the choke assembly....remove and inspect,,,it may not be seating properly.. I am thinking Blackhat hit it on the nail head...pis pore seal on the choke passing the other circuts and over fueling the motor
November 18, 201311 yr On 11/17/2013 at 6:26 PM, Dt rich said: Was not on this post well I could not see itBasically I was sitting at a red light for about 5mins in the rain bike was fine till this point I started rideing was fine then all of a sudden it just happened like I say it was raining and was the first time I have ha I out in the rain but all connectors and wires have been checked for water so I'm not to sure what else it woul do if it was because of the rainThey way it broke down was I 3rd behind a learned dropped down in to second to get in the power band for the overtake and then as power valve kicked in is when it started doing this problem bike then cut out as I stayed on throttle so pulled over took about a minute for it to fire againIt may have been raining but not related,also currious as to how the PV could have ""kicked in"... when it far in this thread has been disconected missing parts and pinned???????
November 18, 201311 yr Author It does feel like the choke ill strip it today I'm not to clued up about the pv but no servo pulley or pv casein so I thought that was the term pinned open obv not I am in process of getting all te bits To put servo on all that I on the barrel is a bolt on the left side with a little oval bit behind the bolt and on right hand side is just a little bit of caseing that is all is on there I can put a socket on the bolt on left side and rotate power valve to any position but don't kick in till about 5k does this explain it well enoght or shall I stick some pics up
November 18, 201311 yr Author Just stripped carb fully including choke cleaned and re assemble choke works fine it was loose when I first took I apart so I thought that could be a problem but when I put it all back together tight it still did not make a difference I've noticed my temperature isn't getting no were near were it use to when it was running okay
November 18, 201311 yr On 11/18/2013 at 3:36 PM, Dt rich said: I've noticed my temperature isn't getting no were near were it use to when it was running okay Is it using water ? And you mean when the POWER BAND kicks in. the powervalve is pinned, so no more mention of that. Right " run her up to 5/6 k again , this time when she splutters, pull the choke ON,,, lets see if is fuel starvation... report back,,
November 18, 201311 yr Author Not loseing water and just done that revs stayed the same when I pulled the choke
November 18, 201311 yr Ok not fuel starvation,,,, its over fueling then,,, i would remove all jets and inspect.. or install another carb..
November 18, 201311 yr Author I have put 2 other carbs on and they never made a difference and have stripped carb a million times now and replaced jets and throttle needle Does any one know how to get the jet the throttle needle goes in to as I want to change that as last needle was a little bit bent so may have damaged it but I can no work out how to get it out?
November 18, 201311 yr K i think you may have given us a clue you say you can rotate the power valve,that would mean it's not locked in any 1 position,your missing the pullie that attaches to the PV so you have no means to lock it wide open,if its floating around and doing as it pleases then ...well its just wrong. Find a way to lock it in the fully open position.
November 18, 201311 yr Carb settings for a 96 bike with flat sided carb main jet = 210,,,,,,,,, you have a dep so try 220 pilot jet = 22.5,,,,,,,,, leave this alone needle clip position = 4th grove from the top air screw turn outs = 1.5 from seated (screwed in) float height = 20 - 21mm,,,,,,,,, no exceptions there is also a power jet,,,,,,,,, it doesnt look like a jet and cant be taken out. its a hole in the float boal,,,,,has a plastic pipe that goes up to top of carb and onto a spigot,,,,,,,, clean this out there is also a filter in the carb where the fuel supply enters the carb. start at these settings and go from there,,,,,,,,, every time you adjust something you have to give the bike time to react to what you did. You said in last post " Does any one know how to get the jet the throttle needle goes in to as I want to change that as last needle was a little bit bent so may have damaged it but I can no work out how to get it out? SO,,,,,, did you really clean the carb ?
November 18, 201311 yr Author Ok ill try all that tomoro And yes I. Took main jet of and u can easily get carb cleaner in there and same for compressed air I don't mean the jet i mean the long nozzle bit don't no what it's called also cleaned with my air rifle barrel brush as i had a bit small enough to get in there
November 19, 201311 yr Author Thank you all so much for your help I been out tere since 5am going over everything that has been recomended still no luck so I thought mayb ill try a iridium plug and hey presto it's sorted it out for now how f**king silly is that tied about 4 normal ngk plugs but did not sort it. I'm so thankful for all your help wish you all lived close it would be my round in the pub me thinks
December 2, 201311 yr I'm currently having a very similar problem. I'm interested to read that after all that it was the spark plug!? Has this been a perminant fix? My bike has just had a piston re bore with new piston. Also had new spark plug, new gearbox oil and new wadding in the end can. Running a full dep exhaust. It gets to around 7k and then the engine is intermittent, feels like it's not getting enough fuel or maybe spark!? Will get to 81/2k when going down hill but the speed again is intermittent like it wants to go higher in the rev range but can't. The exhaust sounds different to usual like a cackling rough sort of noise, does this at 7k and also as you put the throtle back on after easing off. Have cleaned the carb numerous times. Have noticed it hasn't been up jetted still has original #240. Have a #250 and #260 on the way. Very frustrating:-(
December 4, 201311 yr Have you checked the reed valve had similar problem with mine as they do get worn out
December 5, 201311 yr Author On 12/2/2013 at 11:50 PM, Timl33 said: I'm currently having a very similar problem. I'm interested to read that after all that it was the spark plug!? Has this been a perminant fix? My bike has just had a piston re bore with new piston. Also had new spark plug, new gearbox oil and new wadding in the end can. Running a full dep exhaust. It gets to around 7k and then the engine is intermittent, feels like it's not getting enough fuel or maybe spark!? Will get to 81/2k when going down hill but the speed again is intermittent like it wants to go higher in the rev range but can't. The exhaust sounds different to usual like a cackling rough sort of noise, does this at 7k and also as you put the throtle back on after easing off. Have cleaned the carb numerous times. Have noticed it hasn't been up jetted still has original #240. Have a #250 and #260 on the way. Very frustrating:-( Hey yep bike has been fine since I chopped the plug for a br9eix it does it when it's just warmed up but cruise down te road into 4th then it sorts it's self out for te rest of te day and depending what year your bike is standard jetting is #210 on mine it's a 1996. I can honestly say spend the extra on the iridium plug and I have also changed my jet to a #230
December 5, 201311 yr On 12/5/2013 at 12:25 PM, Dt rich said: Hey yep bike has been fine since I chopped the plug for a br9eix it does it when it's just warmed up but cruise down te road into 4th then it sorts it's self out for te rest of te day and depending what year your bike is standard jetting is #210 on mine it's a 1996. I can honestly say spend the extra on the iridium plug and I have also changed my jet to a #230 Thanks for replying. I think I'm already running an iridium plug. Will have it out and check it. Standard jet on my model (2000) is #240. Have got a #250 and #260 now and will be fitting them tomorrow to see if this helps my situation. My bike (before this problem) also runs a little rough until warmed up nicely. Just want my power and back! Missing it. Will also check the reeds. Cheers
December 7, 201311 yr Author On 12/5/2013 at 10:40 PM, Timl33 said: Thanks for replying. I think I'm already running an iridium plug. Will have it out and check it. Standard jet on my model (2000) is #240. Have got a #250 and #260 now and will be fitting them tomorrow to see if this helps my situation. My bike (before this problem) also runs a little rough until warmed up nicely. Just want my power and back! Missing it. Will also check the reeds. Cheers Another thing that might have helped me was I took plug out fuel off ignition off and kicked it over loads to try get any unburnt fuel or oil out I don't know if this helpe me but it might have done I kicked it over bout 50 times I went out yesterday and hanged my mix as I run premix to see f I could stop it I usally do 25mil of oil to 1ltr of petrol yesterday I done 20mil of oil to 1 ltr of fuel and it run lovely so mayb try that just don't get to tight on 2 stroke (don't no anything about auto lube system so would not no how to change that) If plug don't hanged anything try coil or plug cap as it could be that a few people who helped said yet had same prob and that sorted it
December 8, 201311 yr Well I changed the main jet. The bike ran slightly better and slightly higher revs before fluttering and not pulling anymore:-( I also slackened and re aligned the power valve and tightened the cables back up nicely. Still no luck. Really wanna get to the bottom of this before I put it back in the garage. I feel like it might be using more petrol than usual. Only noticed this the one time so not 100% on this and don't really wanna run through another full tank to find out as don't wanna run the risk of wrecking the engine. I'm fairly sure it's either electrical or fuelling problems. Will up date if I find the problem. In the mean time thanks for the replies and keep 'em coming Cheers n gone
December 9, 201311 yr Author Do a step by step if what people have said in here and what I have said back it can only e a matter if things just have to take time and eliminate everything till you the problem if you need any parts let me no I have quite a few dt bits I don't need
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