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I put an updated picture in my gallery here in case you want to check it out Noise!

dt (what's your name anyway? or should I call you dt?) - I'm not happy with how smooth the body work turned out... figured lineX would cover some of that up. I do have a dual action sander but I need an air compressor...could rent one, and I've got a paint gun...could give it a proper paint job, this was just a spray can job.

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Oh just incase you didn't know it's turkeyday drags at St Thomas( in Sparta) drag park this weekend the 8.99 bikes are running,no pit pass needed and you can get up and talk with the guys or run your own bike in the et class not sure what the pay out's are.

The Top fuel bike won't be there though so no 6second bikes,well unless someone shows up with one,been bugging Mike at Raceworks to get his beast out but thats a no go

as usual firday night it run what you brung and unlimited passes

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Oh that'd be fun! Don't know if I'm ready to bring it to the track yet though, I'm still a newbie....and by the time I got there after work tonight it'd be dark and I'm not supposed to ride at night. Weekend is packed solid too...damn!

Phil is the name,or Flip as some call me.

Keep a eye on Princess auto they had a small commpressor for less than what it would cost to rent one http://www.princessauto.com/pal/en/Portable/7-Gallon-Portable-Air-Compressor/8474975.p like this one. Santa is comming and no man should be forced to live without a compressor hahah.

Your welcome to use mine if you want to drive up here,just need to bring some plastic to staple up to build a temp paint booth in the garrage. If the cost of gas in the RAM would be less than buing a compressor LOL I know my Dakota would be at least 50 in gas just to run back and forth

no real rush now as we only have 4-10 weeks befor the snow is to deep to ride. just ride it the way it is and fix it up in jan or feb when we're waits deep in snow.

Oh 1 thing have you booked your m2 this is a good time to do it as the MTO has more openings at this time of year,come spring it will be a mad house and you might have to waite all summer to get a spot.

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Thanks for the offer Phil! And you're right...the cost to drive the Ram up there would be ridiculous... I get about 12mpg in that beast. My brother in laws both have a compressor I can use, just gotta go pick it up. It's good to have your own though. :D That's the plan, fix her up when I can't ride her, I just couldn't have purple stripes on it anymore, those had to go. Winter time the engine will be coming apart for some gasket changes, and while I'm in there I'll probably take the carbs apart and give them a proper cleaning as well, I just took the filter out and sprayed some sea-foam in there but that's not going to clean everything.

Haven't booked my test yet, but I have to wait what, 60 days from the time I got my M1 to do my M2? but before 90 days, is that correct?

CAll and book it now I mean right now they are backed up you might not even be able to get a apointment this year now.I have little info about getting a licence got mine 30million yrs ago

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It seems the waits are a lot shorter at the DMV here in the middle of nowhere though... you rarely even need to wait in line. I was just worried there'd be snow and ice on the ground by the time I get to the test date at this rate...figured I'd just pay another $15 come spring time and write the test again.

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Looks like I can't take it this year anyway...tests only go until Oct 15. I won't be eligible to take the test until Nov 15, because I only got my M1 in September.

Typical of our gov,let you pay for something you can't do without informing you,o well your riding and getting some experience sucks you will have to do it all over again.

go get your m1 in the spring like january/feb and book your m2 for the first date after the 60 days that will get you able to ride at night,

er I think it will not sure ..find out when the first m2 test is and schedual accordingly. that way you can be riding as soon as thw weather get's nice again

Happy turkey weekend gone riding ttyl

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That's the plan, or maybe even call and book it now for next spring, if they'll let me, and I'll just be sure to get my M1 again by then.

Was a BEAUTIFUL night for riding! Stopped and snapped this pic while I was out.


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Think these will be bright enough? :D

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Rained today :( So the bike stayed in the garage..should be beautiful out tomorrow though. I took the time to lubricate the throttle cable and grease up the throttle grip though, and wow did that make a difference! Feels like it's a brand new throttle! Can't wait to test it out now... :D

The lights are bright now.

You keep fixing things that arent broken and I like people who do that makes riding with them so much more fun than fixing bikes at the side of the raod.

Ps check your mail PM sent

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PM returned!

Preventative maintenance is always cheaper and less work than fixing things when they break! Plus being stranded on the side of the road is never good...even less so if you're not sitting inside a comfy car or truck. Got my valve cover gasket on order because it's leaking a bit of oil from there...should be a nice easy fix.

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So I found out the hard way today.... do NOT leave the petcock in the prime position! Went to start the bike this morning...just cranked...didn't fire up. Checked the oil level first...it's solid, which made me wonder ... how?? So I opened up the fill plug and it smelled like gas...drained the oil...sure enough, it was diluted with gas! Guess the petcock left in the prime position allows the fuel to flow even if the engine is off (if it's in the on position, it only flows when the engine is on), this along with possibly stuck carb floats or something or other caused gas to leak into my engine, past my rings, and to my oil, from what I understand. So, flushed the old oil, put new oil in, and made sure to leave it in the "on" position, no problems so far and she's still running like a champ thankfully. That was a scare though! Makes me think I'll probably need a ring job if the gas got past them that easy too...

for good measure best to change it again,the small amount of oil still left in the motor will thin out the new.

liquid gas will get by the tightest rings,just do a compression test before worring about new rings.

the floats and needel seat were never intended to hold back the weight /pressure of the tank in full flow position(prime),you got lucky that it was so full that it didn't start,you could have whiped every bearing in the motor in short order if it had run.Read project fz gulf drewps had the same sort of issue but it didn't go so well for him.

Got you PM will text you befor next ride and see if you got time this week looks booked solid and looks as if the weather is going to suck anyway.

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Good idea, I'm going to grab an oil filter and do it all again to make sure all the gas is out of there, I did let it drain for about an hour with the plugs out before putting the new oil in though but I'm sure there's some stuck in there still.

I'll do the compression test too, that's another good idea before ripping the whole engine apart! :D

And sounds good Flip! Yeah rained all last night here and the roads are soaked... doesn't make for a very fun ride.

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Gah! Go out to check on the bike today.... gas on the garage floor! This time it's leaking from the airbox. Guess it's time to pull the carbs and give them a good cleaning... I'm betting stuck floats.

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I also checked the spark plugs to check for gas in the cylinder since the engine was having a bit of trouble starting up...and low and behold, #3 is soaked with gas. Only #3 though! So I cranked the engine with that plug out and cleared out all of the gas (in a hurry! lol), installed spark plugs back in and started right up....leaving the petcock in the on position again now to see if maybe the floats got unstuck riding it around for a bit this morning.

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