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Has anyone on here ever fitted speakers?

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I use earphones if im going to be doing lots of motorways and constant high-speed stuff, but for nipping in to town and back i dont bother, takes longer to sort them out and get the right playlist than it does for me to do a trip.

its more-so an iusse for me when you come off the motorway and reach a roundabout or town where the road is much quieter but the music is still playing louder than i normally would have it.

Playlist? Surely people don't have anything other than Elvis??!
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Its the Scala Rider G4 my mate uses, he had the Scala Rider Solo before that, and he cant say enough good things about it :)

I'll check it out cheers mate but I think I'll just use earphones!
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I don't think I've got every single song on my phone - I've only got 14 and a half hours and some songs are repeated!!

I must make time to convert all my oth CDs to MP3 at some point. Don't want to run out of tunes!

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Its the Scala Rider G4 my mate uses, he had the Scala Rider Solo before that, and he cant say enough good things about it :)

To quote big Kev - "Fuck me up the arse" that's an expensive set of earphones!

Think I'll pass for now.

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Why don't you bungee a ghetto blaster to your rear rack?

Buy yourself some cassettes and your off!

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I use this. Keep the levels lowish and you can still hear around you.

Been great for me for the last year.
I had an LG tone before that. Was even better with controlls that sat round your neck. Expensive though.

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