Posted August 30, 201311 yr Ok Yamaha experts ... I need your advice. I am thinking Bout trading in my wee fazer for a 02 FJR1300. I took the FJR for a test ride and thoroughly enjoyed the experience - although I have to admit that the gear changes sounded a little clunky to me. I also found that the bike had to be ridden for a little while before it stopped conking out at lights etc. now, coming from a yamaha dealer it will (one hopes) be fully serviced before sale but I just wanted to canvass your views on the bike in general - any thoughts on what I should look out for? I mentioned the gear changes and he said this is more common in shaft drives? He did agree to take a look at the idling speed at my request. Would appreciate your thoughts if you're familiar with this bike. Incidentally, here's the site ... Cheers.
August 30, 201311 yr Author As an aside, I was putting my wee fazer in for the night about an hour ago and it suddenly dawned on me how attached is become to the bike. I mean, I'm still keen for a bigger bike but I realised for the first time how the fazer has shared so many days with me - good and bad in recent years. I guess it's like an old friend who's faithfully got me home on many a dark cold night. Anyone else feel like this about their current (old) bikes? Or am I just being a sentimental head case?
August 30, 201311 yr Moderator Sentimental. nah not me. I have had the dt for 26years and wanted a TDR 250 for as long. Nah not sentimental. I only breifly owned a 600 suzuki.... for 12 years.....
August 30, 201311 yr Yes, very attached to all of my bikes. I was almost in tears when I learned my first Dragstar was beyond recovery, especially as it was just some shitty little ring of rubber that caused such devastation!! FJR1300 - AMAZING bikes!!! Ask anyone on the FJ Owners Club (FJOC) forums - A surprising number like them so much, they run 2 or even 3 of the same bike. Almost as good as its FJ1200 parent, in fact... almost. But then I'm biassed!! The FJ family is somewhat clunky (both chain and shafty), but nowhere near as much as the average Cruiser. I personally like it. It feels nice and solid, like driving a tank... well, FV432 in my case, but still hardy. The conking out at lights... Firstly, don't for a moment assume that the dealer knows anything about the bike, let alone has serviced it properly. For that, refer again to the FJOC - I'll send you a couple of links to their free tech pages that give a better lowdown on services, maintenance and things to look out for. One thing NO dealer ever does correctly, because they're lazy and Yamaha fucked up the tech, is servicing of the suspension linkages at the back. Basically it requires removal of the whole back end, including centrestand, so you have to hang it from an engine hoist or similar. Cheaper DIY solutions exist, too. Also, I don't like their website. Looks like some generic rip-off merchant. Anyway, for a basic chapter and verse on the FJRs, start here: Also, the Club has its own shop with some unique and parts custom-made exclusively for them alone. Membership costs about £17 a year, but is WELL worth the amount of support you get - They have dedicated FJ and FJR workshops too, but if they're too far away, you can even phone up. Basically, they offer everything you could possibly want or want to know for your bike!!
August 30, 201311 yr I want one of those!!!! But SWMBO says I have to sell my other one first ARGHHHHH!!! I keep telling her it's NOT the other one it's my YAMAHA but I get the blank look and a sort of not understanding smirk, so your not sentimental your attached to it in so many ways that trying to explain to someone who does not understand is nigh impossible. I built my bike from the ground up, I know each and every nut bolt and washer and even know that the bike is not worth what I spent on it but it's MINE!!! SO buy the FJR and store the Fazer you know it makes sense (well to you anyway) as an aside there is a bloke who lives a village over from me DURSLEY that only works on FJRs and he is supposed to be the one and only in the UK as a go to guy on all things FJR " FUDGE MOTORCYCLES (FJR CENTRE) " look him up if you get a chance.
August 30, 201311 yr Moderator Slice, just get another bike the same colour. The missus won't notice the change the wife has only just realised I have an fz600 as it was red and the xs was red.
August 31, 201311 yr as an aside there is a bloke who lives a village over from me DURSLEY that only works on FJRs and he is supposed to be the one and only in the UK as a go to guy on all things FJR " FUDGE MOTORCYCLES (FJR CENTRE) " look him up if you get a chance. That's the place - Fudge Motorcycles, run by Doc. And yes, he is THE go-to guy. He organised the UK owners club and even has a racing team that rides FJs on the track. Does pretty good, from what I hear!
August 31, 201311 yr Personally I don't trust dealers anymore. Back at the begning of the year I got a Suzuki Indruder from a dealer that got great review but on the way home it died. A month and a half later I'd only driven it for a week with it back and forth into their garage. Then told them to take the bloody thing back. Lost out on £300 in finance I'd paid up untill then and not even a sorry. They acted like I was the bad one. If you feel it's not right don't buy the thing. They just want to sell you the bike nothing more. Got a dragstar now (private sale) and am well happy.
August 31, 201311 yr On the subject of being attached to bikes, when my first big bike (the Kawasaki GT750) was killed by a wonker in a car who ran me off the road, I had a right go at the bloke who came from the scrappy to pick it up cos he strapped it down so hard it bottomed out the suspension. The bike was dead and going to be broken up but it was still my baby and I was almost in tears (almost) when he drove away with it on the back of his lorry. I have been the same with all my bikes, keeping them until they either died or got killed. The only one I didn't get that attached to was the GPZ600.
September 1, 201311 yr Author Hi lads, Been a bit busy in work so only catching up now. A big CHEERS for all the feedback - slice &Ttaskmaster in particular Well... I decided to barter a little with the dealer. He wanted 3300 on trade in against my old (but very clean) fazer. I offered 3000 and he accepted but ONLY on the condition that he took my bike within 2 days as he stated his manager insisted on this because whoever they pass the fazer onto reduces his price with each month that passes (???). Trouble is, I told him clearly that I would only have the scoobies ready by month end and since my wife's hyundai tragedy died recently she's using my car every day (and I couldn't be bothered sorting out alternate transport for Sept) - so I need my bike daily for work. Anyway, he wouldn't budge and neither would (could) I. That's the trouble with dealers, they just don't seem to care that much in the end. That said, on reflection I think I'm going to stick to the fazer for another wee while and see what comes up as the actress said to the Bishop. As compensation to myself (well, if I don't who will?) I ordered a schuberth c3 helmet with integrated SRC system. So looking forward to quiet and comfy journeys at least
September 2, 201311 yr Meh. Tosser. Forget him and just keep an eye out for others while you build funds. The aforementioned FJ Owners Club often has bikes for sale and you're far more likely to get one in absolute top nick, usually with a wealth of accessories. For me, the ONLY reason to buy from a dealer is any legal comeback you might have if it's knackered.
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