September 12, 201311 yr Author thanks guys the I knew about the white fish but the mash is a new one on me
September 12, 201311 yr Author He's getting there bipp, managing more food, Vet said the're happy his progress and they don't need to see him for 2 weeks still a bit unsteady on his back legs but it should heel in time. I've finally heard from the pet insurance and the're paying the first £2500 & I intend to argue anything more with the vets as this last episode is down to them he's very slowly getting back to his old self, fingers crossed!
September 12, 201311 yr Author might manage a day trip but after the disaster i had last time I'm not sure, keeping my options open til last minute but don't think it would be fair on mrs xs to leave her to look after him all weekend, really do want to go though!
September 12, 201311 yr Author ha ha ha talk about resilience in dogs, he's just been trying to hump his bed I think this is a good sign but I'm not really sure ? we had him done over 7 years ago, no balls, no spleen just got to admire his spirit!!
September 12, 201311 yr Author LOL Kev, I've learn't him a few tricks over the years but I'm not taking the glory for that one
September 13, 201311 yr Great to hear he is slowly getting back to normal Tom. BEt he's going nuts not going on walks, or can he still go out?
September 13, 201311 yr Author Great to hear he is slowly getting back to normal Tom. BEt he's going nuts not going on walks, or can he still go out? Just managed to get him out this morning for first walk since his O.D, It took me 30 mins to do a ten min walk cos hes just sniffing everything in sight, really think he's though the worse now
September 13, 201311 yr Thats great news, its nice to get out on them walks but stopping every second for a random sniff takes the mic after a while ha ha.
September 13, 201311 yr Author Good news tom"o. will you make squires then,,, even just a flying visit,,, look's very likely just have to check my bike over today and if he's still good in the morning I'll be on my way, just for the day
September 28, 201311 yr Author Well I know people will be getting tired of hearing about Chunk's woe's, but just thought I'd let everyone know he's doing really well, he's off all medication & been signed off from the Vets and starting to gain a bit of weight he's back to his old self, still got a bit of work to do building him up exercise wise but he's getting there, thank you all for your comment's and support it really has been of great help thanks everyone.
September 28, 201311 yr I was just thinking not heard anything for a couple of weeks! Glad he's coming out the other side now. Must be a huge relief for you. My dog is only just coming up to a year old and so far other than injections the only thing he's had to see the vet for is to have his knackers removed! Though if he eats anymore of my bloody slippers I'll have his nashers removed as well!
August 15, 20159 yr Author Just been looking back at this old thread, can't believe its two years on. The good news is Chunk had his tenth birthday a couple of days ago and he's still going strong.
August 15, 20159 yr That's just great Tommy. Happy birthday Chunk!We now have another dog in the family to keep our cheeky Husky happy. A 13 week Doberman / GSD. She's a cracker and already can't imagine the house without now.
August 15, 20159 yr Author Got yer hands full there bipp, I sometimes feel like chunk is a full time job but wouldn't change him for the world.
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