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Hi All, I have the original dealers number plate on my bike, its like a bloody great billboard and I think it spoils the look at the back, any suggestions of what toreplace it with. I used to use the postage stamp types many years ago but I could not go out without being pulled so looking for something at least almost leagal.

If you don't want to be pulled then your option is to stick with a legal one.

At the end of the day we all have to have them so your bike looks no worse than any one else's.

Also your insurance will look at the slightest illegal thing to back out of a claim if you need to, its just not worth the hassle.

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Cheers Campaman, There must be something legal that looks better than what I have got

As long as the number/letters are legal size then you could cut down your present on to a smaller size, just trim round the edges until your happy with it! Most have some sort of logo or dealer name on them and that can go for a start, why should you advertise them after all and then leave about 1/8th of an inch round the edges and see how it looks. I have done this before and passed the MOT with it and never had a problem from the boys in blue. If you want to test it out first then use masking tape to get the look you want and see how it comes out.

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Thanks slice, that sounds like a plan, time to get the jigsaw out I think

Yep that option would appear to be legal so you shouldn't have any problems.

I have just looked at mine and it has a custom surround so that does what Slice is suggesting but in a different way, the surround blocks out the spare space around the edge of my plate.

Yep that option would appear to be legal so you shouldn't have any problems.

NO it's not!!!

"From 1st September 2001 a new set of laws came into force for UK motorcycle number plates, which are quite specific in listing the exact dimensions of the letters, spacing, height - even the margins around them to the edge of the plate ( which must be 11mm, by the way )".

More info:


NO it's not!!!

"From 1st September 2001 a new set of laws came into force for UK motorcycle number plates, which are quite specific in listing the exact dimensions of the letters, spacing, height - even the margins around them to the edge of the plate ( which must be 11mm, by the way )".

More info:


before this came into force i was under the impression it would only actually fail if the number plate was a single line format. As long as the numberplate was in the correct double line format it wasnt supposed to be an mot fail. Most garages know its a real grey area so just automatically say its a fail unless its totaly standard fullstop, cuz they cant go wrong then.

I used to have small sigle line number plates with unusual fonts + logos on my sports bikes and I got stopped and fined a couple of times in the same month. Even had a copper come into my work and try and do me because he had noticed my number plate on the car park! Threatening to wait for me when it was time to go home! They will really use it to stick the law to you if they dont like you for whatever reason or theyre in a bad mood! Ive heard a lot of people say either have a legal size plate or just have no plate! I myself now have a legal size one on my dragstar and a "one size smaller" on my warrior. Ive never been stopped once in about 4 years with a "one size smaller" plate. One other thing to take note, tiny plates often lead to less protection on back end/tail lights etc. Some sports bikes look theyve been battered from stones etc after theyve fitted tail tidy and small plates. Anyone who is following you in a rideout will also hate you if youre bike is constantly chucking loads of stones up at them

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I suppose you could always keep the original plate for the mot. I might get a one size smaller and keep my fingers crossed, Due to cutbacks we very rarely see the Ol Bill round hear but I am trying to get away without any points until I pass my test at the very least

They cant give you points for small number plate mate, just a fine

£1,000 fine and the DVLA can revoke your registration, making it illegal for road use... Pretty hefty.

I put one a couple of inches smaller on my bike and never got any hassle for it, but i do know another bloke in the same town as me has had a fine.

So basically what you should be asking your self is....

'do i feel lucky?'

.....Well do ya punk?

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Hmmm Lucky? me? Not with my looks

I thought the XVS125 numberplate wasn't too bad looking as it is mounted at the bottom of the fender :shrug: The 1300 is ugly as it sticks up from the fender.

1 go on fleabay

2 enter "motorcycle number plate.

3 enter cheapest to dearest ( well thats what i do)

4 make your own plate from the options ,on my car i have a bull terrier logo on the right hand side and where you have the garage name at the bottom i have entered "up yours ". and i have been assured these are legal , they passed the last two mot's anyway. on my bike number plate i just have" smoking "at the bottom.

and before anyone says boo hoo they arn't legal , i asked a traffic cop to take a look and he didn't see a problem with them.

mine are the 3D ones. with a boarder. neither did my CID next door neighbor .

think it all comes down to the discretion off the officer and how much he feels youre taking the piss with your plate. Put it this way, if youre plate is totaly 100 legal size/font etc but with a tiny logo at the bottom saying "i hate pigs" youd be getting a fine for your number plate! Then youd prob have to go to court to prove/argue it was to legal standards or just pay the fine. Theyll get you one way or another! I had a copper pull me over for "having my pillion pegs in down position!" seriously! He said they were dangerous and should always be up when you havent got a passenger! these were standard oem pegs by the way not custom spikes!

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If I got pulled for having my rear pegs down I think I would get I hate pigs on my number plate

If I got pulled for having my rear pegs down I think I would get I hate pigs on my number plate


Well this thread clears up a question I've had for a while.I knew you guys bought made your own plates and wonder why SO F"N BIG

the billborads you guys have to run does look wrong on the back of a bike.

Here we are issued a stamped mettal plate from the mto (cost 20 bucks for 200 you can get a personal ) all 4 inches x 7 inches and 2in alpha /numerical lettering for bikes that actualy fit on the back no wider than the fender look ok IMO.And for cars /trucks we get the12 x 6 size.Wher yours appear to be the same size for both.And a yearly road tax due on your birthday of 82 bucks No MTO required just pay and your good to go on the bikes cars every 2 years you have to have a emission testJust our gov's way of sayin Happy Birthday ,they give you a nice little 1x1 sticker to put on the plate with next years date/month so everyone knows what month you were born I guess

So no problems form the coppers,unless you tamper with it.

Where it get grey is the way some guys mount it,side ways at the axel is a fave with the crusers,mounted on the inner fender infront of the tire is a fave with the power rangers or on a rediclus angle so almost only seen from above all of these methods will surely get you pulled over sooner or later.

The I'm going to run and not stop for the copper guys run a flip plate hinged at the top and cable operated so if a cop starts following the plate gets fliped up to the sky

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