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Scary sights.

I will kick off with one I witnessed on the motorway today.

Nothing special annonymous 500cc something. Lane 3 doing a good 70+ running with and between traffic.

Wearing..........visorless open face lid with sunglasses, wife beater vest and I assume budgie smugglers (either that or he was nekid from the waist ) with deck shoes.

Can you imagine the mess.....I thought I was being reckless leaving my overtrousers off.

Must be some more scary sights.......

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  • Can we please keep this calm? There seems to be a growing amount of hate on the forum of late... Far more than on other bike forums I'm on. Although I can normally see the lighter side of remarks made

  • Bravo Bippo, about time some sense was introduced into this thread. I'm sorry that the lady feels she has been wronged and that she feels the need to vent at Tasky, I'm sure he meant no offence and th

  • can I just throw 2p down the safety well on this one, Ive been biking now for something that must equate to 2 normal life times. Ive seen mates of mine injured and I have also seen mates of mine die,

i have seen 3 bikers this summer wearing shorts.

The consequences don't bare thinking about :shakeno:

On the one hand, it's perfectly legal and the rider's choice as to what they choose to wear, or not. Long as they have the helmet on, securely fastened, etc.
There have been a few moments I've availed myself of that leniency, even though I almost always fecking well INSIST on sweating my bits off in full-on leathers.

On the other hand - Cock!! :D

If in any doubt, watch this:


Then read these:



Idaho allows riders (over 18) the choice of wearing a helmet. And all the time there's folk here who choose not to wear one... along with choosing shorts and tank tops. I've even seen a kid on the back of a motorbike in shorts. Makes me cringe. :shakeno:

edit- holy shit! Just read that and watched the vid. Next time anyone gives me shit for gearing up I'll tell them to look at her story.

I worked in the Ambulance service for 30 years and I know what happens when you go to hospital, I have myself SCRUBBED the road grit out of road rash and believe me you can actually stand on your hair!

For those that don't know how road grit is removed in Hosp here's how. First cut off whatever they are wearing then wash said area in HOT soap and water then get NAIL BRUSH from sterile packet and SCRUB the shit out of any and all cuts and grazes, this can take 5 to 20 minutes depending on where the rash is and how much shit is in it, and NO it don't help if they yell and call you names cos it's not MY skin that's peeling off!!! Sounds harsh but it's either that or sepsis.

This is why I have kevlar jeans and a mesh summer jacket.

Gives you some protection whilst still being light n airy.

Coming down the M3 from London last Sunday I saw a GPZ900 two up. I was doing 80 and they passed me like I was going backwards.

The pillion was a girl wearing a skirt so short that instead of holding on to the rider, she was holding on to the front of the skirt to prevent everyone seeing her knickers (I assume she was wearing some).

To go with the micro skirt she wore a crop top that was no wider than my belt and a light cotton overshirt flapping in the wind.

The rider, however, was in full leathers with the 'hump' neck/back protector.

This pic is why you'll never see me in anything other than full gear and a full face helmet.


This was my old helmet after some W****R ran me off the road. If I hadn't been wearing full face I wouldn't have a face left.

On the one hand, it's perfectly legal and the rider's choice as to what they choose to wear, or not. Long as they have the helmet on, securely fastened, etc.

There have been a few moments I've availed myself of that leniency, even though I almost always fecking well INSIST on sweating my bits off in full-on leathers.

On the other hand - Cock!! :D

If in any doubt, watch this:


Then read these:



So that is the exact reason, even on my 125, I will let my scrotum sit in its own sweat in leathers. What a brave girl! I was almost tempted the other night not to bother putting them on.

Last summer when I was a newbie I went out when it was really hot topless. It did feel good. I will never do it again though. I will always wear my armourerd jacket. The way I thought about is..... If I thought I was going to come off my bike I wouldn't gbo out on it, so whats the point in wearing all this gear and sweating to fuck? Very naive of me.

Coming down the M3 from London last Sunday I saw a GPZ900 two up. I was doing 80 and they passed me like I was going backwards.

The pillion was a girl wearing a skirt so short that instead of holding on to the rider, she was holding on to the front of the skirt to prevent everyone seeing her knickers (I assume she was wearing some).

To go with the micro skirt she wore a crop top that was no wider than my belt and a light cotton overshirt flapping in the wind.

The rider, however, was in full leathers with the 'hump' neck/back protector.

This pic is why you'll never see me in anything other than full gear and a full face helmet.


This was my old helmet after some W****R ran me off the road. If I hadn't been wearing full face I wouldn't have a face left.

Seen something very similar myself, someone I work with with his Mrs on the back in vest top and shorts. He was wearing full leathers.

If you choose to not wear the right gear and get injured you've only got yourself to blame. But if you have an accident and your pillion gets injured, how bad would you feel?

It's insane what I've seen this summer, shorts and tees on an r1 but still got his boots and gloves on.. You go through the effort to protect hands and feet when your torso and legs will be skinned alive..

As nice as it would be in the heat to ride along in a tshirt I can't bare to try it as I've seen the damage I can do to myself falling over running or walking! And that's under 10mph.

Although I do admit if I'm heading into town sometimes, ie riding under 30mph I have been naughty and ride in my normal denim jeans.. I still have leather jacket, gloves and boot on though.

On the one hand, it's perfectly legal and the rider's choice as to what they choose to wear, or not. Long as they have the helmet on, securely fastened, etc.

There have been a few moments I've availed myself of that leniency, even though I almost always fecking well INSIST on sweating my bits off in full-on leathers.

On the other hand - Cock!! :D

If in any doubt, watch this:

Then read these:



This story should be shared with more people, but then again if they're stupid enough to jump on a bike without adequate clothing then I doubt they'll care. Just glad I'm not one of them!

I met someone who fell off a moped they hired in Tenerife when they were younger. Only going about 20mph and came off on some gravel. Like a true tourist, she was wearing shorts and a vest, she needed a skin graft from her thighs, permanently scarred.

I know someone (huge ego) who obtained his bike licence not long before I did. They are very much a summer rider with a GSXR750 - cruising around in normal jeans, trainers, t-shirt and motor cross gloves. Casually admits to bombing around at 140mph on the M3, while chatting on his helmet Bluetooth too. I'm waiting for the funeral...

i know of a lady wearing only her shorts and vest whilst on holiday.

who took a fall, well it was more of a slip than a fall.

her knee was badly grazed and twenty years later she still bears the scars from that fall , and this was at walking pace.

it was fuckin funny to watch though. no dignity , just went down and said oh bollocks that'l leave a mark. :biglaugha:

Couple more for you, both riders wearing jeans:

Zombie, a well-known rider from a few years ago - Lovely chap, holder of every advanced riding and training certificate you could imagine. If ever you wanted to do IAM or something, he was THE man to go to.
When he does the safety talk on CBTs, the first thing he shows students is his left leg - Prosthetic, which he earned in his youth when crashing at a mere 15mph in unarmoured denim jeans.

Wear what you like on yer bike, people. Just don't come crying if something happens that you could have prevented!!

Edited by drewpy
as requested

Commuting home last night, along the A316 just outside of Richmond, I drew up at the lights next to a guy riding without a helmet!

He was riding a three wheeler, not the chopper type trikes but a commuter type bike, one wheel at the back two close together at the front (not sure what they are called).

He said he'd been stopped a couple of times but it was legal.

I think he's mad, my motto is "Better Hot than Dead" :-)

However advisable it may be to do so, Trikers and the (often) pricks riding Quads on the road are not actually *required* to wear a lid by law.

Highway Code says they 'should' wear one, but does not say they MUST.

Also look up 'Motor Cycles (Protective Helmets) Regulations 1988. Statutory Instrument 1998 No 1807'.

Cynic won't like me - it's high 30s here (lots of apotheke thermos showing 40+). i decided to ride to Grand Ballon this afteroon, along the Route de Cretes. so hot I was sweating badly, so jacket went in my topbox and up the Autoroute in T-shirt and biker trousers. Did the mountain passes with jacket on, but back down in the Rhine valley still to hot, so jacket off and back up the autoroute in t shirt.

Dodgy, but better than boil-in-a-bag Merv. Worst injury sustained some sunburn....

This is one of those subjects that divides opinion.

I have to confess I rode home from Loughborough yesterday sans jacket and loved it, plain levi denim jeans (as always), no high vis.

Previous day it was so hot the jacket was ticking tio my skin, so restricting both my movement and my enjoyment, and if it comes to the point of no longer enjoying it, then I might as well get in the car.

Dont lets turn into the Safety Police

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Im not against the idea. Hell I have done it. I just think there is a time and place.

I have fell off without being degloved in jeans. Same as a hundred or so folk will have been killed today. And will be tommorow.

It was seeing the 80mph filtering while dressed for a swimming pool that did me.

i went out in a pink thong and flippers today :eusa_shifty: whats wrong with that :spin2:

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