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Hell all again, just asking how do you feel with your motor cycle/car if you have one make a lot of noise to upset the Neighbours as we have a noisy biker near us and he gets told to f** off by other Neighbours due to his noise of the bike as its disturbing the piece or so they say not by me as I am a biker myself as in profile pic..so any one else have this sort of problem or doing repairs late at night just to annoy them. thanks for replying to my post.

Where in the UK are you?

I live out in the countryside, where the only real noises are sheep, ducks, horses, geese, frogs, bats, owls, tweety birds, a few cars (despite living on a 10,000 vehicles-per-day road) and the occasional train or tractor.

The farmer out the back sometimes works the fields at 2-3am and trundles around in his tractor, with the ma-HU-ssive headlights. It's generally so quiet we can hear the M4 from several miles away.

The noisiest thing around is my Dragstar, even with the baffles in.
I try and arrive home early, but if I have to do it late I clutch-in or keep the revs low for a good few hundred yards pre-approach. Similarly, I'll push the bike a ways and start it as far from the house as I can, but leave as late as possible (I start work at 10 on a normal day).
Those who live more than five minutes walk away can fuck off.
Those within get my utmost courtesy and I always apologise when I see them. Conversely, they always say I don't wake them and they never hear me come home late.

As a fellow biker and being able to cut through any bullshit - When dealing with the noisy bastard, ask him to be considerate (mentioning those with "young kids trying to sleep" helps) and keep the noisy stuff outside of 10pm to 7am. That's almost the same hours as when you're not supposed to sound your horn anyway and who knows - You might make friends!!

If he's a proper cock, come back here and we'll see what we can figure out!!

Well when my bike was alive i used to push it down the road gear up and then start it up and bugger off with low revs etc as i leave for work at 0600hrs.

Best thing to do is what Task said and confront him face to face and tell him to be more considerate otherwise your going to fill his exhaust up with expanding foam right up into the tappets..................job done

ASK... Ask nicely.

If he gets arsey, THEN follow Noisy's instructions!! :D

Some riders are just cocks, though. There's a Harley bloke round the corner from my mechanic, who revs the nuts of his bike every time he goes past, just because there are bikes outside his place and he has something he thinks is worth proving. Cock.

Funny enough look what i just found

now that i think of it ........

i dont give a shit about my nieghbours

if they dont like the sound of my bike they've never said anything...

My bike, its taxed and insured- i'll ride it when ever i feel like.

I'm sure he pisses some people off but then how many people go about with chavie as fuck cars that have what looks like a dustbin being used as a back box.

Unless he is speeding, being dangerous or on the red line the whole time just leave him too it, tell your neighbors not too be old farts about it lol.

See, I'm nice to my neighbours and Bill next door knows I'm still building a tool collection, so whenever he hears the garage door open at odd times, he's straight out and asking if there's anything I don't yet have! ;)

"36mm wrench? Sure, got three. Back in a tick..."

Always try the nice way first!

Funny enough look what i just found

LMAO. Suits plenty folk around here perfectly.

Ok Sacha "HOW DO YOU KNOW?" starting to wonder!!!!! :icon_redface1:

  • Moderator

Dont understand the noise obsession myself.

Dont agree with loud pipes saving lives either. Proper roadcraft does that. If his bike is noisy ring the law. I like being able to give the bike some beans and not alert every plod within a 10mile grid.

Shitbag over the road did it to me. He was a neighbourhood majority of 1 I might add as nobody else was fussed.

Completely legal. Dt predates noise rules and the TDR is stock. He has moved now. Had nice chat with the community plod. Cuppa and some biker bull and away he went.

If this bloke is legal fair enough but I doubt it..

O how I can't wait to fire old betty up again!!!!!

Wally - Any progress, mate?

>Dont understand the noise obsession myself.
It is good fun to give it the revs when you're in the mood, especially if your bike actually has a powerful-sounding, bassy note worth shouting about.
50cc hairdryers, on the other hand...

However, when you just wanna get going, slip by Plod unnoticed, etc etc, or just come home late and feel bad about waking everyone at 3am, that is when it's time to hush it down some.

Anyone have experience with those tunable baffles? Do they work? Are they that much quieter to be worth it?

>Dont agree with loud pipes saving lives either.
Not when you're stationary, deep within your garage and well away from the road, no... !!

>Dt predates noise rules and the TDR is stock.
What are the noise rules, exactly? 99dB(A) seems to be the oft-quoted value for bikes over 175cc...
And how they gonna measure that? The Cops have a decibelometer set at 0.5m at 45º from the tail end, with the bike revving at the relevant rpm percentage?

Legality doesn't seem to be Wally's problem, so much as being noisy at inappropriate times. Even my FJ running at night sounds fucking loud!!

  • Moderator

Ttasky. Construction and use regs concerning actual db values started around 81. Before that so long as the exhaust is 'applicable type' and in sound working condition its legal. No matter how loud it is.

Yeah, but given the attitude of the bikerly neighbour in question, I doubt it's old enough... I think he's just being a cock ;)

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wally , can't you just put ear plugs in .

  • Author

Hi ya,thanks again all. its just been found out the biker in question has removed his baffles and drilled some holes in his exhaust to make this loud bike noise but after a few words in a friendly chat he has agreed to put baffles back in to keep the piece between the Neighbours although he knew he was making the noise but choose to ignore it but as said comes a time where people get fed up about it. but looking good so far so no scrapping or feuds here yet.lol

  • Moderator

Good news. As someone who has experienced noisy neighbours. I sympathise.

Anybody ignorant enough to say fuck the neighbours over noise is harming motorcycling and by default all of us.

Only needs a couple to moan in the right ear and you will find plods in the area after easy meat.

So, what bike has he got?

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