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looks really nice mate!

have you been out tearing up the countryside yet?

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  • Haha, thanks for the complements . Just love working on this and learning all this new stuff. I don't think I would have had this much fun if I were to buy the bike brand new. I've been busy messi

  • Oh jeeze welshwan, thanks for ruining my big finale track lol . So finally, the bike is done and road legal . I had to take it in to the MOT centre and since it's my first time on the bike, I was

  • What a great thread, well done with the project mate. Hopefully a bit of inspiration will rub off on me.


I was about to say "Oh I like the rear fender no need for the UFO one"

But feck me! You have shown me right up! THAT LOOKS EPIC!

Can't express how much I would like to claim that bike mine lmao! Very impressed.

I want a 'Legalize it pt 2: The Supermoto Conversion' LMAO!

Anyway. Looks very sweet. Either get it sold for top dollar and pick up another project bike or maybe consider supermotoing it. I dunno. Depends what you use it for!

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Thanks guys! No welshwan, I haven't been able to yet. I've been looking for places online but most tracks seems to be over 40miles away :(. I think part of the problem is that I don't know anyone that does off-roading so need to find things on my own. Those off-roading courses seems like a rip off tbh.

Calum122, I plan to use it for off-roading so haven't really thought about a supermoto conversion, got my sweet XT for that :D.

So yea, it happened, only took two rides for this accidental wheelie lol. Need to get used to that clutch.

Hey john cold use choke 2-3 kicks then off( but miy bike is way more hoped up,full porting and yz cams quick adjust pilot mix screw and auto decompression) ,hot no choke with a we bit of throttle,if you dump it use the hot start( red button on carb) this lets more air in to compensate for the extra fuel that will get into the intake aft the carb.,if that dosen't work hold it WFO till it tries to start and then close the throttle as soon as it catches & close the hot start.

As for getting used to the clutch.LOL thats nothing ,try light revs in 3rd and back off the throttle for a bilp of a second and crack it back open the bike will pop right up on the back wheel,mine will do it in 5 th. at about 45 mph.

the track might seem expencive but BIG BUT you can do anything without getting tickets,And in no time you will have others to ride with and new places to ride.Most guys know of the seret spots you can get to or friends who have some land to bash on..from the short vid you posted you have just touched the surface of what the bike can do,and only on a track will you feel right about giving it full on.

Gas milage unknown,because if your giving it the beating,, then fuel goes fast and I never put around to get max fuel range.So honestly I have know idea as to how far you can get out of the bike/tank.I have burnt a full tank in as little as 2hr though

Cool to see it kitted out and your finnaly riding it,love that rear fender so much I put 1 on order.I'm guessing that with the pipe repacked and the DB killer it was good enought to pass a MTO dosen't sound that loud in the vid ......esp.. compared to a HARDLY.


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Not sure what you mean by the red button on the carb or the WFO, are you referring to the decompression lever that's above the clutch lever (might be different on 2003)? I was told by the previous owner that if you pull that lever in, it should make kick starting easier. Something about catching the kick on the intake or exhaust, didn't quite catch the technical bit.

I've heard that there are farmers that will allow riders to tear up their land at a small cost, just before they start their season. Should be a good start as it's flat and I can get used to the bike without too much damage. A lot of tracks have jumps and some are in woodland so a collision with a tree would be inevitable.

Wasn't too bad installing that rear fender, it had the WR cuttings holes marked out for the coolant reservoir tubes and the bolt places. The only marking that was missing was the hole for the rear light cables. I just made my own matching the exact location of the original one. Also had to take out the rubber holders for the tube hole and the electrical cable hole from stock and fit on to the new fender.

Got an advisory for the exhaust being too loud, but passed the MOT with no issues. You're right, it's not as bad as a Harley lol.

Firstly where abouts are you? there are a fuckton of lanes around here...... i know enough of the top of my head for at least a full days laning, and have a map of most local greenlanes (some i have yet to venture to my self).

I would consider looking at some local MX tracks, see how much they cost...could be worth it for a day out. But if you can find a farmer that will let you tear up his field for less then i would go for that instead, less people around and don't have to worry about the people that have been at it since 10 passing ya every 2 laps. :P

as for 'off-roading courses' do you mean when you pay someone to take you around lanes? - if thats what you mean then yeah i agree they are a fucking rip off IF you go on your own, the one nearest me (i think) charges £120 for a one day guided tour with your own bike.....but if there are 6 of you it's £30 each, i guess thats not such a bad price? ...but on the other hand these are roads that anyone can use, just that very few people know where they are, so you almost pay for that information. Hmm i might go over there one day and try and find them for my self.

what i have been meaning to ask you is.... do you think that aftermarket headlight fairing could support two mini spotlights...the one i had on my XT?if you remember. They are pretty small and not extremely heavy....how does that headlight attach anyways? is it just a velcro strap?

as well how do you wire it up? do you cut off the old connectors and solder the new light in? do they come with instructions or at least easy enough to figure out what wire is what on the new headlight?

Welshwan ufo sells a twin 2inch round spot style if you want that type not as good as the square single though.Ver easy to wire up and held on with huge rubber bands,so easy to pop off when off roading.But the Ufo one is way brighter than the stock. 35w the ufo is 55w-65w from the square one and road legal. Got that on my bike and it work great.I don't think the twin round is legal

John the decompression lever holds the far right exhaust valve open so your not fighting full compression 14:1.

WFO= wide f6in open

I cant see your carb in the picts well enough but right behind the little black choke knob on mine there is another larger red knob to pull out when hot,your being a e start bike they probably didn't bother as you won't get winded pushing a button vs trying to kick over a bike just after falling off LOL. If the bike is hot and I just need to restart after stoping I just kick it over no choke or hot start normaly first kick it starts.Even cold it starts 1-2 kicks but you have to get used to getting it on the compression stroke,a problem I'm sure you won't have to often as you have the magic button and will only need the kicker when your battery dies in some remote place.If you ever have to bump start it use 3rd or 4th gear or the back wheel will just lock up.

Don't belive anyone who says trees don't move,them F'n things can jump right in front of you I know cause it's happend to me in the middle of a enduro cross broken coller bone from that 1 minor concusion and a broken chest protector,and iwas about 4 mile from the truck so I rode it out,Probably the worst 20 min of my life.

Jumps are fun but ask first and watch and get a ear for the revs and speed before trying the big ones wher you gap from the top of one to the landing of the next,you have to be in the right gear to make the gap without comming up short or over shooting the landing.

If I were you I would hook up with welshwan and take him up on the offer as he know the trails and go to the mx tracks ,who cares if you get passed a hunderd times you will still come home with a shit eating grin from ear to ear you don't have to do the jumps just rollover them at first.Most alow riding during the week when the races aren't on cheap all the tracks around here charge 20 bucks for the day,and like I said you will meet new peeps to ride with MX guys and girls are the most friendly/family type of people always willing to help and give you tips eps if they know your a newbe

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Wish I could meet with welshwan and do some stuff but he lives few hundred miles away lol. I just had a look at the carb and can't seem to find a red knob, maybe you're right, they didn't put one on because it has electronic start.

welshwan, like dt502001 says, it's mounted using large rubber bands which has notches you can hook on to. Here is a picture of how mine is mounted.


The Polisport one I have came with an extender just in-case you need to extend the headlight a bit to make space for the speedo and other things that's going to go behind it. You might be able to attach your spotlight onto one of the bolts, should be able to support it without any problems. Doesn't come with any instructions apart from how to attach the extender but It's pretty easy to wire up. All you have to do is take your 3 pin main beam connector and attach it to this one. For the daylight, you might even be able to pull the rubber casing (incl. the bulb) from your stock XT and replace the one that comes with the Polisport headlight. If not, cut the daylight wires up, solder and shrink wrap should do it.

Broken collarbone and a minor concussion? You're scaring me now lol. The £120 - £200 they charge for courses here could be used for good protection, I just need to find someone that could take me around some places and get me started in exchange for fuel/beer :P. I'm going to head down to the local Yamaha shop tomorrow and ask some of the guys there.

Those "enduro mirrors" I bought were horrible, just wouldn't stand at speed. The flimsy plastics was shaking like crazy at 30mph+. The bar clamp was unnecessarily big and it took up a lot of room. I ended up buying a pair of 10mm mirror mounts and stuck previous XT mirrors on it. Looks a lot better now.




That looks like you had to move the throttle so far back that getting WFO your wrist is going to be in the wrong position,the mirros look good but I would try to get the throttle back even if the mirros look like they are on wrong. or the right on dosen't work as well

Well mabey a holiday run then not sure but from the picts welshwan posted looks like there is lots of places to camp,a week of camping and riding the counrty side he lives near would be fun.

Anyone who wants to charge you to show you around is a dick IMO,the way I look at it is I'm going for a ride if you want to come along then the more the merrier.If I'm loading the bike in the truck and driving a couple of hunded miles to get to another spot/track then split the cost of gas ,But thats it bring your own beer.

About the pipe try tapeing up some of the openings in the baffel ,gun tape /duckt tape goes like cement after heated and if it dosent get it shushed up then easy to drill the holes open again

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The only thing I had to move was the electric starter button, which is taken up by the right mirror. The throttle etc. are at the exact place they were when I got the bike. I actually flipped the right mirror mount (you can see the ends of the bolts rather than the heads seen on the left mount) just to give way to the throttle. Just curious why the throttle has two cables coming out of it, my XT only has a single? The bike is actually starting to sound a little less noisy now, I don't if it's just me or if the packing has settled in. I'll keep the duck tape idea in mind if I do get stopped lol :D.

Welshwan ufo sells a twin 2inch round spot style if you want that type not as good as the square single though.Ver easy to wire up and held on with huge rubber bands,so easy to pop off when off roading.But the Ufo one is way brighter than the stock. 35w the ufo is 55w-65w from the square one and road legal. Got that on my bike and it work great.I don't think the twin round is legal

welshwan, like dt502001 says, it's mounted using large rubber bands which has notches you can hook on to. Here is a picture of how mine is mounted.

The Polisport one I have came with an extender just in-case you need to extend the headlight a bit to make space for the speedo and other things that's going to go behind it. You might be able to attach your spotlight onto one of the bolts, should be able to support it without any problems. Doesn't come with any instructions apart from how to attach the extender but It's pretty easy to wire up. All you have to do is take your 3 pin main beam connector and attach it to this one. For the daylight, you might even be able to pull the rubber casing (incl. the bulb) from your stock XT and replace the one that comes with the Polisport headlight. If not, cut the daylight wires up, solder and shrink wrap should do it.

nice one lads! Sounds like the square single is just the ticket, now to pick a color...... :jossun:

The only thing I had to move was the electric starter button, which is taken up by the right mirror. The throttle etc. are at the exact place they were when I got the bike. I actually flipped the right mirror mount (you can see the ends of the bolts rather than the heads seen on the left mount) just to give way to the throttle. Just curious why the throttle has two cables coming out of it, my XT only has a single? The bike is actually starting to sound a little less noisy now, I don't if it's just me or if the packing has settled in. I'll keep the duck tape idea in mind if I do get stopped lol :D.

One cable pulls the throttle open and the other shuts it ,so the slide basicaly can't get jamed open from dirt..ect..

This you might need to do a bit of Bing Google photo search for...... the throttle cabels should be running right above the front brake master slightly foward of the cap this alows you to get full throtle without bending you wrist down

Oh about the tape don't wrap the whole baffel just a bit at the end ..say 1-3 cm to block just a few holes right near the exit.

Ok Welshwan when does you fig you gona let the cat out of the bag and tell us what you bought? Or did I miss it already?

Ok Welshwan when does you fig you gona let the cat out of the bag and tell us what you bought? Or did I miss it already?

Just posted this now, any ideas what it is? :P

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Pretty good looking bike. I was surprised to find out it's a 577c, let's just say you've got balls to go from a 125 to that lol :D.

dt502001, any idea what gear I should be looking to get? I've checked out a few articles and videos about suggested gear apart from the usual top, helmet, gloves and trousers. Things like body armour:


Also recommended are neck and knee braces, these don't seem to be too friendly on the bank account though :(.

Knee braces are for guys old like me who have dammaged thier knees before,if i don't wear my left one I walk with a lip for days after mxing.That said I supose that if I had worn one before I wouldn't have buggered my knees.

As far as upper gear I wear a chest/back protector and a jersey (like the Thore one in my avatar) they ofeer great protection breath well and easy to move in not good for pavement but on dirt they wear like steel in a get off.Thor pants and mx gloves,goggles with tear off's

The neck brace some swear by them other can't ride with 1 one,I'v tried 1 and just couldn't get used to it.probably the best piece of protection you can buy though next to a proper pair of boots. And a helmet of course. But yep a grand for neck and knee braces is easy to spend. but they are a 1 time life investment and both could be the difference between living in a wheel chair or walking.

Leat desinged them after his son was parralized,alot of the tracks won't let kids ride without them now,I rarely get off any more for a few reasons 39 years of mxing and I don't ride at 110% anymore,I know my limits and know when I'm tired/tireing out and adjust my riding.Thats probalby when most get off's will occour, guys will keep tring to push them self's not realizing that the just don't have the strenght to control the bike as well as the first few laps.

Forarm pump is your ennime start traing you fore arms and wrists and get some chocolat milk for after workout recovery,no idea if you work out but you should start if you don't.Mxing is the second most demanding sport next to water polo and if your not realy strong you will crash more often.Lots of info about mx training get reading.You will be in great shape after a year of mxing,trust me after a day of mxing your body will tell you all about it if your not in good shape and will hurt every where even if you don't crash LOL

I guess the most improtant part of the gear you select to wear is that you have to be comfortable ,able to move as if you wern't wearing gear .when mxing your constantly moving on the bike anything that slows you down in movment will cost you,possibly causing you to crashwhen ever split second count between a save and a crash

DT50 knows more about what you should be wearing on the track then me! That's for damn sure!

all i can say is

When i go laning i ALWAYS wear my MX boots (alpinestars tech6)- bought these 2nd hand and scruffy as fuck for about £30! i have had them almost a year now! they are the only footwear i use on my bike! these have saved my ankle at least one! the bike went from under me and landed on my leg! my knee bent but my ankle didn't budge at all! i know for a fact my knee can take more of a beating them my ankle! Also its good to get some cheap scruffy boots as it don't matter how they look when you are trying to get through mud that is up to your knees anyways!

As for top- i have 3 motor bike jackets, one leather redbull one i got as a gift from a family member (i do not use this in the rain, or in muddy conditions) and two textile ones a black summer one and one RST olive green and black that i got off ebay for cheap being the only bidder! The rst one is the one i use on the lanes and in the mud for these reasons:

Cheap - so does not matter if it comes home caked in mud and stinking of crap

Has elbow and shoulder pads

It's textile - so designed for road use- basically if u fall of on the way to the lanes you will stand a far greater chance of keeping your skin on then if you were to wear a MX jersey!

Water proof ( to an extent)

Load of air vents to keep you cool while you are trying to wrestle the lane!

if i were you, i would look into getting some of that body armor like in the pic you posted ^ not up to much on tarmac but will certainly be of use when you come off on the lane. looks like it is fully plated out! Just the ticket for off road, id have thought.

Trousers- i wear a pair of summer adventure bike trousers. Plenty of air vents to keep your junk cool hahaha, comfy and knee protection built in! If it's raining i just pop a pair of waterproof over trousers on as well.

basically the main bit of advice i can offer on the subject is- if you are getting to these places on the road then you need to make sure you have something that won't disappear once it comes into contact with tarmac.

Not sure if this will be of any use to you but then again maybe it will!

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Oh wow, some great information here, thanks guys. I've looked at some of the Thor gear and they seem affordable. At least this knee brace is, only £60. It is a knee brace right and not just a guard?


Decent neck braces are still pretty expensive though. Might have to look on eBay for some used ones.

Yep they will stop you from hyper extending your knee,as well as help from rotating it.

To keep cost down when my son started he had a set of elbow/knee pads from skate boarding ( x games pair) I used to strap them on him and they worked,But it was funny to watch him try to walk/move in thor boots,pants jersey,, pads and chest protector looked like a penguin on a stick trying to move till he got on the bike then he adapted to the constraints of the gear.

Nothing wrong with a used neck brace if IF it has been cared for,but if it's been heavely abused by throwing it around when not wearing it then it might be streched,remeber these are a spring for your neck/head.That would be something I would want to look at in person befor commiting to purchase,just a good excuse to go for a ride anyway.

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Lol, I'll probably be walking around like a penguin for a while too then. It's pretty awesome you got your son into off-roading and started him out from a young age :P.

I've made a rough list of what I plan to get next month.


There is a lot of choice here but since it's more than likely to get bashed on my first outing, I'll be looking for something around the £100 mark.

Neck Brace

Alpinestars Bionic Neck Brace £130. Seems to be the only one I could find with good support and a reasonable price.


Body Armour

Either the Alpinestars Bionic Pressure Suit to go with the neck brace for £170.


Or just this general body armour for £46.



Not decided yet, around £30.


Not decided yet, around £40.


Not decided yet, around £20.

Knee Brace

Thor Force Knee Guards, £60. Can't really find anything to top it at that price.



Thor Ratchet Boots, £130. Anywhere around that price is what I'll be aiming for. Maybe I could get a decent used pair of an Alpinestars if I'm lucky.


Adding all these up comes to just under £700. Might even have to span it across a couple of months unless I stick with used gear to cut the cost down.

LOL breaking in new boots SUCKS.takes months befor they will bend at all. alpin star teck 6 boot are dream boots to wear buddy bought a pair around 600 I put them on as we have the same foot size SOOOOOOO comfey.

130 for a neck brace is dam cheap IMO even if I double that to sort of compare dollars to donuts thats a good price,last time I looked a few years ago they were still around the 400 mark.

As far as the jackets the cheaper one's "look good" can you find any wright up's about them,they will do the job and if you can get a waterprooff to fit over then can't see why I wouldn't buy them.I don't wear a waterproof but you guy's get so much rain I'm sure you will want to some times.

The boots wow can't belive what they cost there bought 2 pairs about 4 years ago for 200 CAN so doughnut to dollars that would be about 100 at the bike show sure they were last years models but still new.

The boy can kick ass on a track,strip his own bike to the frame and put it back together,I double chech everything though I started him when he was 5 a year earlier than me,but had a electric quad when he was 2,so basicaly been riding since he could walk and befor he could ride a 2 wheel push bike,, at 7 he was doing jumps that some of my friends won't do now,, on a pw50 that I ported and would run 65mph actual 65mph on raidar might even have gone faster but ran out of road to see how fast it would go.Now he's 13 and sort of lost intrest in MXing TITS and trying to fig out what he's going to take in high school seem to be on the mind more LOLand the 5am roll calls are done for this year anyway maybey next year he will want to give er a go again.I got him a job cutting grass so he could learn about paying for stuff himself,but he spent most of the cash he made on a new super gaming computer his uncle and him built from parts a ducking grand on a singal part for this thing Ok by me, at least I didn't have to fork out for it,?WTF am I saying I wouldn't have LOL.prety cool though it has neon lights.I know that does nothing for performance but I know shit about building puters other than parts only fit where they fit.

He has riden my bandit 1200 and the wr neither he can touch ground on the bandit I just sat behind him and held the bike up the wr he just stops and jumps off.I am/ might look into a track bike if he want's to give it a go next year now he's old enough to get a pave track licence and my old leathers fit him. I found a cbr 125 for 700 that I think I can get for 500 if I wait till it snows

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