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I wonder if the vent is pluged in the gas cap,what happens if you pop the tank open and start it when hot?

edit: also what do you have the valve lash set at?

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Thanks taskmaster, when choke is on it doesn't seem to want to run at all.

Sorry dt there technical terms lol could you please explain a valve lash lol ill see what happens when the gas tank is open.

Sounds like bike is running too rich,,,,, or mabey that choke is stuck on.

What colour are plugs?

Easy starting when cold but not when hot = running rich

Dies slowly as bike warms up = choke stuck on or running rich

If your sure timing is proper, you need to start at the tank and work your way to the plugs making sure everything fuel related and sparking are all ok.

valve lash= valve clearence , cam to rocker to stem clearence.

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thank 2 wheels for the advice, ill double check everything fuel related, the plugs are normal blacky sort of colour.

thanks dt, i understand now lol

the plugs are normal blacky sort of colour.

They shouldn't be that black... Lightly spotted brown-ish is the usual.

Which one are you on this?


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I have taken the spark plugs out and they are definatly the carbon fouled one. in that case I will look at the float level and the mixture screw. if I turn the mixture screw out im guessing it makes the mixture stronger and opposite for in? is the mixture screw air and fuel, just air or just fuel? thank you :)

Mixture - Clue is in the name, bud ;)

Mixes air and fuel.

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ok :) should of known really lol

iv also noticed that it says there an air screw on the top of the carb, do I need to adjust that or just leave it.

is there anything else I can do to stop it running so rich? :)

Trying to remember how this one works...

IIRC, there should be two matching screws, one on each carb. You turn these to balance the carb.

There will be another single screw, probably on the side between each carb and with a plastic cog-like head. This is is your air/fuel mixture.

Lastly, there may also be a fourth screw, easier to reach and probably somewhere around the left of the actual cylinders. This alters your idle speed.

Memory is a bit hazy these days. I last owned one of these about 7 years ago and no longer have any manuals to check stuff from.

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thank you task master, I only have one carb between the 2 pistons, do I have to balance one carb and if so how do I do that please? :)

I also noticed today that the spark plug from the front cylinder is more sooty than the rear which to me (not knowing a great deal lol) would suggest that the front cylinder is the problem?

but iv not touched the front cylinder lol

please help lol :)

Ok a compression test is needed and you should check the valve lash on the 1 you havent touched,wondering did you get the other 1 right?

And No you cant ballance a single carb it is what it is.Though a good look and clean won't hurt,but without re reading I think you did that allready.

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cheers dt, its going to a shop on Monday morning although I don't want to spend a load of money lol I pulled it off in one go so I didn't touch the valves, it should of been a case

of just putting it back together, it was running before I had the work done so theoretically it should of been a case of putting it back together lol what does it mean if tone of the spark

plugs is more sooty than the other? :) yes, cleaning the carb was one of the first things I did after putting the head on due to it being stood for so long :)

Single carb?

Heh - Told you I was stuggling to remember!!

Guess what I never did on my 125...

Serviced my own 125.

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