July 15, 201311 yr honda 750 black widow Since we're critiqueing bikes - This is a chain drive, apparently... ??!! Also - Exhausts shaped like trumpets, round mirrors (always hate those, regardless of bike), uncomfortable pillion seat, over-shortened mudguard, smaller capacity fuel tank (by about 3 litres), 5 extra horsepower with a few kilos less but still a lower top speed rating... I don't know what, but *something* about it just reminds me of a Suzuki VanVan and I am overcome with fits of giggles!!
July 15, 201311 yr Hmmm 750 black widow vs XV535???? Yes granted the Honda does look much better than the viggy, but i still wouldn't own one. its either the dragstar range or a Hardly for me. but im quiet liking the MT-09 at the mo.
July 15, 201311 yr Since we're critiqueing bikes - This is a chain drive, apparently... ??!! Also - Exhausts shaped like trumpets, round mirrors (always hate those, regardless of bike), uncomfortable pillion seat, over-shortened mudguard, smaller capacity fuel tank (by about 3 litres), 5 extra horsepower with a few kilos less but still a lower top speed rating... I don't know what, but *something* about it just reminds me of a Suzuki VanVan and I am overcome with fits of giggles!! 5bhp more at the crank but probably 15 difference at the back wheel once the shaft drive has finished sucking the power out plus the extra torque which is what cruisers are about surely...? pillion seat?! who gets a custom for a good pillion seat its bloody shockingly bad on both bikes! If you want comfy back seat and big tank should be looking at a bagger! But hey at least the shocks on the honda are still going strong and the chrome hasnt fell off! Seriously though it handles great and will pull 100mph no problem, difference in speed is undeniable from anyone whos ridden both bikes. my dragstar engine starts vibrating like hell at 80 and prefers to stay around 60-70 which is a pretty embarressing top speed for any motorbike. Luv the look of the dragstar but its a really limited bike imho.
July 15, 201311 yr plus the extra torque which is what cruisers are about surely...? Aw come on, these are mid-size Cruisers. If you want proper torque, you'll want 4 figures on the CC! pillion seat?! who gets a custom for a good pillion seat? Err... Those of us already with partners, or who realise the sheer pulling power of a Cruiser!! Even my 125 Drag attracted random scantily-clad girlies with camera phones who wanted to pose draped sexily over it. Three times in fact (about the only thing London is good for). Hell, I even had a couple of blokes take a shine and while I politely declined their advances, the sentiment was still appreciated. The 650 was even better for pulling girls, with the added benefit of being able to take them home with you... Nothing worse than being drooled over as 'Mr Cool Biker' and having to turn down a very good offer from a very dirty girl!! Incidentally, the Cruiser pulling power is how I first met the woman I ended up marrying. But hey at least the shocks on the honda are still going strong and the chrome hasnt fell off! It's all in how well (or badly) you look after it. Never had a problem with my chrome, aside from a few spots and the cause of that is the same reason my shock is fucked - Nothing to do with being a bad bike design, I just put my own through hell and back, on road and occasionally off. It shouldn't cope with how I treat it... but it managed!! Seriously though it handles great and will pull 100mph no problem, difference in speed is undeniable from anyone whos ridden both bikes. Every Honda Cruiser I rode felt dull and unenthusiastic, until I tried the 1300 thing a couple years ago. The Drag actually felt fun to throw around! my dragstar engine starts vibrating like hell at 80 and prefers to stay around 60-70 which is a pretty embarressing top speed for any motorbike. Mine was never particularly vibey, even past 100... assuming you're in top gear. It protested around 70, but that was in 4th, hee hee!! That changed a bit when I whacked non-standard pipes on, though... But, to your own tastes, I suppose...
July 15, 201311 yr yeh they definitely get looks from the girls I wont argue that lol but doesnt change the fact neither black widow or xvs custom arent designed with passenger comfort in mind so back seat being a tad small is irelevant really. Having said that though the missis has done miles on the back of both and much prefers the honda back seat... Main trump card for me with the honda is the extra power, I know they are "mid size" but they both in the same group and it just runs away from the dragstar in every situation. We had a harley dyna in for repair and when the guy test rode it after fixing it up he tried the honda straight after. He was real impressed and said it blew the dyna away on speed. Another massive plus for me is the brakes, theyre much much better on the honda. Both bikes have braided hoses, new fluid and ebc pads, honda stops so much better
July 15, 201311 yr I never said small, I said uncomfortable. I've done Scotland and back on a Drag pillion... two diferent ones, actually, preferring the one with backrest as I could take photos and have a ciggie easier, but they were fine well past 2½ hours all day. Couldn't manage an hour on the Honda and I've coped with those pointy little Harley ones as well. I'm wondering about the peg height, as well as the pad. it just runs away from the dragstar in every situation. Yeah, fear will make your bike do that, I'm afraid... It just can't bear to see another bike pulling more birds!! Does it wet itself as well? But seriously, 100 extra CC, less weight, higher HP, chain drive and it still can't actually outrun the Drag? 0-60, the most oft reported value of the Widow is 7.6 seconds, while the Drag is an even 7. Highest top speed I can find for the Widow is 90.4mph, against the Drag's 96.3 (interestingly, Yamaha claim it's only 92)... Also, is this 100mph you mention an actual, measured, guaranteed 100mph, or just what your speedo said. If the latter, I beat you again with 107 and more to spare when the traffic isn't too heavy. We had a harley dyna You talk to Harley riders? BWAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!!!!!!! Sorry, that was rude of me. You were saying something...? Oh, yes... So, some Harley guy says he likes your bike... and that your piddly little 750 mid-size Cruiser can obliterate his, what are they, 1300cc one??!! Doing 0-60 he's 3.2 seconds faster than you straight off, topping out at 110-120mph (I believe Harleys are actually restricted to below 120mph, or something?). I think I know why his bike was in for repair... Honestly, I think he was just being nice to you, lad... Either that, or you're just making shit up, now. Either way, I'd possibly get a Virago over this Widow here. I toyed briefly with the Dyna just to insult you, but let's be serious. There are limits!! Another massive plus for me is the brakes, theyre much much better on the honda. Depends how you set them up. I have mine pretty firm, braided into HH Sintered and running Avon Venoms both ends, as well as having the balls to brake hard if I need to. Never hit anything on the Drag so far. But you must be talking <9 centimetres of stopping distance at best. They simply cannot ever be "much much" better as they're still single disc calipers on a long-raked fork, with a drum for backup. Heck, I have twin disc 4-pot brakes on my FJ and that is only 'much' better than the Drag. The only reason you ever stop on a Cruiser is if you pray hard enough! Finally and most importantly... You're taling about a fucking Honda... This is the YAMAHA Owners Club. Dragstar wins every time here!!
July 15, 201311 yr unfortunately you seem to know best, seeing as I own both bikes and ride them back to back but hey... theres always google for you lmao
July 15, 201311 yr unfortunately you seem to know best, seeing as I own both bikes and ride them back to back but hey... theres always google for you lmao Your one opinion, based on how you choose to ride, versus published facts and statistics? That must mean a Fireblade is a really small, shitty bike that takes ages to get up to speed but is pretty sensible for careful Sunday riders to bimble about on.
July 15, 201311 yr you chose to ignore the 99.4mph on this one then? http://www.mbike.com/honda/vt750/2003 and thats with the wrong library picture showing the slower classic version Ever heard the phrase theres lies, damn lies then statistics? If you search long enough youll find high/low conflicting stats you can present either way you like but you cant discount the fact Ive got both bikes and youve never ridden even ridden a widow?! Let alone done hundreds of pillion miles? I mean youre all over the fact you know the dragstars more comfy when youve never even sat on a widow? Wow. If ever I want to know a fact about a bike youve never ridden ill give you a buz mate and you can tell me all about it! Make sure you dont ask the missis for a 2nd opinion just incase she has one because we wouldnt like anyone to disagree with you... Yeh as for the torque it must be my imagination, the comfort also must be my imagination, as for the brakes? Hey I must be imagining that too! Take it from a fella that knows better, the widow is way faster
July 15, 201311 yr the 100mph was on the speedo, up hill with a passenger lmao as I was overtaking a dragstar650
July 15, 201311 yr lol handbags at dawn.......................... Shh... having fun!! the 100mph was on the speedo, up hill with a passenger lmao as I was overtaking a dragstar650 Firstly, your speedo is broken. Secondly, so you can 'overtake' parked vehicles. How nice for you. you chose to ignore the 99.4mph on this one then? http://www.mbike.com/honda/vt750/2003 Well... yeah. Obviously. According to *that* website, the 2010 650 has only 20HP and a fucking chain drive!! Ever heard the phrase theres lies, damn lies then statistics? I took manufacturer's quotes averaged out with performance and road tests from various reviewers, particularly those testers who had reviewed both bikes at some stage. You know something all of them don't? Ive got both bikes How nice. Doesn't mean you can ride 'em properly... I have a 650 Cruiser and a 1200 Sports Tourer. I can still outride the latter on the former up to the speed limit, everywhere except outright straights. All in how the individual rides... youve never ridden even ridden a widow?! I've not ridden the Honda VT750 Black Widow, no. I've ridden the Honda VT750 Shadow (both seats) over about 16 months. Same bike, for all intents and purposes. If you're really gonna try telling me the two are THAT vastly different, you'd better make it fucking good... If ever I want to know a fact about a bike youve never ridden ill give you a buz mate and you can tell me all about it! Any time we want some bullshit about how yours can outrun bikes twice the size, we'll just forget about you, eh. Make sure you dont ask the missis for a 2nd opinion just incase she has one because we wouldnt like anyone to disagree with you... Everyone here knows she also rides a Dragstar. Custom model and everything. But you can ask her yourself, if you like. Take it from a fella that knows better, the widow is way faster Yeah, everything from Harleys to 'Blades, 'Busas and Rockets... You leave them in the dust with your 90.4mph, I'm sure... Get down this way before I sell it and we'll have us a race. See how you fare with that. Also, my dad can beat up your dad!!
July 15, 201311 yr lmao ill meet you half way, bring your pinkslip a pen and change for the bus cuz youll need it
July 15, 201311 yr oh and you rode "bitch" on the back of both bikes? Shame on you. Only my missis goes on my back seat
July 15, 201311 yr oh and you rode "bitch" on the back of both bikes? Shame on you. Only my missis goes on my back seat This is England. We say pillion here. And I am man enough not to belittle the women with poseur bravado terminology... Although I'm sure you know more about 'Sissy Bars' than me! Besides, I'll ride pillion before ever going on public transport again (lived in London, served my time in hell, fucking earned my freedom!), it was easier to operate a film camera (talking before the days of affordable HelmetCams here) or a bike rather than trying both, it's easier to sleep on the back, I sometimes get very drunk... Many good reasons. "A man who knows only one side leaves himself vulnerable to the other". Book Of Five Rings, I think... lmao ill meet you half way, bring your pinkslip a pen and change for the bus cuz youll need it This is England. We say V5 here. Besides, that's just proof of registered keeper, not ownership... and while the front is only half-pink, it's the green bit that's of use. I'd say the same to you, but I *REALLY* don't want to be lumbered with that... thing.
July 16, 201311 yr Bra-fucking-ho! this is the best bike review of two bikes ive ever read. But i must re-ask..................how the fuck can a 750cc Honda beat a big V twin Dyna? even a 883cc Sporty can kick the shit out of a Widdow that reminds me
July 16, 201311 yr Yeh good question actually, wonder what he meant... cant speak on his behalf as thats just what he said and I didnt ride that dyna so I couldnt possibly comment on a bike I havent ridden I dont know what roads he went on, what speeds, what revs he was using... maybe the dyna was lumpy and low reving where the honda might be smooth and more nippy if he was using the revs? He may have actually meant it blew it away at speed, like it handled better when blasting around
July 16, 201311 yr Right turn, Noise!! Yeh good question actually, wonder what he meant I'd have stopped listening once I knew he rode a Harley In fact, I first started zoning Harley stuff out when I saw you can buy a single pair of Harley Davidson branded boxer shorts in the local dealership, for the meagre sum of £185!! I couldnt possibly comment on a bike I havent ridden I've never actually ridden a Jing Chen M90, but I know it'll be fucking awful... So... anyone else wanna debate XV535 vs XVS650, or have we utterly derailed yet another thread?
July 16, 201311 yr Back on track, The xv535 is bollocks, looks like the aftermath of a prostitutes fanny fart and handles like a sloppy shit in colender. Only thing that comes a close 2nd in the worst things to have between your legs is Dale Winton. To top it off they are mostly always sold with with studded saddle bags, fly screens AND TASSLES!!!!!! whats the deal? Sorry couldn't hold it in
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