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Cant you get it fixed? I'm assuming the winding is faulty?

  • Author

Yep, windings. I brought it to one expert in these stuff, he said that it is dead, and need a new one.

  • Moderator

take it apart and take it to a winding company.

they'll do it cheap as chips

If you cant get it fixed in Latvia I would see if there's one on eBay as converting to a kicker could cost a bit.

  • Author

Okey, i will search for that kind of company.

How do you think it going to cost to insert kickatarter in my bike? I have searched in ebay for mehanism and there it is only 25gbp. but electro starter around 100gbp. So, i want kick starter, and it could solve many problems, like i dont need to have battery, because all work could be done by generator. I wrote this to many companes, lets see what they will say.

Converting to a kickstart isn't as difficult as it sounds, you can do it either by picking up a cheap DT125R engine so that you can cannibalise it for the internal cogs, or have a look on Ebay, now and again you can pick up the internal assembly for around £25, Yambits sell a new kickstart lever for about £20, kickstart lever retaining nut for about £4,and kickstart shaft seal about £4,

I've already done this conversion on the TZR engine I have for my DTR project bike, and a couple of weeks ago managed to sort out a seized DTR engine for only £15, which I'll be using the kickstart assembly to convert my XT600 so I don't have to rely on just having a starter motor. Something that has let me down in the past. Mind you kicking a single pot 600cc bike over, is a daunting prospect in itself.

By the way if you decide to get a new starter motor, I'd be interested in that one you have there, as on mine the top mounting has broken off it, and is only secured into the engine by one bolt, I'm presuming that the starter motor outer casing all splits up, so I could swap it over to fix mine.

  • Author

So you are saying, that, than by editing kick start mehanism from 2000-2004 dtr it could fit in my yamaha?

P.s. Can you post a picture how is it looks when kick start is in its place, so that i can see, if it could fit in mine by minimal editing it.

P.s.s. Should i take 2003 yamaha DTR kick start assy for a shot (to try if it fits?)?

Because it is only 20 + shipping, what is more cheeper than buy starting motor.

P.s.s.s. If you have skype, please invite me - emilz23 - so we can talk about this.

Any kickstart assembly from any DTR engines from 1989 up to 2003 will fit, I'm not sure about earlier pre-89 year models.

Have a look here from another forum I belong to, there's a lad that did a conversion to his DTRE which has the same engine as yourself.


  • Author

Can you post any pic of, how it looks like, when it is in right place?

Registered in forum, waitting till admin confirm.

Yes that will fit Emilz, the Item you are buying from Ebay is 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 assembled in the picture below.

You will also need parts 10,11x2,and 12


Maybe a mod could move this thread to a more relevant section?

Here you go Emilz the part order numbers you can order these from any Yamaha dealer

Parts 10 in picture are retaining circlips 99009-15400-00 2 off, parts 11 are thin thrust washers 90201-154E8-00 2 off,

Part number 12 in picture is a nylon cog 10v-15651-00

  • Author

I asked dealer in Latvia about these items, so here are prices -

retaining circlips 99009-15400-00 2 - 2.6423851 British pounds

thin thrust washers 90201-154E8-00 2 - 4.20379447 British pounds

nylon cog 10v-15651-00 - 58.8531226 British pounds

So, any shop form UK or Europe is not selling these parts for reasonable prices? Because, this is too expensive.

Need that nylon cog!

Do what Nev said get an old motor.

  • Author

Eh, i will search, but ... Maybe i will order it from OEM parts, only 50 Euros, i think its reasonable price.

And im from Latvia, in here 125ccm motocycles are not so popular, so here i cant find it. And if i order it from UK, wonder how much it could cost, i dont have so moch money.

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