March 22, 201312 yr main comment i get is ,sorry i wasn't looking, my response is usualy down the lines of ,fuck off you prick , and , ooch! that'l leave a mark
March 23, 201312 yr Author I'm really interested in these different reactions, thanks for posting folks. Never thought about man Vs woman. Rider vs pillion. Even north vs south, etc, etc, really interesting. Really weird too. I guess also it is just luck in who you come across who wants to speak to you. Maybe it just happens I've been a bit unlucky in that I have had a few of the 'death trap' brigade instead of the old nostalgic biker etc. Not that it has been all negative like I said, but I have hardly been on the road for long - also the shite weather has cut short my riding god damn it!! Overall though, I don't care want anybody says either way, I am loving the bike and the freedom and everyday I can't get out on the bike. I'm even enjoying going to work because I get to ride ha, ha. Cheers, All the best.
March 23, 201312 yr Overall though, I don't care want anybody says either way, I am loving the bike and the freedom and everyday I can't get out on the bike. I'm even enjoying going to work because I get to ride ha, ha. Cheers, All the best. It's amazing the effect a bike has in terms of getting to be from work!! Continue enjoying. :-) xx
March 26, 201312 yr Maybe it just happens I've been a bit unlucky in that I have had a few of the 'death trap' brigade instead of the old nostalgic biker etc. Ask them when they last saw some middle-management dickhead in a BMW driving at 130 down a 60-limit A-Road and changing lanes without indicating, or even looking... On almost every weekday, I could truthfully answer that with "on the way to work this morning".
March 26, 201312 yr Ttask you got to remember that BMW's don't have indicators there only there to round the corners off and you have to give a F**K about someone else!
March 26, 201312 yr With half the comments you have said on this subject theres no wonder people say what they do about us me i just treat them with the contempt they deserve. I just think their loss is my gain and any way f**k them.
March 26, 201312 yr Like johnny Ingram" i find ther is little or no negativity towards bike- bikers up here,[N/E] Most are well into bikes , especially the older generations, , I was amazed when at squires to see groups of girl bikers, there a few up here,
March 26, 201312 yr i remember dropping in to see an old mate who i hadn't seen in years. I knocked on the door in my bike gear helmet took'd under my arm, his mother inlaw opened the door looked me up & down & said "oh your on a bike" i said "no i came on the bus" Jimmy my mate was stood behind her, thought this was hilarious and still takes the mick out of her about it.
March 27, 201312 yr With half the comments you have said on this subject theres no wonder people say what they do about us me i just treat them with the contempt they deserve. I just think their loss is my gain and any way f**k them. Many do not deserve contempt... just the ones that do You have to use your judgement as to whether or not they will be receptive to having the myths busted. A few facts usually do it. I would say, though, that almost all of us get into biking (regardless of when we actually get to ride) when we're full of passion about it and have no preconceptions ourselves. So to have some ignorant random come up and try to piss all over it, uninvited...In most cirlcles of society, that's just asking for a head-kicking and in many of these circles that's what they get. Who the fuck are they to go round dealing judgement? White van men, women drivers, boy racers, ped boys, old people, foreigners, artics, taxis... you name it, everyone out on the road is a twat. We're just about the only ones who stand together and defend ourselves... we just happen to look cool at the same time!
March 27, 201312 yr Ive had the same, "you ride a death trap" etc the others i get is "your pipes are too loud" and Are you one of them Harley riders!?" To all of them (bar the select few that come across in a joking manner) get a swift fuck off and my pipes are loud so as that you blind twats in your cars know im actually infront or behind you. As as for the death trap, id rather die crashing through the perly gates rather than standing in the que knobbing off st Peter
March 27, 201312 yr Moderator Shows a neat paradox. The same people that think your risking death are the very same folk driving with utter dissregard for their own safety. Not 10 mins before reading this a bmw (no surprise) overtook me forcing the oncoming traffic to brake big time. Narrowly avoiding the lead car. Why. Not 500 yards ahead it became dual carriageway.
March 27, 201312 yr Hi, I have not been biking long, motorbiking that is I have had a push bike for a while, but I have already come across a lot of negative reaction to motorbikes. Is this normal and how do people deal with it? For example people will comment quite freely 'oh you've got a motorbike have you? Death trap.' Anyway, of course it is not about me, it's about other people's prejudice. I just wondered if this sort of reaction and comment by total strangers was quite a common thing and how do you react if so? Information and education seem's to help for ALL road user's. Fatalities for N. Ireland in 2012 where 48, a figure which has been on the decline for the last few years. Incidently, of those 48 deaths........ 21 where driver's and 4 where motorcyclist's, seem's like the car's are quite a death trap! Not really, as we all know it's the person NOT in control of the vehicle. I react nicely if they acknowledge me with an apologetic wave, if they don't or even look at me as if I did wrong, then it's the old 'FUCK YOU'. Be safe and don't let things trouble your mind, you don't want to lose concentration over some stupid fuck.
March 28, 201311 yr Author Information and education seem's to help for ALL road user's. Fatalities for N. Ireland in 2012 where 48, a figure which has been on the decline for the last few years. Incidently, of those 48 deaths........ 21 where driver's and 4 where motorcyclist's, seem's like the car's are quite a death trap! Not really, as we all know it's the person NOT in control of the vehicle. I react nicely if they acknowledge me with an apologetic wave, if they don't or even look at me as if I did wrong, then it's the old 'FUCK YOU'. Be safe and don't let things trouble your mind, you don't want to lose concentration over some stupid fuck. Cheers. No they are not going to bother me. Was a little annoyed and puzzled by it at first but now don't really give a shit. I'm just looking forward to getting out on the bike now that the bloody snow has cleared up and hopefully the temp will pick up a bit as well. Did one trip out just before the snow and was absolutely freezing. Got myself a better jacket now so hopefully that will help, but the summer air flow gloves I've bought are not really the thing for this time of year, I'm learning. (When I ordered them I thought spring meant the beginning of sun not snow.) Cheers.
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