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They look great and its the look I was after and from what I have seen they hold there money well as a 2010 model goes for 11k so I think ill go retro as a 1999-2002 can go for up to 5k

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Will have to be I got wife and four kids to think about so there's no stupid riding , that's what the wife says ! LOL

The V Max is OK in a straight line but it doesn't like corners or bends needs to be treated with a great deal of respect or it will catch the unwary out not a good choice for a first big bike. I

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The V Max is OK in a straight line but it doesn't like corners or bends needs to be treated with a great deal of respect or it will catch the unwary out not a good choice for a first big bike. I

do you have any Ideas on a first bike bike in the same stile that the vmax has, its the kind of look of bike I'm after ? ( thanks for the info on the bike tho :) )

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There are not many big bike looks I like at first I was convinced I wanted a bandit then I seen the mt-01 and seen what a beast of an engine it had and looked at the mt-03 which is a nice looking bike then I seen the vmax which dose a 1200cc but as steve said it will probly bite me in the arse, which has been duely noted.I think its the naked look of the bikes where you can see the engine that I like , and what I want in a bike is plenty of pulling power for up here in the hills and sounds like a BIG bike I dont want bike thet trys to break the sound barrier just summit that gets me to where I want to go with wife on back ( we are bothe not big people ) and not having to worry about how I'm going to get up hills as the way I have to come home even my mate cars struggle on some of the banks up to my house I just want you to throw me some ideas in here where I can go away and have a look at them and I can ask peoples opinions on them as with my luck I get a bike tha is like awild beast when in the wrone situation.

Also while I'm on here how many of you lot that have got big bikes have done mod one, mod two, then went on and done an advance corse ?? thanks paul

Seems you like musle bikes ,, Honda Magna v65- Yam Vmax - Kwak Illiminator. which i still have.. :jossun:




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blackhat250 that kawasaki I'm drooling over that is a hell of a bike in my opinion but after talking to two lads today at work they have said I'd be crazy to jump strait to a big bike. as on of them said from his own misshaps that he did he went strait from a 125cc to a kawasaki ninja 600 which dumped him of when he was new to riding , he said some even 600 motorbikes are a difrent animal alltogether, he said that for my first big bike get a 600 and get used to it and in a year or so down the line go bigger and in that time you see your riding get better then you will be ready to go bigger, he suggested that a good starter bike would be a 600 bandit as there more forgiving than alot of other bikes and are alot of fun to ride and there are alot of after market products so you can make the bike your own and there pretty hardy for new riders. After thinking on what he said I think he could be correct in what he was saying but I did feel beter with my self after giving him the fair weather rider dig as he only brings his hayabusa 1350 out when the sun is out and it only has 400 miles on it from new lol so that is not very oftern at all

If your looking at a 600 have you considered an XJ6N. (great in black) Ive just got one after not being on a bike for 25 years. So from the perspective of being new to modern bikes, its been fabulous.

Really forgiving and easy to ride. Its doesn't punish you for taking a dodgy line through corners or for poor gear selection.

The pictures are great but like Steve 1052cc says, you've got to throw your leg over a few and see how they feel ;)

Good luck though, I'm enjoying the vicarious excitement of buying a new bike.

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I think a trip to the bike shop is in order as I'm not the tallest of people to try them for size

My advice for what it's worth is buy a 600 Bandit, Suzuki SV650N, Yamaha 600 Fazer, and i know you said not a sports bike but you would do much worse than a Yamaha 600 Thundercat. All the modern 600cc bikes are more than capable of comfortably doing what you want but more forgiving while perfecting your riding skills than a heavier more powerfull 1000+cc machine which can even catch experienced riders out.

Biggest difference between a 1000cc bike and others is , Bhp. and low down torque. you never need to downshift , the"yl pull top gear out of corners from as slow as 30mph.

And yeh paul " The Kawasaki is a looker, as kwaker"s have always been a little more exotic over the years. go back to 1968 , the H1 500 triple 2 stroke, broke the 1/4 mile records , aced the 750-4 honda.

1972- 750 triple, 1972- Z900, 1985, Gpz900,. i was a yam man in the 1970"s , but even then my dt175 was overshaddowed by the KE175, according to M,c.Mechanics mag, it even outshon the DT250,[ twinshocks]

by the way these muscle bikes have low seat hieght, ,, heres mine,


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In a couple of years I will have to have on of those blackhat its the look I want but I will enjoy my self on a bandit 600 me thinks for a good while first

Blackhat's Eliminator 900 if a lovely bike to ride,,,,,loads of that wonderfull Tourqe

600cc is loads of power for a first bike,,,,,even 2 up,,,,, be carefull though as 2 up can be tricky if your not used to it.

Buying a Litre + bike for a first bike isnt a good idea,,,,,, specially a V-max. There's a lad close to me that has one,,,, riding along the road in 4th gear,,,,not toutching clutch,,,, he can floor the throttle and this puts smoke everywhere as the back wheel lights up in uncontrolably.

That said the Kawaker ZRX1200 is a great big bike

Fazer is a better bike than the Bandit in my opinion. I fully checked them all out when i sold my CBR 600 to buy The Fazer.

Ill get a pic of it.


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I like the look of the fazer and will look at this bike in more detail

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Thats a nice bike you have 2wheels I realy like it and I also like the FZ6-N

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From what I have seen of the fz6 its quite an animal it self as some of the vidios people have put on it will keep with most 600cc sports bikes and is reasonably priced as on the flebay a 2007 fz6 for 3k :)

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