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my xvs 125 stopped running and the engine light flashes three times then a pause i'v looked this up on line and think it means (Coil 1 is activated 5 times per second).

problem is i dont fully understand the fault and i'm unsure on how to fix .

any advise welcombe

Hi d2eeb. I'm afraid I've no advice regarding the diagnostics of your bike, but usually it's a good idea to start out here by introducing yourself. You might get more of a response after letting the folks know a little about you and your bike. :)

I'm sure the guys here can help you get it sorted. :luck:

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sorry for the inconsiderate first entry.

hello everyone my name is dave

my kids started calling me deeb off the film friday after next (deebo) :) and my wife bought me the reg d2eeb hence the forum name

this is my first ever forum so you's may have to bare my brass entry .

i'm hopeing to get to know different people with similar intests and make possible new friendships on the way i work in the garage of a land rover dealership so if anyone needs help with a car or landrover then i may possibly be able to help

from this forum i'm hopeing to also learn a bit more about motorbikes especialy the electronics as thay are so differant to cars

i have a few bikes all differant engine sizes the xvs 125 is my work bike (saves money on petrol) but for no reason the bike just lost power and cut out

i would appriciate any help or advise

cheers deeb

  • 1 month later...

Had similar poblem my self. with my XVS125 and it turned out to be the rectifier under the seat next to the battery mounted on the mud guard What had happend was the diode inside it had burnt out this regulates the power from the altinator and keeps a steady charge of around 12.5v to 13v to the battery any excess is burnt off in the heat sink the reason for the cooling fins on the body of the rectifier. if the diode burns out and you are lucky it just stops carging your battery and once the voltage drops bellow a certain level the spark to the spark plug gets weaker and the same thing happens to the engine power till it stops all tgether and the orange flashing fault light comes in this case a faulty rectifiyer.If your unlucky it overcharges the same thing happens but as in my case it fried my battery pumping out 28v on full revs which indoing so caused the engine to loose power and eventualy cut out giving me the flashing orange light even though there was srill enough juice in the battery to light the ign lights there wasnt enough for a healthy spark to enable the engine to run. The cause of the fault was me cramming to much stuff into the tool box peventing air curculating around the rectifiyers cooling fins. the chances are its not whats causing your problem. but a low battery due to knackered rectifier is worth taking into consideration I know when mines been stood awile theres enough juice in the battery to spin the engine over but not to start it.a quick couple of hours charge and it cracks up straight away.<br /><br />Hope this has been helpfull regards<br /><br />Bob

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