January 15, 201312 yr In reality the only two likely outcomes of that are as you say, either he legs it or tries to lamp you. BUT, in the event that he does neither, and instead refuses to get off your property and simply stays where he is trying to get the bike going, the correct thing to do is probably call the police, by which time he may be long gone with my pride and joy, if i shut the gates at the end of my driveway it becomes entrapment, if i pull him off the bike it becomes common assault. imho, its just a no-win situation :/ cant argue too much....one thing you could do is citizens arrest (as he IS trying to steal it, which is a ARRESTABLE offense.....so you ARE well within your rights to arrest him your self for this) then as said person tries to stop you from doing so .....you may find that you have to protect you self you may however find your self having to justify what you did, so reasonable force may play a part in this. i doubt you would be able to justify something like keep hitting him when hes down and out cold, you know..
January 15, 201312 yr not too many facts in this vid, but well here is on kind of example of a citizens arrest
January 15, 201312 yr this has worked every time in the past for me. you knock the fuck out of the scumbag thief , then simply make a counter act against him, usualy scumbag drops charges, if not, it gets thrown out of court.
January 16, 201312 yr Author this has worked every time in the past for me. you knock the fuck out of the scumbag thief , then simply make a counter act against him, usualy scumbag drops charges, if not, it gets thrown out of court. works for me !
January 16, 201312 yr Funny how quick the racist card is played against the police and the citizen making the arrest.
January 17, 201312 yr my theory has always beenHIT FIRST , ASK QUESTIONS LATER ,works for mei have got out of bed at strange hours of the day to earn money to buy things for me and my family,if a scumbag thinks he can just walk up and take it away he is being dilusional.HONEST OFFICER , HE TRIPPED !!!!
January 17, 201312 yr See that's where most people go wrong you must restrain (not hit the little darlings) using the appropriate minimum force to affect a citizens arrest or restrain them. The minimum force might well be you have to hit the little darlings or even use a weapon if you are in fear of your life but always the minimum force. Never give the little darling good dig once they are compliant and restrained that is then unreasonable force. Well that's my understanding of how it works
January 17, 201312 yr to be fair that only counts if your actually calling the police too.. give them a few good digs, kick em when they are down throw em on to the street, and then go back in doors and finish your coffee.. these people arent likley to report you. they are probably out on bail or parole any way, so they dont want the police any where near them. And ito be honest the only deterant to them is a good beat down.. Police are only needed if you didnt get to your bike in time to clout them.. And even then your usually better of asking around. and then going to get your own stuff back, provided its not in bits. or on fire.
January 17, 201312 yr knew a guy years ago that had two triumph bonnies stolen from home, one after the other, so when the third one was bought it was stored as usual in the old wooden garage which happened to have a metal handle so when he locked garage at night he ran a wire from the mains via the live, onto a crocodile clip and onto the handle and left via a small side door. his bike was never stolen again modern rcd trip boxes would probably trip but it was old style bakalite fuses then.. worked for him !!
January 17, 201312 yr Shambles don't risk your freedom on that theory the little darlings do leaving the police nowhere to go but charge you. You ain't allowed to ride your pride and joy round a prison exercise yard.
January 17, 201312 yr You are all complecating this go buy a leatheal dose of herion keep it handy inject the fucker then call the cops after thier dead. I live in the country and don't have this problem, Hell I don't even lock the doors, but if some scumbag came my dog would wake me and I would shoot the fucker and feed them to the pigs or plant a gun on them, then erase the vidio tape on my survaliance. Alternativly personal tazers are cheep and cops use them ,the crook will smell of shit and the cop will think just another junkie and hall them off.
January 17, 201312 yr amazing how this can go from an attempted bike theft to mass slaughter,electrocution,injections,beatings, all in 2 pages wonder what plans for retaliation there will be on page 3
January 18, 201312 yr if the police come and tell me i smashed some ones face in.. il tell them i did not, and if they dont have credible eye witnesses then its this guys word against mine.. and given im not the one who claimed i was trying to steal something when the aleged incident took place that his word is less than credible, and he probably had his friends beat him up to try and get some sort of compensation or payment from me as he figured i must be well off as i have a bike.. i would then add that my bike is always locked up safe and sound in my garrage, and so he couldnt possibly have been trying to steal it to start it. I would also point out that IF some one had been trying to steal my property wouldnt i have called the police? it would be up to them to prove that my bike wasnt in the garage at the time in question. that i did infact attack him. and honestly without credible eye witnesses he isnt going to get far with the claim.. Being in this innocent untill proven guilty society, I dont have to prove i did not smash his face in. they have to prove that i did. and as it would be assault it would be a criminal not civil charge so the burden of proof is higher.. And unless they have a video of me smashing his face in. or credible eye witnesses. then they arent going to even take it to court as the cps will just say Not enough evidence for this.. it wont ever get prossicuted, and a jury is going to be biast. In the end it wont be worth the polices time and money to prossicute. every one may Think that the little scumm bag is telling the truth, but aslong as they cant prove it within reasonable doubt. then im fine. and any way.. If i call the police. and they do come and they catch the guy. and my bike is messed up.. I have to pay to fix it insurance claims go up. and what does he get?? a slap on the wrist probably a suspended sentance, or at best a slap on the wrist 6 points on his licence for not being insured and a few hours of comunity service.. justice is a very strange thing in the uk. and over here where i live we tend not tobother the police much.. Unless your speeding or something els they can fine you for they arent interested. i have been prossicuted for assault, common assault and abh over the years, and it usually ammounts to court costs. and £50 compensation. and a one off £130 hit is better than losing my bike "possibly having it burnt" beeing marked as an easy target by this scumm, and higer insurance payments.. All you need to remember is if you break anything more than a nose it goes from ABH to GBH and then it gets a bit more serious.
January 18, 201312 yr only problem with the above is if you've been prosecuted in the past for assault, common assault and ABH you won't qualify as a credible witness as you have a history of violence... Best thing to do as stated by O.P. is to keep your bike locked up and if possible out of sight.
January 18, 201312 yr meh.. if i see some one tryong to steal my stuff i will be issuing physical justice followed by verbal warning and then deal with consiquences later if any arise. not a fan of the police, they have never managed to help me in any way. amd i doubt they would help the person that justice was issued to either... around here all they do is drive aroung looking for people with no tax/mot/insurance or who are breaking the speed limit. you dont see police walking around these parts any more only traffic cops and they arent any where near the villages. there used to be a police station in this vilage when i was a young lad. that was closed, and the nearest one was 2 miles away.. then they closed that down when i was a teen.. so nope the police around here dont do squat, if your house gets robed ad you call the police they MAY turn up 3 or 4 days later to get a staement. if you do go to the police station to make a statment your self. there wont be any one at the front desk. its probably diferent in england or even a city. but around here in the towns and villages, they just let us have at it.
January 19, 201312 yr Have any of you installed some kind of GPS tracker on your bike(s)? It seems like one of those solutions that might actually work after your bike is stolen to pinpoint a location so you can figure out its whereabouts. I know there are pretty expensive trackers with monthly/yearly fees but I came across this contract less tracker which doesn't seem too bad: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tracker-Vehicle-Theft-Protection-System/dp/B003XDN58K
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