Posted November 11, 201212 yr Hi, I'm currently in the process of dis-mantleing a DT175 and someone has lost the key to the steering lock. Is there a way to take the steering lock out without butchering the cover? Thanks
November 11, 201212 yr Moderator The key would have been the same as the ignition key unless someone changed either of them previously
November 15, 201212 yr Author Unfortunately the bike had no ignition key or barrel. I've managed to remove the cover and I thought the lock would slide out but it doesn't, something seems to be holding it in. Any ideas, I've got to replace it anyway so when it does come out I'm not bothered about the condition of it.
November 15, 201212 yr Drill it out if you don't care about a small bit in to knock the gates loose then it will turn to release the tumbler. Or u tube "bump key" and make one not hard.
November 26, 201212 yr Author Drill it out if you don't care about a small bit in to knock the gates loose then it will turn to release the tumbler. Or u tube "bump key" and make one not hard. Thanks for this useful piece of advice, I think I'll give it a try.
November 26, 201212 yr Hi I think to remove the steering lock once the cover has been removed you need to have a key in the lock and you have to turn the key whilst in the lock until a little pin aligns up with the protrusion that is part of the casting, you can see the pin in this link on ebay
November 27, 201212 yr If you want to keep the barrel try this. Info from Mart13 ACRD. There is a code is stamped on the outside of the lock and only visible when the lock is out of the frame. It is quite easy to "pick" you'll need a 5mm wide strip of the thinnest feeler blade you can find (0.05mm works) push that between the barrel (the bit the key goes in) and the lock body in line with the narrow side of the key hole. you need to find which way the wards are sprung (which side of the key is working) push the shim until you feel the first ward then inside the keyhole with a thin wire push the ward outwards until the shim will go in to the next ward......repeat until all wards are retained and the lock should turn. allowing you to remove it. Its difficult to explain and a bit fiddly. Good luck
November 28, 201212 yr Hey guys, I've locked myself out of both my house and several of the other houses in the very rich private estate where I live... Can anyone tell me how to pick open the front, back, side and safe doors of these properties, please? Also, my numerous Aston Martins have all experienced problems with the security devices - How do I bypass them, please? Seriously guys, stop posting information on how to bypass security features on peoples' motorcycles. This is a public forum and while such information may already be public, there's no reason for us to further publicise it. Keep it to approved workshop manual methods - It only costs a few quid to have a pro Lockie repin your lock and/or cut you a new set of keys anyway... often less than a new lock. I say this as both a motorcycle owner and a responsible Locksporter (someone who picks locks for fun at competitive events). teaching people how to use things like bump keys WILL result in your stuff getting nicked one day and I don't fancy losing mine just because some twat on a forum posted a how-to.
November 28, 201212 yr As a licensed Mechanic I say thats it unsafe to help anyone with issues like suspension,brakes,wheel bearings streering bearings adjusting a chain.they might try and fix it themslef and do it wrong resulting in death and injury to other people. All these services can be performed by a licensed mechanic for a small fee and who has insurance in case something goes wrong,as your personal insurance does not cover improperly installed parts and you are liable.and by giving advise unless you are a licensed mechanic you to are liable. Give it a rest about teaching people how to open a lock or by pass a security system the thieves all ready know how and wouldn't bother looking here all thoes devices are for honest people. Form what I know the thieves just drive up with a van and throw the bike in the back and drive away, it takes to long to bugger with it at the side of the road if they want your bike they will get it thats what insurance is for.
November 29, 201212 yr And I suppose all the joyriders carry plasma torches to cut the security chain, bump keys for unbumpable disclocks, VAG systems for key-coded immobilisers, angle grinders to cut the lamp post you've chained the bike to and cloned fobs for alarm/immobs as well, do they? Well I guess were all fucked, then, right? I mean how comforting that thought is, when you're a young kid stranded miles from home in pissing rain and freezing cold, missing a very important appointment - It's OK, I'm insured and it will only take a few weeks before I can get around again. Really useful advice, that... Everyone over to DT's house. Nothing is secured and feel free to take whatever you want. No, it's OK - He's insured!
December 18, 201212 yr Author Thanks for all your help on this guys, figured I would need a new lock anyway so I ended up drilling it out, now all I've got to do is find the correct replacement. I know the part number is 341-23408-01-00 but does anyone know if the locks from later models will fit? I've seen a few on ebay from thailand but these seem to relate to 77 / 78 models.
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