October 3, 201212 yr If 1 person bitches about 104 mph your to old for me to care... the guy was having fun.. why else buy a bike like that .. Life begins at 140 mph + Or why does Mclaren build a car that does 300 + street worhty.. ,,,, If you can`t have fun sometimes and pay the ticket if caught! OOOOO ps for thoes who care I am 45 and stil going strong at 175mph + When ever I can feel safe( just for politics) And looking at puting a turbo on my bandit to run into 300..and I dirt bash weekly. Park your walker and get on your bike and`` ride It like you stole it `` Sorry kev had to steal that one
October 3, 201212 yr Hey if you think this was a heated argument then you got it wrong, I certainly hadn't hoped it to come across that way, and hopefully neither did Airhead and TTask, its nice to know mind, we live in a country where you can say just what you think without getting a knock on the door at 3 in the morning, by 5 blokes in dark coats and sunglasses. Only thing that gets me heated is when people come on spouting bullshit in threads, as that insults my intelligence, and being a member of Mensa for nigh on 40 years, I actually have a piece of paper that officially says I'm not fookin stupid.
October 3, 201212 yr >Thats your opinion, not proven to be right, so not nessessarily right.just an opinion, fair enough. Come ride with me then and count how many such dickheads are doing exactly that on the roads here. In fact, there's another thread about someone doing this very thing in Bolton! >Well I've seen signs for Deer, signs for Toads, signs for low flying Pheasants, Maybe they should do one for horses, then? >generally a sign telling you that you are within an area that has a high risk of a Deer jumping out at you. Ah, but what about where it's a low-to-medium risk, not high enough for the council to justify spending on a sign for it, yet a distinct possibility? Moreover, how would you fit all that information on a single sign? >'asserting your demand' comes over abit harsh mind, It's either that, or they crash into me and get 37 stone of steel motorcycle through their windscreen and into their child's face... I'll be dead - I won't give a fuck about their darling little rugrat who is now going to live the rest of their life with only one arm and a face that makes them looks like a Batman character, all because Mummy was too busy Facebooking that she was driving while slapping makeup on to take a single second and look before she moved! >what I'm saying here is I just wish horse riders would wear high viz waste jackets for the road as it aids visibility. Most of them actually do, at least round here. Nothing better than crawling past a bunch of horsey girls with their tight jodpur things as they bounce up and down in their tight-fit polo shirts... Hmmm! >when was the last time you saw a Dyno Rod van in an accident, Oh, you had to ask, didn't you..... Earlier this year in May, when I rode up the M4 on my way to Wandsworth, which I remember as it was a topic of conversation with the lady at my destination. Smug mode engaged >the driver just isn't concentrating on the road infront of him. And THAT was what I meant by Hi-Viz not being relied upon. >I have been pissed off by everyother person on the road at one time or another. How often have you pissed another road user off? Anyone who says 'never' is either a liar or hasn't used the road since 1962! >it`s up to the hores rider to determin wheather or not it safe to pass And they make that assessment. Fact is, you can be trotting along a very quiet country road (just like the one I live on, actually), nice 50mph limit and all that, when suddenly a VFR800 comes SCREAMING round the corner at 130mph. You have nowhere to go, nowhere to tuck the horse into and certainly not enough time to do so anyway... This is the ONLY route you're allowed to take your horse down, yet somehow it's YOUR fault for being there? And yes this has happened, on the A4074- It was on a stretch known locally as the Thirteen Bends Of Death (Any guesses why? We're not an ironic town here in Reading). "Ride it like you stole it"? I love hearing that... "Ride it like you stole it" - So that'd be in a calm, law-abiding fashion that will NOT get you noticed by the Police, then? Heated argument? Have you SEEN some of my other threads? Man, I love going off on one, the more bizarre the better and a lot of it depends on my mood. Sometimes I really will kick off on the nob remarks ("so... I can't be arsed to Google - how fast does my bike go?"). Other times I'm a lovely, helpful chappie and will write pages on something if it helps someone. The aim is fun and entertainment, hence the pedantic banter and the best clue that I'm pissing about (or even just half-pissing about) is when I bring badgers and otters into the fun!
October 6, 201212 yr Big ass horse = if you didnt see it get off the road. want to ride at 104Mph = Get off the road. general rule of thumb in uk, is 100Mph + is a ban "non specified legth. but a ban" 99Mph or less is possibly a ban but you can argue out of it. makes me wonder what the pro 104Mph guys would say if it was a car coming at a Learner biker. Personally i dont like cyclists. no tax no mot no insurance and ther ride like idiots. But i have never seen a horse rider be anything other than careful and vigulant. you wont ever get a horse rider saying "sorry mate i didnt see you" or pulling out in to the road when your 10 feet way doing 40. Where i live if you tried to do 104Mph your going to end up in bad shape. thanx to the blind coreners and the hundred or so sheep walking all over the road. track days arent that expensive really
October 7, 201212 yr I cannot agree any more with that! What an absolute nob to ride like that passed a horse. I never think twice about having to slow down, in fact as another vulnerable road user, I have even more respect for horse riders & give as much room as humanly possible and go as slow as I can. sorry guys, but why kill his bike?
October 8, 201212 yr If 1 person bitches about 104 mph your to old for me to care... the guy was having fun.. why else buy a bike like that .. Life begins at 140 mph + Or why does Mclaren build a car that does 300 + street worhty.. ,,,, If you can`t have fun sometimes and pay the ticket if caught! OOOOO ps for thoes who care I am 45 and stil going strong at 175mph + When ever I can feel safe( just for politics) And looking at puting a turbo on my bandit to run into 300..and I dirt bash weekly. Park your walker and get on your bike and`` ride It like you stole it `` Sorry kev had to steal that one Been there done that so nothing to prove to myself or others, both my bikes are capable of 150+ fortunately i no longer behave like a dick head on the roads doing those speeds. Just for the record theres no chicken strips on my tyres, any one can do 175 in a straight line nothing clever in that.
October 8, 201212 yr Punishment. Punish the rider (if you must) not the bike, why punish an inanimate object? Maybe it could be sold and the proceeds go to NABD or some other charitable organisation?
October 9, 201212 yr As with many other things, destruction is cheaper and far easier. Plus, for most items, the sale option is actually prohibited for the Police. Certain things they can sell, hence Police auctions, but some of the best stuff (like certain weaponry) is off limits. Don't know the exact reasons, as certain ammunition can actually be given away (but not sold), but then the law is an ass - Arsehole cops are allowed to walk free, yet those who use riot shields as sledges and thus show a friendly, fun-loving human side to the Police get reprimanded... go figure!
October 9, 201212 yr yeah man, but i just hate the thought of a good bike being wrecked, for any reason. Don't they sell Drug Dealers cars etc?
October 9, 201212 yr Moderator yeah man, but i just hate the thought of a good bike being wrecked, for any reason. Don't they sell Drug Dealers cars etc? No boon, that would be money laundering
October 10, 201212 yr AHH Boon all thing must die sooner or later .......perferbably the horses first ..i am tired of the smell of sh*t Oh yes I did just say that 1 horse =1 hp ... 1 bike can make 300hp and you don't need a shovel to clean up after it.
October 10, 201212 yr The thing is, no-one or horse was killed, so why kill his bike? And btw, I slow down for horses but still like doin the magic ton+. It's a funny old world isn't it?
October 11, 201212 yr It is a shame to kill off nice bikes/cars etc but is is a form of punishment as well as a deterrent to others... I don't think anyone here necessarily has any issue with the biker doing 104+ mph (that's their choice/risk etc) it's more that they we're being inconsiderate towards the horse rider, with horses being unpredictable if spooked. Would the rider have done that passed a school? If riders want to do 104+mph then save it for somewhere appropriate eg a track, or at least keep in mind other road users, esp those more vulnerable. If he had been caught doing 104 down the motorway none of us would have heard about it.
October 15, 201212 yr i guess they wouldnt destroy the horse because of that owner's stupidity ... so your point about the bike not being to blame is a valid one.
October 16, 201212 yr High visibility clothing Section 4.4.3 - 4.4.10 http://www.rsa.ie/Documents/Road%20Safety/Motorcycles/National_Motorcycle_Action_Plan.pdf
October 17, 201212 yr i dont see why we should have to wear high vis, just because of some idiots that dont use there eyes.. You already have to ride about with your light on in broad daylight and to be honest if they dont see a motor bike with its lights on and a rider on the back of it.. What diference will high viz make? its like painting an elephant yellow so its easier for blind people to spot.. "but in reality blind people wont see the elephant no matter what you do to it" in my oppinion. if you cant see a motorcycle coming then you should not be on the road. and if you cant see a motorcycle coming. then puting high vis on the rider wont make any diference either. nothing short of a giant neon sign saying "LOOK HERE" With an arrow pointing at the rider would make them notice. and hell they probably wouldn't see you then either. i think the best thing to do would be force all learner drivers to pass the CBT and spend atleast 2 years riding arround on a bike before they get to own a car. and then see how many of them say "sorry mate i didnt see you"
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