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Yamaha YZF R1

North Yorkshire Police said Wilkinson was banned from driving for 70 days when he appeared at Selby Magistrates Court earlier this week.

He was also fined £360 and ordered to pay costs of £45 and a victim surcharge of £15.

"Got off light if you ask me!!!"


Full Story here: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/09/29/motorcyclist-fined-speeding-past-horse_n_1924984.html?utm_hp_ref=uk

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thank god it didnt end in injury, I'm also surprised the ban is so short for ton-up...always thought you could count on a year for that...seems I am mistaken in believing that eh?

it will never happen to you ,, /eh captain slow :hah:

and in all honesty the animal shouldn't be on the road without road sence anyway.

it's like dog owners not having control of their mutts.they should take messures too see they are safe in all situations.

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it will never happen to you ,, /eh captain slow :hah:

and in all honesty the animal shouldn't be on the road without road sence anyway.

it's like dog owners not having control of their mutts.they should take messures too see they are safe in all situations.

Nope...you should pass horses slowly Kev, anyone with any sense would know that!

His sentence will have all been decided by his circumstances i.e. if he needs his licence to earn a living, or take his ill wife to the hospital everday etc. There is a time and a place for it, he obviously judged it very wrong and took a gamble that didn't pay off.

Nope...you should pass horses slowly Kev, anyone with any sense would know that!

i , do, and i always give as much space as i would give a car, but my point is , not everybody is as conciderate.

i , do, and i always give as much space as i would give a car, but my point is , not everybody is as conciderate.

We used to always get the yokels who think its funny to lay on the horn or throw firecrackers to try to spook the horses. Nice guys. Never got passed by anyone going that fast though!

they should have a firecracker shoved up there arses.

Sorry but the horse days are gone,,if you look back in history the most poulting way of travel was horse shit. england,toronto and new york ect... ppl were almost whiped out from the desies spred form horse crap.Black plauge and so many other illness were because of horse popo.

Please don't get me wrong the guy should have given the space and ect....... but wtf r horses doing on the road in todays roads? The ppl who own horses and spend $$$$$$$ to care for them should think 2 x about riding them on the road ,,when clearly there was a grass field beside the road in the picture ???

Lets just say if you crashed you bike because of horse crap on the road,or got covered in it would you be happy? We have a large comunity of Mennoties in Ontario and they stay off the roads mostely. As should all horse owners.

To end anyone throwing fire crackers at horses needs thier head examened or as above mentioned shoved up where the sun don't shine.

You make some valid points DT502001... and it can be dangerous for shod horses on pavement... if you do more than walk. It's hard on them (shod or not) from what I understand. I lived in a tiny one stop light town growing up so there were plenty of horses around, but we didn't ride much on the roads. Amish country still has folks riding on the roads. Been a long time since I was there, but I doubt they've moved to cars. :biglaugha:

You WHAT??!!

OK, so by that same reasoning: What the fuck are bikers still doing on today's modern roads, then?

No seatbelts, no crash bars, no crumple zones, no weather protection, too vulnerable from any road condition that isn't 100% perfect... and always ridden by granny-bashing, baby-eating, devil-worshipping, speed-freak Power Ranger tossers who think the law doesn't apply to them...

Same for cyclists, delivery vans, BMWs, trucks and anything else that isn't whatever vehicle you happen to have at the time.

If you check your basic history, you'll find plague was spread by the fleas on the rats that lived in the towns and villages, where humans hardly ever bathed, let alone washed their hands after shitting. Horses had fuck-all to do with it.

Pedestrians and horses were here first. We're taking over many of their byways and turning them into roads, but their rights-of-way take precedence. Grass field? OK, good one - Tresspassing on what is likely private land, farmer cracks out his shotgun and bang. Good alternative. All those above should be redirected along similar routes, eh.

But hey, ignore the horses - What if you crash you bike because of mud on the road? Or general road dirt build-up? Diesel? Rain?

OK, so that's earth banned, other vehicles banned, weather banned and all sorts of insanity - just because a few dickheads are incapable of simply looking where they're going...

Sorry but the horse days are gone,,if you look back in history the most poulting way of travel was horse shit. england,toronto and new york ect... ppl were almost whiped out from the desies spred form horse crap.Black plauge and so many other illness were because of horse popo.

Please don't get me wrong the guy should have given the space and ect....... but wtf r horses doing on the road in todays roads? The ppl who own horses and spend $$$$$$$ to care for them should think 2 x about riding them on the road ,,when clearly there was a grass field beside the road in the picture ???

Lets just say if you crashed you bike because of horse crap on the road,or got covered in it would you be happy? We have a large comunity of Mennoties in Ontario and they stay off the roads mostely. As should all horse owners.

To end anyone throwing fire crackers at horses needs thier head examened or as above mentioned shoved up where the sun don't shine.

:biglaugha: i was waiting for you to chirp in, :biglaugha:

Sorry but the horse days are gone,,if you look back in history the most poulting way of travel was horse shit. england,toronto and new york ect... ppl were almost whiped out from the desies spred form horse crap.Black plauge and so many other illness were because of horse popo.

Please don't get me wrong the guy should have given the space and ect....... but wtf r horses doing on the road in todays roads? The ppl who own horses and spend $$$$$$$ to care for them should think 2 x about riding them on the road ,,when clearly there was a grass field beside the road in the picture ???

Lets just say if you crashed you bike because of horse crap on the road,or got covered in it would you be happy? We have a large comunity of Mennoties in Ontario and they stay off the roads mostely. As should all horse owners.

To end anyone throwing fire crackers at horses needs thier head examened or as above mentioned shoved up where the sun don't shine.

There have been a fair few occasions when I've disagreed profoundly with comments that other members written, but I've learned to live and let live a little.

On this occasion, I cannot.

DT502001, your first paragraph, is complete bollocks, as Task master has already pointed out. I guess European history never featured during your school years.

In the UK, horses are on our roads because they are entitled to be, and long may they continue to do so. I'm absolutely certain that the vast majority of them would rather ride off road most of the time, but land ownership prevents them from doing so. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "todays roads". In the UK, todays roads are the same roads as yesterday, the same roads as 10 years ago, and mostly the same roads as 100 years ago. Most horse riders do think twice before road riding, as they fear encountering absolute twats like the guy in the photo, or people like you who would restrict their freedom of movement simply because they chose an alternative method of transport or leisure. Grass field in the picture? Nope, that's the roadside verge, provided to give twats like the guy on the bike a softer landing.

Horse shit on the road? Yep, there is. Its easily visible, unlike diesel/oil etc. I've not heard of anyone coming a cropper after spilling it on horse shit.

I dont know if there are any horse riders here, but I can tell you, learning to ride a horse, learning to control it, teach it the skills that it needs to learn to adapt to the conditions that it will exposed to both on and off roads, etc etc, takes far more skills than will ever be required to ride a motorcycle. We should show these people respect, not contempt, they are far more skillful than we are.

In my view, the guy got off lucky, he should have had his licence removed for 3 years and his bike crushed.

Sorry Sacha, I don't think he made any valid points

In my view, the guy got off lucky, he should have had his licence removed for 3 years and his bike crushed.

I cannot agree any more with that!

What an absolute nob to ride like that passed a horse. I never think twice about having to slow down, in fact as another vulnerable road user, I have even more respect for horse riders & give as much room as humanly possible and go as slow as I can.

Bloke on bike is a nob, woman riding horse on a public road, needs a flouro yellow waistjacket. I reckon that about sums it up.

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Bloke on bike is a nob,

Agree with that

woman riding horse on a public road, needs a flouro yellow waistjacket.

and disagree with that, she doesnt 'need' to wear any such thing...any more than us bikers do...pleeeze save us from any more interfering legislation health and safety bollocks!!! she would have been easily visible on the sunny day it took place

Most bikes use lights in the daytime just to be seen by other road users, now seeing as horses dont have lights to put on in the daytime, I'd say a flouro yellow jacket would make a decent substitute, and bear in mind I said using a flouro waistjacket whilst on public roads, what they do off the main highway and bridle paths is of no concern to me.

Believe you me I come across a few horses with riders whilst living here in Devon, and remember we don't have ditches here but banked up Devon hedging, theres a potential horse rider on a road here after each sharp 90 degree bend, and nowhere to go except up the horses arse.

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Most bikes use lights in the daytime just to be seen by other road users, now seeing as horses dont have lights to put on in the daytime, I'd say a flouro yellow jacket would make a decent substitute, and bear in mind I said using a flouro waistjacket whilst on public roads, what they do off the main highway and bridle paths is of no concern to me.

Believe you me I come across a few horses with riders whilst living here in Devon, and remember we don't have ditches here but banked up Devon hedging, theres a potential horse rider on a road here after each sharp 90 degree bend, and nowhere to go except up the horses arse.

so to quote the police constable present

"The horse was clearly visible to him as he approached along the straight road. It was only because of the very good road sense of the animal that a serious incident was avoided.

"Wilkinson should think himself fortunate to have been facing a speeding charge and nothing more serious."

How would wearing a viz jacket of changed anything here?

When in Devon or anywhere else for that matter you ride at a speed thats appropriate, yes high hedges and narrow roads...you just ride accordingly like you do NEV there could be absolutely anything round the next bend, a parked car, tractor, cyclist...absoluletly anything, you just have to ride at such a speed you can survive and whose to say that youd see the viz jacket any sooner that the horses ass round that 90 degree bend?

so to quote the' police constable present'

Who would've been wearing a flouro yellow jacket/waistjacket to be visible, would have been noticed by car drivers bikers etc slowing them down, something they may not have done had the copper not been wearing one. I know I certainly do.

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